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Pakistan’s mullahpoly: My way or the highway

Qadianies dont even make one percent of pakistan. what money are u talking about and it went through parliament.

if that is 1percent stil makes it 170K people .. and yes correct went through parliament pakistan idealogy was hijacked and we have bear the brunt .. people do realise why cant there be a consensus again. This is controversial just on this forum more than half oppose this draconian law
The same petro-dollars that fuel the mullahs can be used to bribe GOP officials to look the other way, yes? Too bad Pakistani prosecutors are appointed, not elected - that's generally how we get around this enforcement problem in the U.S., if the prosecutor isn't aggressive enough we voters can give him the boot.

agreed i am sure this is the case

Your despicable assessment of blaming everything on Mullahs is inaccurate and biased. You paint a broad brush as all Ulema being corrupt, however, that is far from the truth. There are many Ulema who have spoke against suicide bombings, who have done a lot of good in society and endorsed the necessary army operation in Swat.

The secular swine amongst us are the main problem!

Your despicable assessment of blaming everything on Mullahs is inaccurate and biased. You paint a broad brush as all Ulema being corrupt, however, that is far from the truth. There are many Ulema who have spoke against suicide bombings, who have done a lot of good in society and endorsed the necessary army operation in Swat.

The secular swine amongst us are the main problem!

yet to see massive demonstrations on streets if they oppose ... not sure if i have missed any ! can you post any events you might be aware of where i can see ""many ulema"" with thousands marching opposing this kafirana suicide blast they were preaching earlier ??
Religion is between you and God, it's what you think is right.
There is no need for any half-wit to come and tell you that you aren't a good enough muslim...........

and what if you are openly sinning? Like being drunk in public like that fool Musharaf? Or Zardari?
Its time for GOP to come up with a method as how to control these petro dollar Islamists mullah , there has to be a method to control ... i mean does any one bothers checking who these people are delivering firing cermons on Friday prayers ? what are their credentials ? are they qualified enough (any college education)? This whole system is un-accounted for its not only damaging Pakistan infact its damaging Islams image ...

Do you honestly think that the current GOP will even bother? Until we get a government that actually cares for Pakistan or people start realizing that these people are bad, this mullah problem will continue to plague us.
and what if you are openly sinning? Like being drunk in public like that fool Musharaf? Or Zardari?

than let the law of land deal with it , mullahs are not needed to dictate people how to live
and what if you are openly sinning? Like being drunk in public like that fool Musharaf? Or Zardari?

What's the difference between openly sinning and sinning private? It's better to be open about something then be a hypocrite about it.
What's the difference between openly sinning and sinning private? It's better to be open about something then be a hypocrite about it.
The Talmud says that one who sins openly is demonstrating to others that he is dishonoring G-d.
Do you honestly think that the current GOP will even bother? Until we get a government that actually cares for Pakistan or people start realizing that these people are bad, this mullah problem will continue to plague us.

its in the long term benefit of this nation , what we must also understand its too hot to handle ... not sure if you have noticed the threads where mullahs (all types) have threatened mayhem on streets as well as head money on accused , best is regulate these guys some how take control or keep listening to their demands for generations to come ... choice is ours
"They claim to be a brotherhood but if you talk to them separately they don’t spare a second to “prove” another sect “non-Muslim”.
simply divide and rule law
The Talmud says that one who sins openly is demonstrating to others that he is dishonoring G-d.

Either why sinning is sinning. Doesn't matter if you do it in the open or do in in private, its bad either way
yet to see massive demonstrations on streets if they oppose ... not sure if i have missed any ! can you post any events you might be aware of where i can see ""many ulema"" with thousands marching opposing this kafirana suicide blast they were preaching earlier ??

Your hatred for Ulema blinds you from the truth. I find it hard to believe that a person who lives in Pakistan does not know of any Ulema who have condemned suicide bombings.
All the Ulema of AhleSunnath wul Jummah (Sunni) have condemned suicide bombing. In fact, a very prominent Alim in Karachi, Hazrat Moulana Shah Turab ul Haq Qadri has spoke against suicide bombing just as many other Sunni Ulema have.
Moreover, go to his website, ahlesunnat.net
and ask him yourself.

Those who support suicide bombings are the Wahabi (Saudi funded) Mullahs. So when criticizing Mullahs, please make a distinction as your comments reek of an anti-Islamic secular agenda.
=Farooq;1374522]Your hatred for Ulema blinds you from the truth. I find it hard to believe that a person who lives in Pakistan does not know of any Ulema who have condemned suicide bombings.

its not that hard since you are aware , show me one who have arranged for protest against the sucide bombings ?? these guys using their fiery speeches and fatwas calls in thousand to protest if they (or their masters ) wish too , show me some thing (you tube or an article) which proves they have called in protesters in thousands against suicide bombings against civilians ??

All the Ulema of AhleSunnath wul Jummah (Sunni)

my aware member i find it even harder to beleive that you are giving reference of Sipa sahaba terrorists do you know that above is a banned organisation ? as thy killed many pakistanis they are out there to spread sectarian hatred .

Those who support suicide bombings are the Wahabi (Saudi funded) Mullahs. So when criticizing Mullahs, please make a distinction as your comments reek of an anti-Islamic secular agenda.

here we go , you are jumping to the last resort of labeling one as anti Islamic ..... dude your friends above above are the same wahabi / takfiris , they are out their ruining Islams image , sorry but you seem very un aware !
There's no such word as "mullah". It is "mulla".
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