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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

They did in twice in 2 weeks and than got exposed..:lol:


Surgical chutiyapa-- hearing since 2008.
Damage control to save face domestically as they wonder what to do after official declaration of strike.
Or, it could be Modi trying to save face, considering how much he has had to keep backing off from his war rhetoric. This was nothing more than unprovoked firing across the border, using artillery. All India managed to do was martyr 2 Pakistani soldiers, and injure 9 others.

Need I remind you, India claimed the same thing just a week ago, and that also turned out to be a huge lie.
Another pathetic attempt by Indian media, just like when they claimed that 20 militants have been killed, their military denied it later.
Pakistan carried out counter surgical strikes in India. 15 soldiers killed.

India denies - Ofcourse they are going to. Can't tell their public about their humiliation.


This is how it works with gullible and idiot Indian public.

Typical Indian IQ when i comes to media

Damage control to save face domestically as they wonder what to do after official declaration of strike.

First make up your mind mate, even the Indian media isn't sticking to one story...

Secondly, you want me to believe that when the Northern Airspace is closed, and our AWACS are airborne for almost all the day during the largest PAF exercise in recent times utilizing all assets, the Indians dropped some chaps through a heli and conducted a 4 hour op and killed 38 terrorists?

Enjoy your daily dose of paranoia fueled mirch masala
Strange that a country makes false claim of a surgical strike against Pakistan and it's own stock exchange takes a dip of 405 points.

Source =Ground Reality Twitter

hahahahha hahaha hahhaa...this is Hilarious....such media chest thumping will end up in economic disaster for India!
And seriously shake up investor confidence...
Prove the surgical strike drama then too, release some videos and movement of your jets tracked via GPS that they indeed conducted strikes inside Pakistan.
India giving it at DGMo level

Your foreign minister given causalities of 2 soilder's and 9 injured of Army but

They will never accept non mujhahid just like Kargil
That's called a Bluff... Do you think given the condition Paksitan.. you guys would start a all out war with India??? Never
WHY Don't you call our bluff then but first stop taking drugs they may be giving you false information about our readiness and happiness to kill Indians
Well all you need to do is just click some dots.... Pakistani media reported it that firing started at 2:30 am , and as DGMO said the strikes carried out after 12am. And most importantly the frantic call to MEA and NSA from USA ;)

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