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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

If Pakistan retaliates. There was Indian surgical strike.
If it does not, there was no Indian surgical strike.

Crux of the matter.
Btw, if you get a report that tomorrow 100+ Indian soldiers are killed from cross border raids by Pakistan will you believe it?

That is why it's useless to trust sources from either India or Pakistan given that both countries are, for the moment, in a frenzy. I rather read the BBC, at least they are sober about it.

My Indian friends, you guys, here and everywhere else on internet, are arguing to prove that surgical strikes actually DID happen. Now take a deep breath and ask a question from yourselves, if your so called surgical strike was so striking and you dispatched the terrorists to hell without a doubt, then why would you need to argue and prove that?

It could be called anything but successful surgical strikes!!
I am sorry, but my English is not up to it.What do you mean by that? I criticised somebody who is a member of PDF, you bring in some rascal who said something somewhere, and there is a connection? Or is there not a connection? What reaction? Should any gentleman have said anything even slightly different?

Dear, going through your post so far, you seems to be a nice Indian, but you prime minister is more than that what I referred in my previous post for which you have given me a negative rating.May be the guardian post will help you to reverse this/your views.
Let's look at the carnage of 2002 first. On 27 February that year, a train coach carrying Hindu pilgrims caught fire in Godhra station in Gujarat. Fifty-eight people died. Within hours and without a shred of evidence, Modi declared that the Pakistani secret services had been to blame; he then had the charred bodies paraded in the main city of Ahmedabad; and let his own party support a state-wide strike for three days. What followed was mass bloodshed: 1,000 dead on official estimates, more than 2,000 by independent tallies. The vast majority of those who died were Muslim. Mobs of men dragged women and young girls out of their homes and raped them. In 2007, the investigative magazine Tehelka recorded boasts from some of the ringleaders. One, Babu Bajrangi, boasted of how he slit open the womb of a pregnant woman.

It is helpful if we communicate clearly with each other, even on difficult matters.
Indian's deserve what they get if they are willing to believe this much senseless propaganda

U threatened us by saying nuking us,now our military announced that we had carried out strike deep inside pak occupied Kashmir. Even our political/administives informed pak govt officially about the strike.
Yet u and ur govt is in denial mode... Now I decide who doesn't have balls? If u have some self pride or balls u should start ear with us after this official channel information.

Yeah you dont have balls

All you have given us is dramabazi and some unproven story of sending helicopters and 150 men across the most militarised border in the world
I have friends in Indian army and their holidays are canceled, Yes, Strikes did took place idk why are we in denial mode when 2 of our fine men attained martyrdom.

PS: after a second thought i think its a sensible move by our side.
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