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Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to surpass Britain’s in a decade: Reports

Pakistan is increasing the stockpile of it's tactical nukes since IA had changed it's doctrine from full scale deployment to cold start, making tactical nukes is not as difficult as strategic nukes, so yes Pakistan can certainly cross the 225 mark in a decade.

Right, building nukes is the best thing, not just the build-up cost, but also the storage cost for complete lifetime of the weapon. And what is it with nos.?? As if 200+ will make any difference?? USSR at it's peak of 1988 had 18000+ nukes, but that couldn't stop it from disintegration did it. If i am not wrong, than Pakistan is spending $ 2 billion every year for building nukes, this is close to 1% of it's GDP when the economic conditions of Pakistan is not so good.

give these stupid suggestions to someone else. BTW the USSR to Russia is the credit of our ISI.
You are wrong, maintaining nukes is very expensive and I believe it will cost equivalent to half of your defence budget.

its funny u people with 3 times more defence budget is telling this to us:lol:
PAK need to establish a Nuclear triad possibly via VLS SLCM in conventional submarines. Technologically much simpler & less costly to maintain & operate than SLBMs in SSBNs. They should build strategic land based ICBMs with long term threat perception in mind. But in this case PAK most likely will increase no. of tactical nukes to counter possible war imposed on them by chankyans.
its funny u people with 3 times more defence budget is telling this to us:lol:

Our defence budget is not 3 times but more than 6-7 times of Pakistan while our economy is 9-10 times of Pakistan, still we have half the nukes compared to Pakistan. So I can tell you are wasting your money. :hitwall::rofl:
Oh really? Have you forgotten your surreptitious attacks on India? Have you forgotten or didn't you know of your failed grandiose plans to take Kashmir by force with Operations like Op Gibralter and Op Grand Slam? You guys had more egg on your faces in Kargil! But you just don't seem to get it.

It's not India but Pakistan who has used all their wily tactics to wrest Kashmir by hook or by crook since 1947, but have bitten the dust each time. Even your deep state-sponsored LeT, JeM etc who have been trying their darnedest to take Kashmir by force have eaten humble pie.

So enough of your yarns and denials. You need to put an end to your operational and policy failures as you've already become a laughing stock of the world, especially after Kargil.
Prove it first then talk.
If not then dont troll.

The most worrisome part of having more Pakistani nuclear arsenal is that when the Islamic terrorists gets hold of them they will create havoc in all over the world not only in Pakistan.
dont worry if they want to use them against u then we will gift them ourselves u dont need to worry.
I dont need any de facto or de jure thing here , sorry ... Any link from the official budget or any newspaper of Pakistan ? :azn:

Forgive him , mademoiselle :D ... That Taliban sympathizer doesn't even remotely understand the concept of deterrence nor that of short and long term effects of nuclear fallout ... They just think we need 10 or 20 k nuclear weapons when even the current arsenal is enough to take others down ... Most likely , a propaganda report by media to alarm its people ...

You know your overall defence spending is more than $9 billion but you still denying its not 4.5% of GDP "Hath kangan ko arsi kya padhe likhe ko farsi kya." :cheesy:
Our defence budget is not 3 times but more than 6-7 times of Pakistan while our economy is 9-10 times of Pakistan, still we have half the nukes compared to Pakistan. So I can tell you are wasting your money. :hitwall::rofl:
Yes because we have a enemy with 6-7times more Military budget and an economy of double of Pak's economy and size n population more then us so we do need more n more nukes to eradicate them when the time comes!!!!!!!!.

You know your overall defence spending is more than $9 billion but you still denying its not 4.5% of GDP "Hath kangan ko arsi kya padhe likhe ko farsi kya." :cheesy:


Prove it with facts n figures then talk outherwise buzz off.
Even in 1960 China's economy was huge plus inflation in last 50 years. Pakistan's defence budget is very small less than $6 billion, I don't think so. it will be very expensive for Pakistan to maintain this many nukes.

I think Pakistan will find some way, like it will bring other Muslim country under its Nuclear Umbrella treaty from where the money will come/
Yes because we have a enemy with 6-7times more Military budget and an economy of double of Pak's economy and size n population more then us so we do need more n more nukes to eradicate them when the time comes!!!!!!!!.


Jaise ki halwa khane jaisa aasan kaam hai. :hitwall::rofl:
Pakistan should overtake America and Russia should posess atleast 5000-10000 bombs and protect whole world from aliens.

we dont know about Aliens but we will certainly protect ouir homeland against u.

and we will make sure that yr dreams of Akhand Bharat remains just a Dream.
Eorl ⚔;3811559 said:
I think Pakistan will find some way, like it will bring other Muslim country under its Nuclear Umbrella treaty from where the money will come/

Like wise for $$$ they are killing fellow Muslims in Afghanistan....
Eorl ⚔;3811559 said:
I think Pakistan will find some way, like it will bring other Muslim country under its Nuclear Umbrella treaty from where the money will come/

All Arab states are egoistic, coming under Pakistan's defence umbrella would always be unacceptable to them.
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