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Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif For Sale On eBay

True. He may be a horrible person, but the office that he holds deserves the dignity granted by the State of Pakistan, at all times.
Exactly the prime minister's post needs to be respected. Genuine criticism is acceptable but disgracing prime minister's post is not. people fail to understand that he is holding the post as their elected leader, if he has done badly voting him out or asking him to resign is the right thing to do. By the way he is the prime minister bcos he enjoys the confidence of majority of the parliament. So there is not one nawaz sharif but many who represent the ppl in parliament.
He is not worth my 99 pounds... May be the seller should have started auction at 99p
few days ago it was on 66.66. I think bidding has put him in 99

Whatever Nawaz did or doing is going to be brought to justice by Pakistan and Pakistani people but the fact remains he is an elected Prime Minister of Pakistan and likes of Brendan Byrne has no right to insult him.
it not him who has put him there. Saw this news a few days ago in facebook. At that time his bid was on 66.66 and now in this story its on 99. Some British pakistani has done it.
Exactly the prime minister's post needs to be respected. Genuine criticism is acceptable but disgracing prime minister's post is not. people fail to understand that he is holding the post as their elected leader, if he has done badly voting him out or asking him to resign is the right thing to do. By the way he is the prime minister bcos he enjoys the confidence of majority of the parliament. So there is not one nawaz sharif but many who represent the ppl in parliament.

If only Pakistanis understand that if they themselves do not respect their elected officials, no one else will, either. No wonder Pakistan's international standing continues to take huge hits.
If only Pakistanis understand that if they themselves do not respect their elected officials, no one else will, either. No wonder Pakistan's international standing continues to take huge hits.

If only some Pakistani people would Understand that " Respect is Earned and not Demanded ".

These are facts :

1. A hypocrite Pakistani Prime Minister asks Investors from around the World to come and INVEST in PAKISTAN , but keeps his ill-gotten wealth to the tune of Billions of Dollars overseas in Foreign Banks.

2. A PM who paid 5,000 rupees in Income taxes while he stashed wealth out of the country.
If he was never exiled may be he would have never had to move his family overseas and may be his sons would have run business in Pakistan

And also bhutto nationalisation...as long as PPP remains in politics...the risk of losing assets to state looms high!
Either by appropriation or devaluation of economy by corruption like in the era of zardari!
If only some Pakistani people would Understand that " Respect is Earned and not Demanded ".

These are facts :

1. A hypocrite Pakistani Prime Minister asks Investors from around the World to come and INVEST in PAKISTAN , but keeps his ill-gotten wealth to the tune of Billions of Dollars overseas in Foreign Banks.

2. A PM who paid 5,000 rupees in Income taxes while he stashed wealth out of the country.

And yet people still voted to re-elect him to the office of the Prime Minister.
You do wrong...the way I see it only Pakistani people gonne be your slave after you slapping em 3x ...Seriously what is the world turning to?

refusal to accept insulting remakes by aliens about our elected Prime Minister or President is becoming their slaves??

Not at all. We may criticise, disagree with PM/Prez, be angry with their deeds and policies, may even use harsh words for them BUT the fact is the office he holds rightly demands respect.

And yet people still voted to re-elect him to the office of the Prime Minister.

Democracy means you are free to vote for even the worst candidate :)))))))))))))))))).

Besides I say let this process continue even if we elect bad leaders. At the end and in the long term we would come out as mature voters. We are still leaning to crawl properly and you want us to start running.

few days ago it was on 66.66. I think bidding has put him in 99

it not him who has put him there. Saw this news a few days ago in facebook. At that time his bid was on 66.66 and now in this story its on 99. Some British pakistani has done it.

am not talking about the auction stunt am talking about the stupid insulting remarks the writer used against elected PM of Pakistan at the end of his piece
am not talking about the auction stunt am talking about the stupid insulting remarks the writer used against elected PM of Pakistan at the end of his piece
o yara choro elected! kya elected, u know n i know what he n others r.
Jiski mill sy RAW agents pakry jain wo kya izzat k kabil ha.

daffa karo isky muu py laatain maro.
If only Pakistanis understand that if they themselves do not respect their elected officials, no one else will, either. No wonder Pakistan's international standing continues to take huge hits.

This is where i disagree with you. The fault lies with the people but for all the different reasons. Do you think USA or UK will take these people seriously or with respect when they rely on them more when it comes to saving their *** and not on the people of Pakistan. How do you think people like Nawaz and Zardari will get respect when every one in the world knows how corrupt they are and have billions in offshore accounts. Do you think the world is going to take you seriously when they know that the next time their government gets in trouble they will run to the US to save them. You forgot how letters were written by the Pakistani government to the US over Kerry Lugar bill, the same government that is suppose to protect Pakistan and its institutions abroad are writing to foreign governments to discredit state institutions, you believe they will respect such a country? no they wont, the reason why our international standing continues to take a hit is not because People of Pakistan disrespected Nawaz Sharif but because we continue to hold such people in high esteem and elect them as our leaders when they are not even worth of becoming a peon in some office.
What else do you expect from a country where only 10-15% have completed matriculation?

And yet it is the only Muslim nuclear power, as PDF likes to remind us often. :D
And yet it is the only Muslim nuclear power, as PDF likes to remind us often. :D
Jis nay banaya usko koi achay lafzoan say yaad nahe karta uski kabr tak jan nahe chortay

Ghayrat mand qoumain ye karti hain
This is not good. I dont like him too but disgracing him like that is disgrace to pakistan.
If we look at current lot of politicians and economic teams. Pmln are best.
Ppp has no one.
Pti has tareen, a perfect chor and tout.
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