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Pakistan Religious Leaders Say Suicide Attacks Un-Islamic

Pakistani People are so stupid
Sadly it is 50% their and 50% state's fault...

their fault is they dont seek the best any gali walla dari walla will do

As for the state, they should have controlled BS from proper scholars!
Sadly it is 50% their and 50% state's fault...

their fault is they dont seek the best any gali walla dari walla will do

As for the state, they should have controlled BS from proper scholars!

sorry but i believe more than 70% of Pakistani are ***** ,
and they choose to be like this ..
even Educated people follow these so called Mullah , imam , and some toucha can issue Fatwa and order Jihad against the State ... that is how we treat islam ..
from their Prospectus , What is Islam , Jihad Jihad , Shariah Shariah ...

people dont even know why are we killing other , but they are just doing it ..

and how you suppose to controlled when your Ruling Party has connection with Talibans , who are opening threatening a certain sect .. and some of our leader want these Monsters to come to Islamabad and have a Air Conditioned Office , and from there they can control their Activity , when a Educated one Like IK , can be a pathetic loser to support Taliban i guess there is no Hope for Pakistani , to ever use their Own brain ( which they dont have ) and solve their problems with Quran and Sunnah
even Educated people follow these so called Mullah ,
Yea these are the real idiots who have the ability to read and the resources to check the net but are just too busy but ready to drink any shit offered to them...

toucha can issue Fatwa and order Jihad against the State ... that is how we treat islam ..
from their Prospectus , What is Islam , Jihad Jihad , Shariah Shariah ...
Hence why this fatwah needs to be spread to show at least a part of what has been going wrong...200 Pakistani Islamic whatever (they call themselves leader but dont even know the meaning of the word so whatever will suit em) agreeing is not a small number...

and how you suppose to controlled when your Ruling Party has connection with Talibans , who are opening threatening a certain sect .. and some of our leader want these Monsters to come to Islamabad and have a Air Conditioned Office , and from there they can control their Activity , when a Educated one Like IK , can be a pathetic loser to support Taliban i guess there is no Hope for Pakistani , to ever use their Own brain ( which they dont have ) and solve their problems with Quran and Sunnah
He went by the "humanitarian" appeal which is what the world keeps telling us about our capital punishment too..He thought by doing so taliban might feel they are treated like humans and on that account at least reason...Little does he know they dont feel nor reason...
.. an Ulema (clerics) board would also be established to counter the narrative of extremist and terrorist organizations like Taliban and ISIS.

"An Eradicate Terrorism and Save Country movement will also be launched," he said. The clerics from different schools of thoughts earlier had also issued a fatwa against suicide attacks but there has been no let up in them.

  • The quote is a long awaited , one practical thing in this case.Very long awaited unanimous change of heart i say...(as there were individual efforts in the past as well).This was required right from the start when TTP guys were still trying to establish their roots ,during the Musharraf regime.But , "dair ayad durrust ayad".
  • The real game changer will be the Madrassa (seminary) reforms, including a thoroughly revised syllabus.That will be like a change in their (the Ulema's) "Business policy".....required for the betterment of our future generation.The parliament needs to formulate an applicable general formula, which can include all the steps /changes that we require to implement now.NS government can run ,with out any support from the well know religious parties.Bitter pill to swallow, but someone has to do it.
Yea these are the real idiots who have the ability to read and the resources to check the net but are just too busy but ready to drink any shit offered to them...

Exactly ... and this is what makes me angry ..

Hence why this fatwah needs to be spread to show at least a part of what has been going wrong...200 Pakistani Islamic whatever (they call themselves leader but dont even know the meaning of the word so whatever will suit em) agreeing is not a small number...

yeah it is big number but thing is that Mullah are biggest Hypocrites in today's world , they say something but their actions are completely opposite , look at Shia Sunni Conflict in Pakistan , all major Scholars on media say " we are bhai bhai " but behind the curtains they are taking Funds from KSA and Iran to flame this war within Pakistan ...

He went by the "humanitarian" appeal which is what the world keeps telling us about our capital punishment too..He thought by doing so taliban might feel they are treated like humans and on that account at least reason...Little does he know they dont feel nor reason...

Imran Khan just wanted to play the his card , he know that Taliban got some Support in Pakistani Society , so he start supporting them to increase his vote bank , that's it ... Imran Khan know that " Go US Go " slogan will be sold very easily in Pakistan , that is why he talk rubbish on Media to Fight US and shoot downs their Drones .. lolz
yeah it is big number but thing is that Mullah are biggest Hypocrites in today's world , they say something but their actions are completely opposite , look at Shia Sunni Conflict in Pakistan , all major Scholars on media say " we are bhai bhai " but behind the curtains they are taking Funds from KSA and Iran to flame this war within Pakistan ...
Sure they are evil but sadly we need to them to say these things and spread what they say to those people who rely on their sayings...

Now they have said it, documented it, we spread it and wait for Army to make them vanish :angel:

Taliban got some Support in Pakistani Society
What sort of a retarded card is that?

"dair ayad durrust ayad".
Bam I was looking for that quote :ashamed:

I was like something dayr something durrust :ashamed:

Whats ayad I thought it was aya :ashamed:

The real game changer will be the Madrassa (seminary) reforms, including a thoroughly revised syllabus.That will be like a change in their "Business policy".....required for the betterment of our future generation.The parliament needs to formulate an applicable general formula, which can include all the steps /changes that we require to implement now.NS government can run ,with out any support from the well know religious parties.Bitter pill to swallow, but someone has to do it.
Sure they are evil but sadly we need to them to say these things and spread what they say to those people who rely on their sayings...

Now they have said it, documented it, we spread it and wait for Army to make them vanish :angel:

unless Pakistani learn and Educate themselves , there is no hope .. look at Tribal belt , they are rarely Educated and let their people get education , they did not let anyone to go to their Areas , they just want to live in that baba Adam feudal and tribal system forever ..

What sort of a retarded card is that?

are you saying that you dont know that " Pakistani Society has soft Corner for Taliban ? "
Jamat-e-Islami , Jamiyat Ullma-e-Islam , Jamat ul dawa , Ahle Sunnat wal Jamat and etc
if you combine their strength it create a huge part of our society , and also those people who believe US is Dajjal and all that shit ..
unless Pakistani learn and Educate themselves ,
Unfortunately dispute the showoff in the national budget many villages are being educated by foreign bodies and funding rather than the so called increase in the education budget scenario....I would know I am writing an essay on it for a course I took...

I am talking about villages coz that is the sign up area for such thinking...

are you saying that you dont know that " Pakistani Society has soft Corner for Taliban ? "
I am saying I didnt know it was a card to play

Jamat-e-Islami , Jamiyat Ullma-e-Islam , Jamat ul dawa , Ahle Sunnat wal Jamat and etc
if you combine their strength it create a huge part of our society , and also those people who believe US is Dajjal and all that shit ..
And that is why this fatwah was good to shed off the shit people feel and think about minorities and non Muslims ...Next step would be these
Single person with little bit of brain functioning can tell it's wrong but 200 mullahs needed a decade to come to this conclusion. But anyway mullah party shouldn't be given any attention and govt. should proceed with crack down of their madrassahs and their funding sources.
Anyway, they allowed the mobile video and pictures few year ago. Before this still pictures were Haram as they can't speak According to mullah logic.
Unfortunately dispute the showoff in the national budget many villages are being educated by foreign bodies and funding rather than the so called increase in the education budget scenario....I would know I am writing an essay on it for a course I took...

I am talking about villages coz that is the sign up area for such thinking...

our rural areas are very conservative , they dont even like people from the Cities to be there so forget about others , this is what need to change ..

I am saying I didnt know it was a card to play

In Pakistani Politics everything is card , from Dead Civilians to load shedding .

And that is why this fatwah was good to shed off the shit people feel and think about minorities and non Muslims ...Next step would be these

it is good but i dont think that Pakistani people will accept it , just wait in few days some Mullah will issue another fatwaa where he will say Suicide Attack is Halal
our rural areas are very conservative , they dont even like people from the Cities to be there so forget about others , this is what need to change ..
What def needs a change is their mindset and the easiest way to enter is from mullah direction that is how terrorist infiltrated it!

In Pakistani Politics everything is card , from Dead Civilians to load shedding .
it is good but i dont think that Pakistani people will accept it , just wait in few days some Mullah will issue another fatwaa where he will say Suicide Attack is Halal
Well that party needs to be bigger than 200 and it needs to be hushed while this one spread....
What def needs a change is their mindset and the easiest way to enter is from mullah direction that is how terrorist infiltrated it!

its not easy , we cant Infiltrate like mullah do , cause we are not like them are we ?
they use Islam as cover .. what Army is Doing is good job , but People need to make decision that what they want ..

Well that party needs to be bigger than 200 and it needs to be hushed while this one spread....

yeah there will be good to spread it .. but you do remember that in past taliban kill many Imams and Scholars who talk against Suicide Attacks and their Ideology
its not easy , we cant Infiltrate like mullah do , cause we are not like them are we ?
Hence why we should highlight the limited good they manage to say and ignore the rubbish they are full off!

they use Islam as cover .. what Army is Doing is good job , but People need to make decision that what they want ..
People can always choose both...Listen to the good - propagate it as much as possible while army kills those dangerous ones

but you do remember that in past taliban kill many Imams and Scholars who talk against Suicide Attacks and their Ideology
Hence, why I give them a 2nd chance to dare to talk....and appreciate it...and spread it....
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