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Pakistan Roars Back at America


Apr 4, 2009
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In a critical development, Pakistan’s military establishment has pushed the government for a review of Pakistan’s policy and strategy on national security. General Shuja Pasha of Pakistan’s ISI in his recent statement, called for a review of country’s security strategy in the wake of the US and Indian strategic moves in the region. Coming off unusually and at a critical time, this is probably the first time that anyone from Pakistan Army [and in particular the ISI] has bracketed US and India together as a threat to Pakistan. Whatever the reasons, the statement, more than anything, signals a gradual shift in Pakistan Army’s thinking and a strong willingness to review Pakistan’s existing policies. Earlier also, following the Pakistan’s massive Azm e Nau exercises, the Pakistan army took a strong logical stand on the North Waziristan offensive. Then, there was talk of Pakistan disengaging from war on terror and of course most importantly, it was Pakistan’s unilateral initiative in establishing a silent talk process with Afghanistan. The talks were unannounced but effectively aimed at bypassing USA.

There are signs in these developments. There are reasons to it. Just what went so wrong that Pakistan has started to reprioritize? There is a critical timing and pace at which Pakistan army is ‘retaliating’ to growing and destabilizing American influence in the region. For Pakistan, a decade of cosmetic American alliance has eventually led it to believe that Pakistan’s problems are US created and therefore naturally, a cure to these problems also lies in reviewing Pakistan’s engagement with USA. Then also, the USA has done well in making Pakistan realize this by its unprecedented, subjective and almost racial targeting of Pakistan’s army and ISI. Almost taking turns on Pakistan, a day doesn’t go by before seeing at least one American daily targeting Pakistan or its military establishment. In this, sadly but religiously, the American media has shrinked to become merely an anti-Pakistan mouthpiece.

To go on, the biggest US mistake has been inviting India to Afghanistan. Unless it is for hidden reasons, it is simply not plausible to involve disagreeing forces [with altogether different objectives] on a common cause. Inviting India to Afghanistan was always avoidable but is now proving destructive and it will only be a matter of time before which this bears out. What US is not realizing [or perhaps doesn’t want to] is that its growing anti-Pakistan strategic alliance with India may eventually turn things upside down to the extents of a direct confrontation between Pakistan and USA/India [or again, perhaps that is what US also wants and so all the constant ignoring of Pakistan’s concerns]. But while the US may be willing to do so, the question it really needs to ask itself is: is confronting Pakistan ‘in Afghanistan’ really what US wants to do? Or more importantly, will it be able to make sure that this will turn out as good as it expects? The history, at least doesn’t tell so.

Pakistan has without question done a lot to save its alliance with USA [and it is still trying to do] but is constantly suffering from hostile American policies. For USA, this is perhaps a first and last formal call to behavior. It comes because the ground realities tell a hypocritical American tale. Pakistan expects a friendly behavior from a friendly American alliance, otherwise who knows if Pakistan has already gone into versus mode against USA in Afghanistan. Article by Ahmed Shahid - PKKH Exclusive Report - Source Pakistan Ideology

pakistan is trapped.they get aid for war they r fighting.if they dont do according to u.s,they will not get weapons and aid frm u.s.so i think game is still in the hands of u.s.both equally need each other.
india have done a gr8 job with it's entry in afgh.now it's pak turn to save home town first rather than replicating terror in india.
Its about time that Pakistani military decided to adopt more vigilant policies regarding American actions in Afghanistan. i hope they will get more tougher in their stance while scrutinizing the establishments in Afghanistan.
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Good for you guys.

Stick to the word and stand by it and stop asking for charity from the USA.

I hope the tiger can afford it.
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If we payed attention to domestic polictics in last 50 years rather than playing racial cards, we would not be in such bad situation. The whole of muslim ummah today is like a man suffering from AIDS. Dying little by little everyday from inside. Its soo painful that any Muslim can be targetted under the "threat" of so called terror and thousands of massacard Muslims are simply called collatoral damage!
What is more interesting is that Gen Pasha was almost hand picked to head the ISI relatively speaking.

If Gen Pasha (ISI) can come back to bite then it means two things

1. USA has not as yet been able to penetrate the core of Pakistan security.
2. Even when hand picking Gen Pasha, Mushy was as vigilant as ever.

Another way to look at it is the complete failure of the elected parliament.
Having closer contact to people the MPs should have had signaled the resentment factor long before Gen Pasha had to do it.
Historically it has been the U.S. who taught Pakistan how to fight off India after the British quickly left. Scaled back in infantry waves with the adoption of cutting edge weaponry in all branches as well as Pakistan going mechanized on the ground with a strong air force consisting of great pilots is mostly due to the US. Why is there an atmosphere of distrust when the US has been helping Pakistan the best it can more than any other Pakistani ally in this war?
Historically it has been the U.S. who taught Pakistan how to fight off India after the British quickly left. Scaled back in infantry waves with the adoption of cutting edge weaponry in all branches as well as Pakistan going mechanized on the ground with a strong air force consisting of great pilots is mostly due to the US. Why is there an atmosphere of distrust when the US has been helping Pakistan the best it can more than any other Pakistani ally in this war?

Open up any thread on the Pakistan Affair section you will find the answer; even of the era that you are talking about with USA "helping" Pakistan, the PEOPLE of Pakistan absolutely never ever approved of US.

I am personally witness to and have experienced what the US is doing since the last 7 years; not a single bit of it is any where close to friendship.

Feel free to educate your self on how we feel about US; there is plenty of material available in the forum here.
Historically it has been the U.S. who taught Pakistan how to fight off India after the British quickly left. Scaled back in infantry waves with the adoption of cutting edge weaponry in all branches as well as Pakistan going mechanized on the ground with a strong air force consisting of great pilots is mostly due to the US. Why is there an atmosphere of distrust when the US has been helping Pakistan the best it can more than any other Pakistani ally in this war?

US did help Pakistan in the cold war, because USA needed a strategic presence in the region, and also, they wanted to contain India, a soviet ally.

But after the end of the cold war, Pak had no use, until this war on terror. And despite all rhetoric about being 'strategic allies' it is very evident USA does not trust Pak, and uses it like a tool. USA can't win the war without Pak assistance, so they bribed/coerced Pakistan into helping. But still, they constantly question Pakistan's commitment to the war, and especially the role of the ISI, who were staunch supporters of Taliban before 2001.

As for India, USA is trying to build an alliance with India as a means to counter China. But that is a different story, for another thread.
pakistan is trapped.they get aid for war they r fighting.if they dont do according to u.s,they will not get weapons and aid frm u.s.so i think game is still in the hands of u.s.both equally need each other.
india have done a gr8 job with it's entry in afgh.now it's pak turn to save home town first rather than replicating terror in india.

pakistan is not trapped, the politicians are acting like pakistan is trapped by americans, infact its the americans who are trapped, if pakistan decides not to provide safe departure for americans safely, and if pak secret servise decides not to save american arse in afghanistan, then americans are in deep sh1t.
and wht india has done is nothing, as soon as americans are gone, your investment which must be used to eliminate poverty and hunger in india will be instantly gone, vanish..

US did help Pakistan in the cold war, because USA needed a strategic presence in the region, and also, they wanted to contain India, a soviet ally.

But after the end of the cold war, Pak had no use, until this war on terror. And despite all rhetoric about being 'strategic allies' it is very evident USA does not trust Pak, and uses it like a tool. USA can't win the war without Pak assistance, so they bribed/coerced Pakistan into helping. But still, they constantly question Pakistan's commitment to the war, and especially the role of the ISI, who were staunch supporters of Taliban before 2001.

As for India, USA is trying to build an alliance with India as a means to counter China. But that is a different story, for another thread.

so pakistan is a tool and india is an ally, both being serving the same purpose??
USA does not trust Pak, and uses it like a tool. USA can't win the war without Pak assistance,

As for India, USA is trying to build an alliance with India as a means to counter China.

Actually what he meant to say was that India is far more superior then countries like Pakistan so US can not use it as a tool, but can build an alliance with India for the same purpose :lol:

I made a joke out of your ego :rofl:
Historically it has been the U.S. who taught Pakistan how to fight off India after the British quickly left. Scaled back in infantry waves with the adoption of cutting edge weaponry in all branches as well as Pakistan going mechanized on the ground with a strong air force consisting of great pilots is mostly due to the US. Why is there an atmosphere of distrust when the US has been helping Pakistan the best it can more than any other Pakistani ally in this war?

If US helped Pakistan it was for its own aims and goals in the regions. The US alliances with Pakistan were never at the expense of its releation with India. Even during the cold war, Americans provided India with warplanes and weaponary to thawrt soviet attacks. This is a wrong preception many Pakistani harbour that US supported them against India. America is a super power and it doesnt need anyone against anyone, it does what it wants to do. :police:
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