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Pakistan, Russia agree to boost defence cooperation

Whatever we say now is nothing more than Speculating, even if Russia decides to go Pakistan's way against Indian interest is not going to happen in the near future. Pakistan has just shook hands and there is a long, long way ahead before Russia can gain confidence to supply high end def tech.

America sells its top of the line weapons to KSA

despite being protector of Israel

what does it tell you?

nothing.. its pure business. Indian members dont have to spell out how much deep they are in with Russia. its a known fact and no one is contesting it
cold war and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan didnt allow Pakistan to be close to Russia but that time is gone

@Indian posters
and by the way, these ties would be as strong or as good as Indian ties with say Saudi Arabia or Jordan etc. so no need to panic and troll
Yea they are tired of indis :rofl:

35 billion dollar PAKFA project
CHoppers,Subs and mor than 4 billion dollar investment in india telecom market and modernisation of the fleet of su-30's in billions...
and lot more..

and they are fed up of this :rofl:

bring smthing else

give it a rest mate

you are having fits now. you made your point already so quit it
Realistically speaking what platforms would Pakistan be interested in except SAM defense? I doubt they would go for any Russian aircraft because India has probably evaluated every Russian aircraft being as to how close they are to the Russians.
Realistically speaking what platforms would Pakistan be interested in except SAM defense? I doubt they would go for any Russian aircraft because India has probably evaluated every Russian aircraft being as to how close they are to the Russians.

Its not about what Pakistan would like to buy from Russia, its all about what Russia would like to sell to Pakistan.

Big difference.

Hai Rama Rama ho.

Don't worry Indians, the Russians are still your best friends.

Now let's just hope they sell Pakistan some SAMs. :enjoy:
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Its not about what Pakistan would like to buy from Russia, its all about what Russia would like to sell to Pakistan.

Big difference.

no difference

their "like" has to merge otherwise there is no sell.
Okay!!! so great step by AirChief to start air defence cooporation with Russia...Its the need of the hour to boost defence relationship between the two countries to the new levels......:smokin:

Hai Rama Rama ho.

Don't worry Indians, the Russians are still your best friends.

Now let's just hope they sell Pakistan some SAMs. :enjoy:

I would prefer something that can be used against the TTP and BLA
their gunships and armoured vehicles
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no difference

their "like" has to merge otherwise there is no sell.

Ofcourse and there will be no SALE in this case.

Even if a sale happens, certainly wont be a potent system, maybe some non-combat helicopters or something like that will be sold.
Its not about what Pakistan would like to buy from Russia, its all about what Russia would like to sell to Pakistan.

Big difference.

If Pakistan doesn't like anything they are selling there will be no sales. The Russians will put forward something they believe Pakistan will want that is simple business. :coffee:
Ofcourse and there will be no SALE in this case.

Even if a sale happens, certainly wont be a potent system, maybe some non-combat helicopters or something like that will be sold.

You keep telling yourself that, Russian value their business do not assume they will not sell Pakistan platforms that Pakistan asks for. All they really need is to agree on a price. :smokin:
Ofcourse and there will be no SALE in this case.

Even if a sale happens, certainly wont be a potent system, maybe some non-combat helicopters or something like that will be sold.

certainly it will be non combat system but it will be potent, upgraded RD-93 and MI-17 helicopters.
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