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Pakistan refuses to sign three multilateral pacts at SAARC summit: officials

There is a thread running on topic already , But it seems Pakistan is the looser as other SAARC nations have already signed the deal with themselves . Pakistan is the only nation left outside and not to mention Isolating itself ..

As long as India is in our way between Nepal,BD,Bhuton.we should not expect any sort of improvement in trade with them so why waste time?

i am even in favour of pulling out from saarc.
In this case the bilateral agreement (Simla) does not override the UNSC Resolutions, and in fact reiterates the commitment of both States to the UNSC Resolutions (as explained previously). Yes, India and Pakistan have to engage in discussions to resolve their differences over demilitarization, but that demilitarization is part of the process of holding a plebiscite in according to the UNSC Resolutions.

It was still mediated by a "third party", so if India is going to argue that the Simla Agreement invalidates previous commitments that involved third parties, then why hasn't India argued that the IWT is invalid?

About IWT - A broker is not a mediator. I hope you understand the difference it makes.

Pakistan signed, and agreed, that Kashmir will not be mediated by any third party. Why the backtrack?
Indians cry again on this thread and assume that Pakistan is a looser, very insulting thing to say, than they talk about trust deficit, what a strange deduction, it should be Pakistan who should be mad at India for it atrocities in Kashmir for decades, and its interference in East Pakistan and for it planting terrorists from it 10 consulates in Afghanistan,

Pakistan should leave SAARC because SAARC has done nothing to contribute for Pakistan's concerns about India, SAARC is only looking to set up its offices and get wages for holding a meeting with no value, if it cannot talk and propose solution to the root cause of the problems facing the member countries than it has not value.

Trading with SAARC member will not contribute any thing posative to Pakistan as what Pakistan can gain from these partners, except export limited amount of goods and that in itself is produced and sells cheaper in those countries.

History of SAARC is that it is controlled by India as a tool and it has yet to show to listen to the concerns of any other members.
Hahahahaha man you are a one fucking joke. I am damn glad that army is slaughtering pigs like u in Balochistan if you are BLA sympathizer than you should also be hunt down. Imran khan is just one man. If army is problem of all the issues related to Pakistan then do tell me why atleast 60% problems are not solved since last 7 Years. Infact problems have increased even your think head might have noticed it.

Army has not interfered with your democrazy thing. Your show at ISL failed again. And if army cannot win elections then so does IK (Although i am IK supporter but he also made stupid decisions) People around IK are also corrupt and were part of previous gvts .

And your ttp dogs are getting killed. And for your India . Then you all i can say is **** india and chutia modi chodi.

Now get lost ..... Mir shakeel k khabe

Are you done? Many thanks for your scolding, father :D
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Hostilities between India and Pakistan on Wednesday threatened to scupper efforts by South Asian leaders to boost trade among almost a quarter of the world’s people, throwing into doubt any prospect of a regional customs union.

India and Pakistan have fought three wars, and just last month exchanges of fire across the border in Kashmir killed 20 people.

The bickering spilled into a two-day regional summit in Kathmandu, and their leaders refused to meet.

Indian and Nepali officials said Pakistan declined to sign three multilateral pacts with the eight members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc).

The agreements aim to boost road trade and electricity sharing, including across Pakistan’s heavily militarised border with India.

In an apparent reference to Pakistan, India’s foreign ministry spokesman said one country had cited incomplete “internal processes” for not signing the pacts, but stopped short of naming it.

Pakistani officials did not respond to telephone calls seeking comment.

Such a refusal threatens efforts by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make South Asia a viable economic counterweight to China and limit Beijing’s role in the region.

Regional integration would happen “through Saarc or outside it,” Modi warned the summit, if the grouping failed to agree on the pacts.

Nepal’s former foreign secretary, Madhu Raman Acharya, echoed the sentiment, urging the grouping to step up “sub-regional cooperation”.

Almost all the leaders at the summit expressed dismay at Sabre’s sparse achievements since it was founded 29 years ago aiming to become a European-style union.

Despite a free trade pact since 2006, trade among South Asian nations makes up five percent of their total trade. They share few transport and power links.

China, free of the baggage that makes much of the region wary of India, has built ports and sold weapons across South Asia, where its new Asian Investment Infrastructure Bank has attracted interest, including from India.

Through Pakistan, China suggested it play a larger role in the regional grouping, but India rebuffed the proposal.

Modi met all SAARC leaders but PM Nawaz

Meanwhile, Modi held two-way talks with every leader except Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, since neither was ready to make the first move to defuse tension between the nuclear-armed states.

Modi relaxed visa rules, spotlighted new energy ties with Bangladesh and Nepal and promised to cut India’s trade surplus with neighbours, but said progress in ties was too slow.

“Is it because we are stuck behind the walls of our differences and hesitant to move out of the shadows of the past?” Modi asked.

The region’s first summit in three years follows some of the worst cross-border violence in the disputed region of Kashmir in a decade, and comes as Nato-led troops prepare to pull out of Afghanistan, intensifying the India-Pakistan rivalry for influence there.

It is also the first time the eight leaders are meeting for the first time since the election of a new government in New Delhi that is taking a more assertive stance on both China and Pakistan.

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi held his first talks with Afghanistan’s new President Ashraf Ghani on the summit’s sidelines on Wednesday, as New Delhi seeks to develop its involvement in a country that Pakistan considers part of its sphere of influence.

Much of the attention has focused on whether the leaders of India and Pakistan will meet on the sidelines of the summit however, PM Nawaz was reported as saying the ball was in India’s court after New Delhi cancelled talks earlier this year.

“After the recent snub from India, which cancelled foreign secretary-level talks, Pakistan is not going to take the initiative. It will depend whether Modi says he wants to meet,” Pakistani political analyst Talat Masood told AFP.

Hopes of a move towards reconciliation were raised when Modi invited Pakistan’s prime minister to his swearing-in ceremony, but his right-wing nationalist government has adopted a more aggressive policy on Pakistan than its centre-left predecessor.

Modi warned during the recent upsurge in violence in Kashmir that “times have changed and their old habits will not be tolerated”.

On Tuesday, Modi oversaw a $1 billion agreement to build a hydropower plant in neighbouring Nepal, where China has invested heavily in recent years, saying he wanted to “move forward” with deals long delayed by mutual mistrust.

But the mistrust between India and Pakistan – widely seen as the main obstacle to greater South Asian integration – is unlikely to be resolved so easily.

“Saarc’s main problem is that Saarc is basically about India and Pakistan, with the Afghanistan dimension thrown in now,” said Sujeev Shakya, chairperson of the Nepal Economic Forum.

Trade between the Saarc nations – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka – has grown from under $140 million in 2008 to $878 million in 2012, according to Saarc figures.

But it still accounts for less than five per cent of the region’s total commerce, according to the Washington-based Brookings Institution. By contrast, trade between East Asian nations accounts for nearly 35 per cent of that region’s total.

Security is also likely to be discussed after al Qaeda announced a new South Asia branch and claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a Karachi naval yard.

Analysts said domestic political concerns would likely take precedence during the Saarc summit, with Modi eager to appear tough on Pakistan during local elections in Indian-administered Kashmir.

Authorities in Kathmandu have spent a reported $10 million on sprucing up the city, repairing its notoriously potholed streets and declaring a two-day public holiday to avert traffic gridlock.

But there is little optimism that much will be achieved.

“It’s time to develop other regional groupings instead of getting bogged down by Saarc, where the conflict between India and Pakistan is a huge obstacle to progress,” said Shakya.
Pakistan refuses to sign three multilateral pacts at SAARC summit: officials – The Express Tribune

Sorry my South Asian neighbors, our rigged PM is the real culprit here and obstacle to peace and stability in the region as well as in Pakistan!

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @airmarshal @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @Bratva @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @KURUMAYA @Leader @Luftwaffe @Marshmallow @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @pak-marine @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @Sedqal @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @TankMan @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @waleed3601 @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @orakzai4u @IceCold @S.U.R.B. @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Cheetah786 @Donatello
@Star Wars @Ammyy @bloo @Marxist @karan.1970 @thesolar65 @Not Sure @Arav_Rana @Avik274 @SamantK @Krate M @Major Shaitan Singh @Omega007 @farhan_9909 @haviZsultan @levina @Sidak @ranjeet @Yogijaat @Ravi Nair @WAR-rior @halupridol @he-man @Indrani @Mike_Brando @SarthakGanguly @sreekumar
Pak is getting deeper into the quagmire, for its own good Pak should 've signed this pact.
Motor vehicle agreement would've been the best way to connect all the SAARC countries.
But as of yet Pakistan's status is that the motor vehicle agreement needs to undergo certain internal processes. So is it a possibility that Pak would take a u-turn and say yes soon??
I hope so.
Indians are such fools. They collectively think they can isolate Pakistan. How many times will you try it?

Wouldn't it be better to just talk out the issues? You and your govt. for the last 10 years have been running away from table on one condition or another. Today incidentally is the anniversary of Mumbai drama too. You tried your best. You tried again. But Pakistan is not isolated. Pakistan is an important country in the region and the world. Get the blinkers off your stupid eyes.
Any how India will sign deal with Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh for sure but unfortunately due to this behavior of Pakistan Afghanistan will suffer.
If India and the other countries can "sign trade deals between themselves", then why do you think Pakistan can't?

These deals are about road and rail transport, so how you will sign any deal with any SAARC(apart from Afghanistan) nation without involvement of India??
Currently I have four types of hit lists. One is for pro-Pakistan, pro-PTI members. Second with its opposite; anti-IK, anti-Pakistan members. Third is for Indian members of all sorts. And final one is reserved for Islamist sympathisers or terrorists of PDF! :D

You are currently in only anti-IK hit list :)
Which one has my name on it? :azn:
There is a thread running on topic already , But it seems Pakistan is the looser as other SAARC nations have already signed the deal with themselves . Pakistan is the only nation left outside and not to mention Isolating itself ..
but as the report says SAARC is about India and Pakistan
with only 5% trade among SAARC countries .. I don't know if this "left out" bit has much effect on Pakistan.
Imran Khan is for open trade agreement with India despite all the hostilities on the border. This would help decrease growing unemployment in Pakistan. Now you know why our establishment rigged elections in favor of their man Nawaz!
Pretty dumb posts man... You smokin da bad shiz today?:D

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