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Pakistan reaches out to UN over LoC tension with India

It's required. Sometimes you have to follow the rules and knock on available avenues, whether you like it or not, before you kill the bast****. Immediately after killing, again go to UN and tell them that see, we told ya!

You may have a valid point but I dont like it at all. We must let it go and cross the borders to teach them a lesson of their life.
Yes, Pak shouldn't have retaliated. Our targets were terrorists, not the Pak Army.

Otherwise you wouldn't be running to the UN now.

No, Pak is running to the UN in order to stop IA's attacks on Pak Army.

Random, do you think videos of your post being obliterated to oblivion by Pakistan Army is an indication that PA wants IA to stop attack on PA ?
every responsible leader would do what Pakistan is doing and every fanatic leader will response like you did.

Lol..then you dont know history.... why were you people blamming india and calling india guts less whenever india went to the UN!!!!

Its funny now

They will have the US support to certain extent. US plays double game.

US has no other go
Lol..then you dont know history.... why were you people blamming india and calling india guts less whenever india went to the UN!!!!

Its funny now

US has no other go
india went there for cease fire in war. pakistan went there before war so that war don't happen.
i never talked about war. i just gave you a difference on the question you raised.

I'm giving you the answer for the same question. I've not mentioned anything happened during wartime... there many occasion during ceasefire violation when india raised the issue with UN Pakistanis did rubbish indian moves....

But now for the same move Pakistanis are praising their stands.... that's what is weird
I'm not talking war time.... there are countless threads in pdf on what i said... please go through them...

i do not think any war going on...its just mortars....but the rush of statements after statements thats making the news...earlier pakistan even used to fire artilery to facilitate infaltration...
I'm giving you the answer for the same question. I've not mentioned anything happened during wartime... there many occasion during ceasefire violation when india raised the issue with UN Pakistanis did rubbish indian moves....

But now for the same move Pakistanis are praising their stands.... that's what is weird
yeah even if something happens in eastern border of india you blamed infiltrators from pakistan. how could we except claims when nothing happened at LOC.
How is this news? Pakistan has been contacting the UN from day one. Remember we brought the UN members to see the breaking of ceasefire agreement about a week or two ago. Are people even following this or is their life surrounded on two bit trolling?

We have been highlighting Indian aggression from day one and have again and again pointed out to the UN that India is acting very aggressively and is breaking the agreement. The recent bus and ambulance targeting has again forced us to not only contact your DGMO about the incident but also to the ambassador as well as to the UN.

As a responsible state and signatory of the ceasefire agreement we will keep contacting the UN to highlight the open display of aggression by the Indian forces which have resulted in civilian casualties.

Some extremely immature and childish posts from across the border in this thread however not surprising due to their media and their own nonsensical jingoism.
Random, do you think videos of your post being obliterated to oblivion by Pakistan Army is an indication that PA wants IA to stop attack on PA ?

Yes, because you can't match us gun for gun, bullet for bullet, post for post, man for man.

Pak is running to the UN as well as calling up IA to deescalate.


The Northern Army Chief has made it clear to the PA that shelling will stop once infiltration stops. :enjoy:
If inviting the UN to asses and monitor the worsening situation in Kashmir is cowardice, then India is the mother of all cowards, given that it invited the UN into the region in the first place in 1947/48.

You are correct to a certain extent- Many believe India should've gone for Muzzaffarabad- One of the poorly handled episodes of Nehru- To which he is criticized to this day-
Very good...if true...i must applaud for india.

Keep hitting them hard...than go silent for a week...than go hard on them. Keep this pattern for 6+ months i would say. Make LOC "syria" across the border. this will have long lasting psychological impact on pak.
Very good...if true...i must applaud for india.

Keep hitting them hard...than go silent for a week...than go hard on them. Keep this pattern for 6+ months i would say. Make LOC "syria" across the border. this will have long lasting psychological impact on pak.

Why just 6 months? We can do it indefinitely. We no longer have a reason to stop.
NEW YORK: Alarmed by the escalation of tension with India along the LoC+ , Pakistan on Thursday asked the UN to act before the situation snowballs into a "full-fledged crisis".

Pakistan's ambassador to the UN Maleeha Lodhi met the Deputy UN Secretary General Jan Eliasson and the Chef de Cabinet of the Secretary General Edmond Mulet during which she alleged that the situation along the Line of Control (LoC) posed a "grave threat to international peace and security".

Lodhi, according to a statement issued by the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN, in her meeting with UN officials alleged that escalating tensions on the LoC "was a deliberate attempt" by India to "divert the attention of the international community from the gross human right violations being committed" by it in Kashmir.

Alleging that the attack on an ambulance trying to evacuate the injured was a particularly "abhorrent act" that was a breach of the most fundamental legal and humanitarian laws, Lodhi urged the UN to act before the escalating tensions snowball into a full-fledged crisis.

The UN Department of Peace Keeping Operations was separately asked to mobilise United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) to effectively monitor the LoC and the Working Boundary as a step to help deescalate tensions between India and Pakistan, a statement said.

Pakistan Army had on Wednesday said seven persons, including three of its soldiers, were killed in an exchange of fire with Indian troops on the LoC.
The clash occurred a day after India warned of retribution after losing three soldiers in Pakistan firing and after Pakistan yesterday rejected as "false" and "baseless" the charges that the body of an Indian soldier was mutilated by Pakistani soldiers in a cross LoC-attack.


We are going to make them run to UN more frequently in future...
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