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Pakistan protests Israel war on Gaza


Sep 12, 2008
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Demonstrators in Pakistan protesting against Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

Protesters in Pakistan have taken to the streets to condemn the loss of human life in Gaza, calling for Muslim unity against Israel.

Chanting anti-Israel slogans, protesters in the cities of Karachi, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Islamabad expressed their solidarity with those suffering in Gaza and supported the right of the Palestinians to fight against the Israelis.

Israel has been staging massive air strikes against civilian and military targets in Gaza since Saturday. So far at least 310 people have been killed, many of whom are women and children. Medical sources have confirmed to Press TV reporters at the scene that at least 1550 others have been injured.

The protesters blamed US President George W. Bush for the "blood shed" in Gaza, saying US support for Israel is in violation of international laws. The angry protesters burnt US flags and effigies of President Bush.

They also voiced anger toward the silence of the United Nations and the Arab world toward the plight of the people in Gaza.

"Muslim rulers failed to take any action against Israel which was massacring Palestinian Muslims, demolishing their homes and driving them out of their lands to consolidate its grip on their territories", Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Chief Qazi Hussain Ahmad, whose party had organized the demonstration, said during the Sunday anti-Israel rally in Lahore.

"This is time for us to get united against the Zionist regime to let it know that our Palestinian brothers are not alone", Syed Munawar Hassan, a senior JI leader said in Karachi.

Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani also condemned the Israeli air attacks on Gaza.

The conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians began with a 1948 decision by world powers to create Israel in the wake of the Holocaust and under the Zionist slogan of 'A land without a people for a people without a land'.

The creation of Israel has sparked fury as the Palestinians -- the natives of the land -- have since been denied their rights to effective political power and have suffered from a Zionist segregation campaign and ongoing settlement expansions by Israel.

Tel Aviv officials have nevertheless attempted to divert public attention away from its sixty-year history of violence against the Palestinians and have so far stonewalled all world efforts to bring peace to the region.

Israeli officials say their recent offensive against Gaza is directed at taking out targets linked to the democratically-elected Hamas. Tel Aviv has been preparing a ground incursion against Gaza and has warned that it would escalate its attacks on the under-siege sliver.

Tel Aviv and its staunch ally, Washington, hold Hamas responsible for the violence, saying Hamas mortar shells and rockets fired into Israeli settlements were what provoked the Israeli air strikes.

Palestinian fighters, however, say their rocket attacks have been in retaliation for the daily Israeli attacks against Gaza. Unlike the state-of-the-art weapons and ammunition Israel holds, the home-made Qassam rockets rarely cause casualties.

The UN Security Council sought the adoption of a resolution against Israel on Sunday to end the war on Gaza, but the United States intervened and vetoed the measure. Washington has so far vetoed over 40 anti-Israel resolutions at the UN.

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unlike pakistanis most arabs countries left their manhood at home
very sad that a jewish country killed 310 muslims and not a single arab country took action
hopefully when kashmir is freed, pakistan can help the palestinians take back what is theres
protest and candle light vigils have no meaning if not followed up by credible, effective action

you protesting in Pakistan will not help the 6-year Palestenian kid with a shrapnel embeded in his body....total waste of time anywhere in the world

hopefully when kashmir is freed, pakistan can help the palestinians take back what is theres
Palestininans will be devoid of Pakistani help till eternity
protest and candle light vigils have no meaning if not followed up by credible, effective action

you protesting in Pakistan will not help the 6-year Palestenian kid with a shrapnel embeded in his body....total waste of time anywhere in the world

Palestininans will be devoid of Pakistani help till eternity

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil :rolleyes:
Can Pakistanis also demonstrate in favor of Israel? I know in Bangladesh the citizens can not currently do so (Choudhury).
"hopefully when kashmir is freed, pakistan can help the palestinians take back what is theres"

Why only Kashmir? ...all other subjugated states (pardon I am not going to cite the names of them) of the fascist 21 century indian empire should be liberated too and it will happen inevitably and no superman or spider man can resist that... now some fascist hindutva forces may brand it as separatism but that will be an oversimplification of the facts... because once some people also wanted to get liberated from the british empire and now, since it was a success, all those are called freedom fighters and not separatists or taorists... anyway, its a different issue....
neither Pakistan nor any country or even any human being should remain as silent spectators and so protests do have symbolic value though.... also it can channel out the vented anger and bring some relief to the pain of the soul... however, apart from making a public opinion, people of this planet should get polarized across national boundaries (since this has been a weakness rather than a strength) and identify those who are the real enemies to humanity and get prepared to eliminate them for the sake of humanity.... UNITED (WITH CONSENT) WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.... pliz note, true unity is not subjugation by force as the indian empire practices....
Its very sad to see other Arab countries cold heartedly sitting and watching their fellow innocent Arab children, men and Women being killed.

Pakistan would have surely helped them if they were not involved in the present crises.
Protest big deal , Israel doesn't care who says what. They just do what they feel like because the Arabs we used to know or read about ( the fighters) have all turned impudent. They dont have the guts to say anything to Israel. With the Airforce KSA has and UAE they can take care of this situation with hours but no they dont consider this an important matter.
Llanat hoe Arabs per bagharat kum.
Can Pakistanis also demonstrate in favor of Israel? I know in Bangladesh the citizens can not currently do so (Choudhury).
Why would Pakistanis demonstrate in favor of a nation that uses excessive force and destroys the lives of the Palestinian people?
Also, well said Mr. Muradk, they just don't have the guts, arab world is divided, what a shame.
Can Pakistanis also demonstrate in favor of Israel? I know in Bangladesh the citizens can not currently do so (Choudhury).

at the expense of the Palestinians whom we consider our brothers ...NEVER.
Pakistan's affiliation lies most with the muslim world which is why it does not recognize that illegitimate so called state of iss-raa-eel.
You sound very ignorant asking that at a time like this.
unlike pakistanis most arabs countries left their manhood at home
very sad that a jewish country killed 310 muslims and not a single arab country took action
hopefully when kashmir is freed, pakistan can help the palestinians take back what is theres

Protest big deal , Israel doesn't care who says what. They just do what they feel like because the Arabs we used to know or read about ( the fighters) have all turned impudent. They dont have the guts to say anything to Israel. With the Airforce KSA has and UAE they can take care of this situation with hours but no they dont consider this an important matter.
Llanat hoe Arabs per bagharat kum.

what about the nukes? well taking that factor aside, does KSA and UAE pilots well trained and sufficiently covered by other tactical/strategic factors

could you please translate that last part, I don't understand
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