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Pakistan Religious Leaders Say Suicide Attacks Un-Islamic

Yet soo many cry and ask where are the fatwahs now? Where are the people speaking against it? You people seriously ask where are the RELIGIOUS LEADERS and their fatwahs ....now we have that now you want them dead?

I don't think you quite understand.

If you give them the power of influencing society in this way and legitimize it then what is stopping them from flip flopping in 5 years time issuing fatwas against Pakistan army?

Need to take away their power to grow. These fatwa business needs to end and state needs to take firm grip on society. We don't live in 1050BC where we need religious nutjobs deciding what is right and wrong. There is a governement to decide things like these.
1 cleric vs 200 make your choice :enjoy:

And if every mentally ill gets a mic and a stage by news channels, what can we do? He wanted Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight and hence why it was labelled CONTROVERSY...Now this should hopefully be better

If you give them the power of influencing society in this way and legitimize it then what is stopping them from flip flopping in 5 years time issuing fatwas against Pakistan army?
Like I said do it quietly ....I am quite sure they will flip when they see money from someplace....For now they need to act like good puppies coz Army is cleaning the house or else their name may appear...

Why did I say do it quietly coz they asked for sanctuary the min they announce this ....meaning they cant be touched coz they did the right thing...Killing them might prove that ungrateful people whom they were PREVIOUSLY preaching about REALLY DO EXIST and make the Pakistani sheep pushed into accepting invitations from wrong bodies of shit...

There is a governement to decide things like these.
Unfortunately govt hasnt really done much for the 65% poor in Pakistan....while UNFORTUNATELY the madrassa has fed and sheltered more kids than the govt will ever....So I dont think govt has reached decision making position...

For the time being just keeping a check on these puppies would do until govt can prove itself worthy of making its word count!

Really? The guiding ideologies for terrorists are not your concern?
Their confusion and concern for them is def not our concern...
Didn't just two years ago some Pakistani cleric declared suicide bombing is 'Halal'!
They need a consensus, or the terrorists would be confused...

Why so concerned? I don't understand why, according to you, the terrorists need to have clarity of thought and consensus of opinion. Why?

Reported for showing sympathy to the terrorists.
Wow what a divinity they have come up with.... What it took them quite so long to realize that these suicide attacks in the name of religious jihad is haram .....? It seems till now these religious leaders were living in caves.... Its plain stupid to look upto these (religious leaders) for decoding the what is haram or not as per religious beliefs..... Better be a good human irrespective of everything....
Reported for showing sympathy to the terrorists.
I think he was joking though

@Kloitra please remove your post coz either you misunderstood 200 people or you dont understand why any one needs to bother about the terrorist and how any form from a Muslim would automatically be labelled a terrorist sympathizer but for us Muslims any such concern for the well being of their mind by anyone else is also considered a sympathizer
Wow what a divinity they have come up with.... it took them quite so long to realize that these suicide attacks in the name of religious jihad is haram ..... It seems till now these religious leaders were living in caves.... Its plain stupid to look upto these (religious leaders) for decoding the what is haram or not as per religious beliefs..... Better be a good human irrespective of everything....

Real clerics have been saying it from start
Why so concerned? I don't understand why, according to you, the terrorists need to have clarity of thought and consensus of opinion. Why?

Reported for showing sympathy to the terrorists.
It was sarcasm. On clerics. They go with the flow.
Hmmm Many Fatwa was given by Molvis many many times... by Terrorist are brain washing kids and young boys for Suicide missions they have books DVD's and many other ways these Fatwa will not change anything Just Kill them all...
Hmmm Many Fatwa was given by Molvis many many times... by Terrorist are brain washing kids and young boys for Suicide missions they have books DVD's and many other ways these Fatwa will not change anything Just Kill them all...
My take is the fatwah will help those illiterates who only sit in front of people with megaphones/ preachers coz they cant read the Quran themselves

are they unislamic if those suicide bombers target indian hindus too ??
Does it categorize? No....so stop asking for it!

reported as troll bait
1 cleric vs 200 make your choice :enjoy:

And if every mentally ill gets a mic and a stage by news channels, what can we do? He wanted Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight and hence why it was labelled CONTROVERSY...Now this should hopefully be better
The question is not who I or you believe. It is who terrorists/extremists choose to believe. And that would be the ones suiting their purpose.
Any way, my post was mild sarcasm, in no way I sympathize with terrorists. Deleted it though.
Real clerics have been saying it from start
Brother there is no ambiguity at all when it comes to innocent human life.... I hardly care about real or fake ones as I believe serving humanity is above any religion.......
The question is not who I or you believe. It is who terrorists/extremists choose to believe.
They can believe what they want...Its not our concern we are not to reform them...that expiry date passed....

Hmmm Many Fatwa was given by Molvis many many times... by Terrorist are brain washing kids and young boys for Suicide missions they have books DVD's and many other ways these Fatwa will not change anything Just Kill them all...
IMP fatwah will help those who are not currently using their brain and rely on these as a means of understanding ...Plus fatwah becomes documented proof that there is an alternative which you were offered and didnt choose..

What is guiding them should be your concern. Post was sarcasm though.
Money....coz no where in Islam is it written to kill innocent people....

Nowhere in Islam does it say make people confused

Nowhere in Islam does it state to treat women like how Boko Haram did or ISIS did....or Taliban did...

So basically when you are THAT far from Islam, anything else would be inspiring I guess...and in todays world money makes the world go round....

If this fatwah even stops 20% of the people who WERE ON THEIR WAY to joining these idiots, then it has served its purpose!

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