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Pakistan rejects US demand for joint operation on its soil


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has flatly rejected the US demand for joint operations against militants on the former’s soil in the latest round of “inconclusive” talks between the two countries held this week, diplomatic sources told The News.

In his separate meetings with Pakistan’s civil and military leadership on Monday, the visiting US Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, called for US-Pakistan join operations against the militants of Haqqani Network inside the tribal areas. However sources said the Pakistani leadership ruled out the possibility of the same.

Sources said the talks between the two sides largely remained inconclusive as Islamabad did not accede to the US demand for joint military operations on its soil. However, Mattis was told that Pakistan would be ready to take action against any group of militants on the receipt of actionable intelligence from the US side. Any foreign action on Pakistani soil is not acceptable, Mattis was told.

Mattis met Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Chief of the Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa during his brief visit to Pakistan this week. The fact that three separate press statements were issued after the meetings speaks volumes about disagreements among the parties, said a source.

During the talks, Pakistan put forward two solid demands in order to stop cross border terrorism. Firstly, the US has been asked to force the Afghan government to fence the Pak-Afghan border following a similar Pakistani initiative on its side. Secondly, Washington has been told to play its role in the return of Afghan refugees from Pakistan, a step that would ensure no militants can hide in the garb of refugees on the Pakistani soil.

“If the US could take these two steps, Pakistan would guarantee that its soil would never be used for any militant activities across the Afghan border,” a source privy to the details of the meeting said.

Sources claimed that the meeting was held in a cordial environment and the US side also acknowledged Pakistan’s concerns regarding the Indian military presence in Afghanistan and even hinted at playing some role in the resolution of disputes between the two South Asian nuclear states, including the core issue of Kashmir.

Pakistan is confident that the United States will amend its South Asia strategy announced by President Trump in August this year. Pakistan had expressed strong reservations about the strategy which called for an increased role of India in Afghanistan.

Earlier, while talking to The News, a State Department spokesperson said that the US had made clear its expectation for decisive action against terrorist and militant groups that operate from Pakistani soil.

“We have communicated specific steps that Pakistan can take to degrade these groups’ operational activities and to facilitate substantive peace talks between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan,” a State Department spokesperson told The News in an email response from Washington.

These Yanks have gone bat crazy. LOL at joint operation.

Firstly, the US has been asked to force the Afghan government to fence the Pak-Afghan border following a similar Pakistani initiative on its side. Secondly, Washington has been told to play its role in the return of Afghan refugees from Pakistan, a step that would ensure no militants can hide in the garb of refugees on the Pakistani soil.

This is just awesome.
Chalo is trha afghani to jaan chor dian gy hamary sary mulk main gandgi phela rakhi hy in logn ny
US wants to become another East India Company. Any airspace violation needs to be dealt with not just drones. And they should stop making hollow claims. We have not forgotten Salala let alone countless other terrorist attacks from afghan soil. Pakistan should rather target terror outfits in afghanistan more frequently.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has flatly rejected the US demand for joint operations against militants on the former’s soil in the latest round of “inconclusive” talks between the two countries held this week, diplomatic sources told The News.

What doesn't kill you makes your stronger..it is the dumbest move ever..instead of making joint partnership for joint responsibility, Pakistan flatly stated we are are happy to take one sided loss of man and material. Please keep the aid flowing..!

US wants to become another East India Company. Any airspace violation needs to be dealt with not just drones. And they should stop making hollow claims. We have not forgotten Salala let alone countless other terrorist attacks from afghan soil. Pakistan should rather target terror outfits in afghanistan more frequently.

If US wants to become East India company, no power can stop it..they can simply use the USD for it..So these are useless "mard e mujahid" illusions and conspiracy theories where Pakistanis like to imagine themselves as great warriors standing up to a super power..in reality..they are stupid...just one private institution of US such as Goldman Sachs is enough to destroy Pakistan and drag it down to starvation...just take example of Greece, which is actually a NATO and EU Member powerful country.
What doesn't kill you makes your stronger..it is the dumbest move ever..instead of making joint partnership for joint responsibility, Pakistan flatly stated we are are happy to take one sided loss of man and material. Please keep the aid flowing..!

If US wants to become East India company, no power can stop it..they can simply use the USD for it..So these are useless "mard e mujahid" illusions and conspiracy theories where Pakistanis like to imagine themselves as great warriors standing up to a super power..in reality..they are stupid...just one private institution of US such as Goldman Sachs is enough to destroy Pakistan and drag it down to starvation...just take example of Greece, which is actually a NATO and EU Member powerful country.

I hope you receive a good paycheck for licking their arse like that. Have a butchers at this map then tell me about the incompetence of your masters in afghanistan.

They are getting Afg what they came for.
They have Pak cornered in synergy with India
Pak needs to get its head out of its arse
Get its game right
Rewrite the whole software to ensure survival.
I hope you receive a good paycheck for licking their arse like that. Have a butchers at this map then tell me about the incompetence of your masters in afghanistan.

thing that bothers me is the separate meetings
I think your being a bit over enthusiastic about US its not that easy if it were it be already done. I am even critical of chinese investments.
They are getting Afg what they came for.
They have Pak cornered in synergy with India
Pak needs to get its head out of its arse
Get its game right
Rewrite the whole software to ensure survival.

All I have to say is they are sprinting in a marathon. neither side has actually achieved anything solid. Indians in the early to mid 00's used to say Pakistan will be finished by 2011/13. Then they began you are a failed state:blah:. Now they are banking of financial collapse all thanks ishaq dalla dollar dar.

The game is far more complex than ever before these mofo's can blame Pakistan for their incompetence but look at this map again.


Taliban are now in areas they which they were not in before being ousted in 2001. They are in the north next to CAS states. I am willing to bet there is no fence their and their is a Russian outpost on the afghan border in the north.

To say Pakistan is cornered is wrong, as I said already they are sprinting in a marathon.
These Yanks have gone bat crazy. LOL at joint operation.

Firstly, the US has been asked to force the Afghan government to fence the Pak-Afghan border following a similar Pakistani initiative on its side. Secondly, Washington has been told to play its role in the return of Afghan refugees from Pakistan, a step that would ensure no militants can hide in the garb of refugees on the Pakistani soil.

This is just awesome.

NICE!!...let see what two faced americans will do
Atleast it wasn't done on a tweet.

We reject many things. What's the big deal.
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