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Pakistan Reports Detaining Top Al Qaeda Members Younis Al Mauritani.


May 1, 2011
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ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan's intelligence agency says it has detained three senior members of Al Qaeda close to the Afghan border.
An army statement Monday said the operation took place with the technical assistance of American intelligence agencies.
It identified the most senior detainee as Younis Al Mauritani.
The statement said he had been tasked by Usama bin Laden to target Western economic interests worldwide.
The statement said the arrests took place in the southwestern city of Quetta, but did not say when.

Source: Fox News


I pity at zaid hamid supporters. isn't it clear WHO is America's ally? Ans = Pakistan Army & Agencies.

He/they were allegedly planning attacks on America, than why capture/torture them?

One more thing. EVERYONE who is captured is a top commander or mastermind! how many top commanders/mastermids do they have??
Good work by Pakistan Armed Forces and Intelligence Agencies.We need to eliminate all these takfiri terrorist organizations.These cowards should NOT be allowed to hijack our society and destroy peace.
RAWALPINDI: Pakistani security forces have nabbed three key Al Qaeda figures from Quetta, Geo News reported.

In an intelligence driven operation by Inter Services Intelligence in coordination with Frontier Corps Balochistan, a senior Al Qaeda leader, Younis Al Mauritani mainly responsible for planning and conduct of international operations, was nabbed along with two other senior Al Qaeda operatives, Abdul Ghaffar Al Shami (Bachar Chama ) and Messara Al Shami (Mujahid Amino) from suburbs of Quetta, Inter Services Public Relations said in a statement.

'Al Mauritani was tasked personally by Osama Bin Ladan to focus on hitting targets of economical importance in United States of America, Europe and Australia. He was planning to target United States economic interests including gas/oil pipelines, power generating dams and strike ships/oil tankers through explosive laden speedboats in International waters.'

The statement said: "Trough this critical arrest yet another fatal blow has been delivered to Al Qaeda. This operation was planned and conducted with technical assistance of United State Intelligence Agencies with whom Inter Services Intelligence has a strong, historic intelligence relationship".
Expect the usual Pakistan bashers to ignore this development, along with previous high level AQ neutralizations like those of KSM and Libbi, in trying to justify illegal US military strikes inside Pakistan ...

---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------

One more thing. EVERYONE who is captured is a top commander or mastermind! how many top commanders/mastermids do they have??
Every time a 'top commander/mastermind' is neutralized, chances are a new one will arise to claim that position, no?

The TTP had Nek Mohammed/Abdullah Mehsud - they were neutralized and along came Baitullah Mehsud - he was neutralized and along came Hakimullah Mehsud ....
I think ..we should not categorize Pak Army into any of its bracket..Rather let us think Pak Army who makes its own moves based on the its own benifit and its benifit to the country...Now this is a good qs to ask that what is the ideology and approach that Army is thinking when arresting these militants? The reason is idelogically these militants are against Pakistan because Pak is alligned with US. That means millitants are nothing against the Pakistan from idelogical point of view...And alaso islamic millitant group are one kind of asset for pakitsan...Then what is the point in arresting them and when they are not doing any harm to Pak from ideological perspective?
Oh man... now even Mauritanians are getting involved in this jihadi stuff. (his name).
good work :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

time to have brightest border with afghan..which is visible even from mars
Why the fu*k are all of these "Al-Libi's, Al-Misri's, Al-Mauritani's, Al-Turkistanis" in Pakistan? We need some serious pest control. These foreigners are the reason why all this Bullsh!t mess started in this region.
yep, we need to clean Pakistan and ensure that these foreign roaches don't come running to Pakistan.
Why the fu*k are all of these "Al-Libi's, Al-Misri's, Al-Mauritani's, Al-Turkistanis" in Pakistan? We need some serious pest control. These foreigners are the reason why all this Bullsh!t mess started in this region.

Whoever criminal could not find any place to hide lands here. We need to secure our borders, as for pest control you close their incoming routes first.

Great Job Pakistan Army :pakistan:

I pity at zaid hamid supporters. isn't it clear WHO is America's ally? Ans = Pakistan Army & Agencies.

He/they were allegedly planning attacks on America, than why capture/torture them?

One more thing. EVERYONE who is captured is a top commander or mastermind! how many top commanders/mastermids do they have??

What do you mean by the bolded part? So your an AQ sympathizer? First Nescafe and now you, i wonder how many more AQ sympathizers are on this forum, you lot need to be dealt with with an iron fist.

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