India thinks its smart. Their only agenda is to be anti-Pakistan. Like always, when it comes to Afghanistan, India is on the wrong side of the history. Its mandarins must think why it is always betting on the losing side!
Sorry to hving a different view on the subject!
My friend, india hve the bigger problems with their civil-militry berucrcy which is dictating the militry doctrine of india, mostly its their political leadership deciding militry deals to get kick backs & underground commisions.
As it was proven truly by a Indain army chief , who had been forced to retirement , just because he , right fully tried to indicate the indian PM of , real situation of the readyness of the indian militry at any given time!
& the existing poor & croupt method adopted by the political laedership to become rich, & its not the frist time its happening there?
Pakistan luckly , is much more dependent on its militry establishment, which is totaly responsible for its militry doctrine & its militry deals, in other words political interference in militry matters are nearly 2% , thn india ?
Thts why our most militry deals always has future & scope.
If india change its, stratgy to let its militry decided itself , wht to buy & create checks & balances over its militry purchases surly , it can become a real threat to many superpowers .
250+ flying cofins are the major blow to its IAF , for example even if they got , israeli upgrads!
But no one in india , can point a finger on these issues?
I think , russia needs pakistan to create a coridor of uncertainty for US & its allies in ME , by regestring russian stratgical intersts with its own national intersts & its happening now, mark grossmen went empty handed yesterday from islamabad , all his demands went for nothing , & thus we are heading towards a natural strategical partnership with russia & iran & china.
I think, we can achive a lot , with a lot of immediate effects , even in afghanistan.
Pakistan needs a protection of its own, right now with all its efforts & all the hard work we had done togther, we really have failed to build any trust with our alles like USA , its time now to check others around.
Hopefully, it will be a bigger deal thn getting some jet engines & helis , cause its a lot more on stake for both russia & pakistan?