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Pakistan-Russia Strategic Alliance Nightmare for U.S

Who will be the king "sleeping" with this queen? China, India?

On a serious note, this essay belongs to cold war era. Russia doesn't want access to Indian ocean via Afghanistan. Not anymore.

With new gas and oil lines to EU, Russia wants to shut any chances of such lines ever go through *******.

peace to you.

Well, again u couldbe the geniuos!
If u got any eyes & ears & something called brains? Check my link which has posted in my post, & the date of publication of this article, its not old!
Gwadar port with its huge importance, is the key.
Hope u can read the article,its in english nt n russian to get to the point, how russia sees it!
U can think whtever u want bt, facts are facts & u can't change them with ur likes or dislikes!
Read my sign!
Rise & rise again .....
Until lambs become lions....
Best peace is NO PEACE!
I just dont understand one thing!

Do Indians own Russia? I mean look at the world map and see how huge Russia is and compare that to India. Russia has a legacy of being an empire and a country that has jealously guarded their independence.

India doesn't own russia, but has been a trusted ally for years.

And the Indians! They have been slaves for centuries. Slaves of Muslims invaders and then British. There is just no comparison at all. Even if Russia cancels all deals with India, it will do nothing to Russia but will affect India big time.

And compare this to India. India has been a door mat for invaders and foreign ideologies. It has no originality and it has never brought forward any original ideas. 50% of the world poor live in India. Yet it believes it owns Russia. Such arrogance with no legs to stand on.

In this context, the entire subcontinent was subjected to barbaric invaders including pakistan, Understandable that we were colonized in yesteryear, but how do you explain pakistan's still towing the line of washington after 65 yrs of independence. There is no arrogance, some indian members here get emotional and blurt out things, but the amount of support India gets from russia rival twice the amount pakistan get from Us-china combined.

You can research yourself about Indo-russian relations, you will see there is a lot to it than few defence deals, we have ties in nearly every sector, like Energy, space exploration, science and tech, maritime research, bio-technology, culture, literature, agriculture, transportation and Infrastructural development.

We have no problems in russia developing coordial relations with pakistan, pakistan is a major country in the region, and it must have good relations with russia. In similar context even though pakistan is the major strategic ally of china, we stil have good trade relations with china, as a matter of fact, we are one of the biggest trading partners of china, so I dont see why pakistan and russia cant have good mutual relations.

The problem arises when, pakistani members (and writers alike with such op ed's) make predictions like, russia will abandon India in favor of pakistan, which defeats common sense, hence draws flak from indian members here.
Russia is still world's 6th largest economy. On the top of that it packs a military muscle at par with US (especially when you compare the non-conventional weapons) with state of the art indigenous technologies. Russia has huge reserves of petroleum and natural gas, there is prospect of finding more when the ice melts on the North poles. Russia is one of the biggest suppliers of Natural gas to European Union - some pipelines are built, some are still pipe dreams.

Europeans are weary of their dependence on Russian gas.

Americans still see Russia as a threat to it's global domination, esp. since the Russo-Chinese relationships warmed up. The recent hobnobing of Russia with Pakistan is, in fact, due to the persuasion of China.

Europeans want an alternative energy supplier - Iran has world's second largest natural gas reserves & oil. Iranian and Iraqi Oil and petroleum products could be transported to Europe using Syria as a regional oil transit hub. If Europeans get access to that oil & gas, Russia's grip on EU will be weakened. Hence, the civil war in Syria.

Syria also serves as a supply line of arms from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon; which is the biggest threat to Israel in case of an attack on Iran. Once Syrian regime is toppled and a 'friendly' regime installed. It will be the end of Hezbollah. The US/Israel will be more confident to attack Iran and install a 'friendly' regime there. Then, all the gas/oil will flow where they want and there will be rewarding contracts to re-build what they would have destroyed in the first place.

Russia will turn out to be a loser in such scenario; not only will it lose it's gas customers, it will lose it's strategic allies and weaponry buyers. So, Russia will do it's best to preserve the current status quo, if it can not improve on that.

Wooing Pakistan at this moment when the regional strategic interests of both countries are convergent is the need of the hour. Building and operating Oil/Gas pipelines in this region can turn out to be quite rewarding for both nations.
India doesn't own russia, but has been a trusted ally for years.

In this context, the entire subcontinent was subjected to barbaric invaders including pakistan, Understandable that we were colonized in yesteryear, but how do you explain pakistan's still towing the line of washington after 65 yrs of independence. There is no arrogance, some indian members here get emotional and blurt out things, but the amount of support India gets from russia rival twice the amount pakistan get from Us-china combined.

You can research yourself about Indo-russian relations, you will see there is a lot to it than few defence deals, we have ties in nearly every sector, like Energy, space exploration, science and tech, maritime research, bio-technology, culture, literature, agriculture, transportation and Infrastructural development.

We have no problems in russia developing coordial relations with pakistan, pakistan is a major country in the region, and it must have good relations with russia. In similar context even though pakistan is the major strategic ally of china, we stil have good trade relations with china, as a matter of fact, we are one of the biggest trading partners of china, so I dont see why pakistan and russia cant have good mutual relations.

The problem arises when, pakistani members (and writers alike with such op ed's) make predictions like, russia will abandon India in favor of pakistan, which defeats common sense, hence draws flak from indian members here.
Only thing which reminds me of russian - indian friendship now adays are flying cofins(mig-21z) which IAF still is affraid of to fly!
Anyway I couldn't belive that, Pak-Russia alliance seems a true nightmare for indians , surly!
Only thing which reminds me of russian - indian friendship now adays are flying cofins(mig-21z) which IAF still is affraid of to fly!

I sure have much more to remember. They prevented the US 7th Fleet from destroying us back in 1971, we are the country that finances 35% of FGFA, and HAL is making 25% of the aircraft (not Pakistan by the way), we were the first country to use the fastest cruise missile weren't we?
While we are fantacising, what about the US Russian alliance to control the region?
EzioAltaïr;3484591 said:
I sure have much more to remember. They prevented the US 7th Fleet from destroying us back in 1971, we are the country that finances 35% of FGFA, and HAL is making 25% of the aircraft (not Pakistan by the way), we were the first country to use the fastest cruise missile weren't we?

1971 hum old story!but this time sure no more india friend cause its pak- ATOM-bomb, waiting....
We are making 75% of JF17z right now & cruise missile babur 100% made by pakistan ???
You still need to buy them both, from russia ?

While we are fantacising, what about the US Russian alliance to control the region?

Russia & china jst vetoed US on sirya, also nothing is accepted on Iran & in future afghanistan!
EzioAltaïr;3484602 said:
:P Your ignorance scares me.
So be scared my dear, tiranga boy!
I know its the real fear, which made u to be so scared & its the fear of pakistan-russian strategic alliance?
1971 hum old story!but this time sure no more india friend cause its pak- ATOM-bomb, waiting....


Back then, it was the threat of war with US, which had way more nukes, and ICBMs then either of India or Pakistan have now.
We are making 75% of JF17z right now & cruise missile babur 100% made by pakistan ???
You still need to buy them both, from russia ?

JF-17 was made in China, tested in China, sold to Pakistan, and then license manufactured in Pakistan. Please stay on topic.

We don't buy BrahMos from Russia genius. Everything except the engine is Indian, and they have repeatedly tested new systems to replace the old Russian ones.

So be scared my dear, tiranga boy!
I know its the real fear, which made u to be so scared & its the fear of pakistan-russian strategic alliance?


It's fear that the number of sensible guys in the world, is far lesser than the number of irrational trolls.
EzioAltaïr;3484625 said:

Back then, it was the threat of war with US, which had way more nukes, and ICBMs then either of India or Pakistan have now.

JF-17 was made in China, tested in China, sold to Pakistan, and then license manufactured in Pakistan. Please stay on topic.

We don't buy BrahMos from Russia genius. Everything except the engine is Indian, and they have repeatedly tested new systems to replace the old Russian ones.


It's fear that the number of sensible guys in the world, is far lesser than the number of irrational trolls.

Thanks for at last giving urself a sensible name “THE IRRATIONAL TROLL”
Evn buyed from brasil,still u don't manufacture it!
JF-17 is being made in pakistan now, thts the focus with our fast growing strategic relationship with russia , we are eyeing more, & india will stand alone with all the money cause no one trust india any more!
Thanks for at last giving urself a sensible name “THE IRRATIONAL TROLL”
Evn buyed from brasil,still u don't manufacture it!

:lol:, what did we.... *ahem* buyed from brasil?
JF-17 is being made in pakistan now, thts the focus with our fast growing strategic relationship with russia , we are eyeing more, & india will stand alone with all the money cause no one trust india any more!

But it still is a half Chinese plane right? Chinese radar, Russian engine, Chinese airframe, Chinese programming, Chinese, US and Brazilian missiles, etc. What's Pakistani in it?
EzioAltaïr;3484625 said:

JF-17 was made in China, tested in China, sold to Pakistan, and then license manufactured in Pakistan. Please stay on topic.

I have my uncle in Air Force, who was part of design team for JF-17 back in late eighties. So I can vouch that it was designed in Pakistan of course with Chinese collaboration. The first time I saw its initial sketch was way back in 1988.

When you Indians dont have knowledge, then please dont speak.
I have my uncle in Air Force, who was part of design team for JF-17 back in late eighties. So I can vouch that it was designed in Pakistan of course with Chinese collaboration. The first time I saw its initial sketch was way back in 1988.

When you Indians dont have knowledge, then please dont speak.

Look here, the engine is Russian, the radar is Chinese, the programming was done in China, the missiles are all foreign, Chinese avionics. Tell me what is Pakistani in it? I'm not trolling here, I'm asking a serious question. What part of the plane is Pakistani?

It is as Pakistani as the Su-30MKI is Indian.
Indians think they control the Russian bear.

Wow!! Fantasies cant be more fantastic than this.

And what makes you think that Russians wont get a 5th gen fighter if you pull out? Were all Russian weapons made with Indian investment?
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