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Pakistan, Russia agree to boost defence cooperation

Too early to arrive on any conclusion.......I don't think Russia will allign with China like you think....Don't forget Russia still think itself as Super power and it will feel threaten due China rise.....their much more in the story then you or me can even think off.....
Wrong thinking buddy, its the common interts, which will going to prove a binding force behind that, partnrship which is growing with, more nations joining the party?

From russia with love, for ur eyes only!

Pakistan can make Russia Queen of Asia

The relations between the U.S. and Pakistan, despite the numerous attempts to revive them, are falling apart. Therefore, establishing close cooperation with Pakistan will give Russia a real chance to gain a foothold in Central and South Asia. In addition, Russia will be able to access the Indian Ocean, and make the U.S. troops in Afghanistan directly dependent on its logistics.

The constant and rude attempts of the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of a nuclear power raise overt anger in this country at all levels. An opinion poll conducted by Pew Research Center (USA) in the beginning of this year showed that 74 percent of Pakistanis view the U.S. as an "enemy." Not that long ago, the whole country was discussing the scandal connected with the resignation of the Pakistani ambassador to the United States. Husain Haqqani wrote a secret letter, in which he asked for help in preventing a military coup, which was allegedly plotted in Pakistan, and promised certain concessions in return.

But even this pro-American official said last week that the goals and priorities of the two countries would not be the same in near future. That is why, he said, the USA and Pakistan should give up their attempts to build a partnership and pay attention to their own interests instead. "If in 65 years we haven't been able to find sufficient common reasons to live together ... It may be better to find friendship outside the family ties," Haqqani told Reuters.
The brazen drone bombings of the Pakistani territory, the uncoordinated military operation to destroy Osama bin Laden, the accusations of supplying materials for Iran's nuclear program have prompted Pakistan to seek cooperation with Russia. A special envoy of the President of Russia visited Pakistan in May 2012. Putin himself accepted the invitation to come to Pakistan for a bilateral meeting in Islamabad, prior to the IV quadrilateral meeting on Afghanistan. The meeting is to be held in Islamabad on 26-27 September 2012 with the participation of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Russia. A new strategic partnership is brewing in the region.

Pakistan was one of three countries that officially recognized the power of Taliban movement in Afghanistan. There is no logic in the decision of the USA to make Pakistan its ally after 9/11. Indeed, Afghanistan and Pakistan are two brotherly nations. Ten billion dollars that the States invested in Pakistan's economy during ten years are not enough to make the country "sell and destroy itself," as Minister of Science and Technology Azam Khan Swati said.

In case of partnership with Pakistan, Russia could take control of the logistics of the U.S. military bases in Afghanistan. Russia already controls the Northern Distribution Network in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan that border on Afghanistan. If we add the southern routes from Karachi to Chaman and Torkham, then all deliveries will have to be coordinated through the Russian-Pakistani alliance.

If this scenario becomes reality, Russia will obtain enormous leverage over the United States. In one fell swoop, it will remove the Mideastern loop, which can not be tightened today just because of Iran. What is more, Russia will receive access to the Indian Ocean through the Arabian Sea and the ports of Gwadar or Karachi and then to the Strait of Hormuz, bypassing the alliance with Iran, which is not beneficial for Russia now.

In addition, Pakistan has been an observer at the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization - a regional international organization, founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) since 2005. One could go further on the geopolitical level, and make the country a permanent member of the SCO. Given that Afghanistan, India and Iran also look for partnerships in the bloc, one should welcome them as members too. The U.S. would thus face a dilemma: either give away South Asia for the SCO (to Russia and China that is) or try to retain the region at all costs.

With Pakistan's help, Russia would be able to control terrorist activities in Central Asia. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) is the largest Islamist political organization in Central Asia. It is present in Afghanistan on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistan border, and Pakistan's role could be crucial in the fight against this menace.

The Commander of Pakistan Air Force, Air Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, visited Russia in August. He told Thenews.com.pk portal that "it was a great visit with a positive result, and we can expect closer cooperation with Russia in the field of defense, particularly air defense." According to experts, Pakistan is interested in buying Mi-35 attack helicopters, Mi-17 transport helicopters, engines for JF-17 program, missile defense systems, submarines and so on.

Russia made another thoughtful decision as it offered Pakistan help in solving the country's energy crisis. Gazprom is ready to invest in Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline, rather than in the risky TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India), which has the support of the United States. In addition, Russia's Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Factory (MMK), with 75 percent of shares, will help expand the capabilities of Pakistan Steel Mills from 1 million to 3 million tons of production a year. Pakistan, in turn, can provide access to mineral resources in Balochistan and the Thar coal deposit.

It is important to remember that Pakistan sits on the crossroads of east to west and north to south trade corridors, including the new Silk Road Project in South Asia, which the Americans cherish. Russia needs to firmly define its economic priorities and defend them strongly. If the resources are not needed, then one should keep the *transportation routes of those resources under control. A mega breakthrough is possible in the future: the "Persian Gulf - Bering Strait" railroad. The road will cross the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Turksib and the Trans-Asian Railway from China to Europe. *

Lyuba Lulko


Read the original in Russian*

Print version
Don't you strat crying if the things aren't working in your favour?
Boosting trade: Russian delegation reaches Islamabad

ISLAMABAD: The largest-ever ministerial delegation from Russia flew into Pakistan on Sunday to study prospects of improving trade ties between the two countries ahead of a trip by President Vladimir Putin.
The warming up between the former bitter rivals of the Cold War-era indicates new alignments in the world’s most strategic region.
The 30-member Russian delegation will attend a meeting of the joint inter-governmental commission, which is scheduled to open on Monday morning.
In recent years, Pakistan and Russia have decided to bury their Cold War differences and open a new chapter in their frosty relationship. Accordingly, the two countries have planned high-level exchanges.
President Vladimir Putin will visit Pakistan this October at the invitation of his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari. And ahead of his trip, Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani is scheduled to visit Moscow this month.
About the visit of Russia’s ministerial delegation and Gen Kayani’s planned trip, an official from the Foreign Office told The Express Tribune that these were part of preparations for President Putin’s tour.
In its meetings with Pakistani officials, the Russian delegation will study the possibility of improving cooperation between the two countries in the fields of energy, trade, defence and technology.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 10th, 2012.

Are losing their defense markets especially INDIA its historical bank roller. India now firmly entrenched with France Israel lately USA....

PAKISTAN struggling to afford western weapons huge prices 7 face constant sanctions from USA SINCE 9/11. Desperately need alternative to china SO russia makes good sense

I THINK A NICE NEW MARRIAGE russia & pakistan

Are losing their defense markets especially INDIA its historical bank roller. India now firmly entrenched with France Israel lately USA....

PAKISTAN struggling to afford western weapons huge prices 7 face constant sanctions from USA SINCE 9/11. Desperately need alternative to china SO russia makes good sense

I THINK A NICE NEW MARRIAGE russia & pakistan

Russians are not only breathing with your defence purchases. They have huge energy resources.
Their GDP VIRTUALLY the same as india,s ie around $1,7 to 1.8 trillion each.

INDIA is paying 50% of the development cost of FGFA

WHEN INDIA pulled the plug on the mig35 on mmrca race in favour of rafale or typhoon the RUSSIAN MIG compamy closed the whole mig company as a seperate entity and aligned with sukhoi...

YES india did have enormous clout in russian arms industry

NOW its diminishing fast AND russia needs new markets LIKE IRAN & PAKISTAN and AFRICAN STATES,...

Good luk with spiralling costs as INDIA found out with GORSKHOV and lack of spares for engines on fighters

Are losing their defense markets especially INDIA its historical bank roller. India now firmly entrenched with France Israel lately USA....

PAKISTAN struggling to afford western weapons huge prices 7 face constant sanctions from USA SINCE 9/11. Desperately need alternative to china SO russia makes good sense

I THINK A NICE NEW MARRIAGE russia & pakistan
This is all i got for you.
Their GDP VIRTUALLY the same as india,s ie around $1,7 to 1.8 trillion each.
Good luk with spiralling costs as INDIA found out with GORSKHOV and lack of spares for engines on fighters

Right. AND they want to raise the GDP above India's. I think that's the goal behind becoming a strategic partner with Pakistan.

Next issue, you are underestimating the Pakistani military leadership here. They won't buy anything with spiraling costs associated to. I think the Pakistanis have a very specific agenda and it's a smart move. Buy Russia's capable SAM's, Choppers, AAM's, and certain parts for the Jets and may be future design (just design) and engines for jets. The rest, they'll do with China as Pakistan wants to run their own development line. If you went crazy and started to talk air craft carrier and the subs...DEFINITELY there will be a ton of money wasted. For those systems, you go to the US as the US is still the master in producing military equipment, specially at that level.
Their GDP VIRTUALLY the same as india,s ie around $1,7 to 1.8 trillion each.

INDIA is paying 50% of the development cost of FGFA

WHEN INDIA pulled the plug on the mig35 on mmrca race in favour of rafale or typhoon the RUSSIAN MIG compamy closed the whole mig company as a seperate entity and aligned with sukhoi...

YES india did have enormous clout in russian arms industry

NOW its diminishing fast AND russia needs new markets LIKE IRAN & PAKISTAN and AFRICAN STATES,...

Good luk with spiralling costs as INDIA found out with GORSKHOV and lack of spares for engines on fighters

The thing is India can't black mail Russia with arms purchase because you need them more than they need you. Indian even buying faulty machines on very high rates. :D
Pakistan and Russia are more worried about Afghan future after NATO/US pull out instead of arms purchase. Security of region, economy and investment in energy sector is priority of both countries.
The thing is India can't black mail Russia with arms purchase because you need them more than they need you. Indian even buying faulty machines on very high rates. :D
Pakistan and Russia are more worried about Afghan future after NATO/US pull out instead of arms purchase. Security of region, economy and investment in energy sector is priority of both countries.

Dream on chap, dream on. Russia can have any relationship with you chaps but you would be foolish to imagine that India would not be able to influence any arms supply. Russia cannot get a buyer of India's size anywhere else (since China is not considered a "reliable customer" by the Russians) you are but a speck of sand on that score. Complete a major arms deal & we will talk. All other statements are just that, statements & mean nothing more.
Now wait for an official indian diplomatic tantrum...
Are Indians stupid? :P The Russians are the biggest banyas this side of the Suez. Let's see how much defence equipment/weapons platforms you guys can afford seeing that your economy is not much to write home about!

And getting spares from the Russians is not the easiest of tasks. Remember, all that glitters is not gold! Nuff said!
Dream on chap, dream on. Russia can have any relationship with you chaps but you would be foolish to imagine that India would not be able to influence any arms supply. Russia cannot get a buyer of India's size anywhere else (since China is not considered a "reliable customer" by the Russians) you are but a speck of sand on that score. Complete a major arms deal & we will talk. All other statements are just that, statements & mean nothing more.
you mean that india marriage with russia for life time.....this is globe dear....things are changed...once upon time there was a barlin wall who divided east and west germany now can u show me that wall on paper ??? why US trying to influance in india?? think think think ???? wakeup from the dreams and try to face reality
Russians can boost pasktian defense capability and i say go for good long time relations with Russians
Dream on chap, dream on. Russia can have any relationship with you chaps but you would be foolish to imagine that India would not be able to influence any arms supply. Russia cannot get a buyer of India's size anywhere else (since China is not considered a "reliable customer" by the Russians) you are but a speck of sand on that score. Complete a major arms deal & we will talk. All other statements are just that, statements & mean nothing more.
Bang Galore, Can india equally trust on any other nation as it trust Russia as a "trustworthy suppliers"? No doubt ! you have limited influence on them as a reliable costumer, but Russia would likely response and prefer their own strategic interests on indian likes and dislikes. and as orangzaib had said in his post that
Pakistanis have a very specific agenda
and so as Russia. Even smarter diplomacy cannot hold others to do better for their national interests.
you mean that india marriage with russia for life time.....this is globe dear....things are changed...once upon time there was a barlin wall who divided east and west germany now can u show me that wall on paper ??? why US trying to influance in india?? think think think ???? wakeup from the dreams and try to face reality

True, the world has changed but if you have been paying any attention, India's position has become stronger, not weaker. It is not about friendships, India's ability to influence arms sales to Pakistan is quite large. You simply cannot rustle up the money for the Russians to take that risk.

Bang Galore, Can india equally trust on any other nation as it trust Russia as a "trustworthy suppliers"? No doubt ! you have limited influence on them as a reliable costumer, but Russia would likely response and prefer their own strategic interests on indian likes and dislikes. and as orangzaib had said in his post that and so as Russia. Even smarter diplomacy cannot hold others to do better for their national interests.

Actually India does trust Israel almost as much, if not more. It is not about holding any other country hostage, it's simply about the economics. Russia would have simply found it very tough to finance a fifth generation fighter if the only customers were the Russian air force. India is planning on buying some 200-300 of the fighters, even more than the Russians themselves thereby hammering down the costs involved. You guys simply don't have the economy to do that regardless of whatever strategic position you think you have, which actually for Russia is irrelevant because of their ties with Iran. You are simply a country which cannot account for anything on your own. What do you bring to the table that should make the Russians take risks losing an economic & military partner much, much bigger than you? No rationale exists & you chaps are simply jumping the gun hoping for chickens when the eggs haven't been laid yet.
Dont be stupid AND BLIND people

India has just signed on the dotted LINE for $10 billion worth of AMERICAN m,ilitary hardware C17 globemasters. C130J & P8 posedion martime planes . the best that america can offer is avaiable india including F18 SUPER HORNETS & F35 lightening

The russians need INDIA and indian billions to BANK ROLL the FGFA fighter project... THATS A FACT


but but but

INDIA is now shopping with ISRAEL & FRANCE & USA and in many cases is DEMANDING TOT and other gurantees

Some thing that delights me is the VERY HITECH sophisticated weapons like rafale C17 globemasters and israeli supplied radars is giving indias technology that RUSSIA cannot supply.

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