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Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif For Sale On eBay

Democracy means you are free to vote for even the worst candidate :)))))))))))))))))).

Besides I say let this process continue even if we elect bad leaders. At the end and in the long term we would come out as mature voters. We are still leaning to crawl properly and you want us to start running.

I have no problem with what you say here. It is just that someone crawling with a huge burden on their shoulders is not likely to get up and walk anytime soon, let alone run. I need not go into details of the undue burden being placed to prevent the crawling to progress any further.

This is where i disagree with you. The fault lies with the people but for all the different reasons. Do you think USA or UK will take these people seriously or with respect when they rely on them more when it comes to saving their *** and not on the people of Pakistan. How do you think people like Nawaz and Zardari will get respect when every one in the world knows how corrupt they are and have billions in offshore accounts. Do you think the world is going to take you seriously when they know that the next time their government gets in trouble they will run to the US to save them. You forgot how letters were written by the Pakistani government to the US over Kerry Lugar bill, the same government that is suppose to protect Pakistan and its institutions abroad are writing to foreign governments to discredit state institutions, you believe they will respect such a country? no they wont, the reason why our international standing continues to take a hit is not because People of Pakistan disrespected Nawaz Sharif but because we continue to hold such people in high esteem and elect them as our leaders when they are not even worth of becoming a peon in some office.

Do you think that being led by a tinpot in a clean uniform with shiny buttons will get Pakistan any more respect?
Do you think that being led by a tinpot in a clean uniform with shiny buttons will get Pakistan any more respect?

Where did I implied that? My point was only related to what you said about why Pakistan reputation is taking a hit.
Where did I implied that? My point was only related to what you said about why Pakistan reputation is taking a hit.

My point is that for Pakistan to progress, it must take steps to build up its systems and institutions, as taking illegal shortcuts will never work. A small part of that process has to be to respect the elected officials, regardless of whether we agree with their merits or policies.
My point is that for Pakistan to progress, it must take steps to build up its systems and institutions, as taking illegal shortcuts will never work. A small part of that process has to be to respect the elected officials, regardless of whether we agree with their merits or policies.
The question is not about whether one agrees with their policy or not but about their corruption and their hidden wealth, tax evasion and you name it. This is no more about their policies.
Plus if it comes to respect than people in iceland, UK and the rest of the world would have never come out on the streets after all they are much more civilized but than again being civilized does not mean to allow leaders doing whatever they please and that too with impunity.
The question is not about whether one agrees with their policy or not but about their corruption and their hidden wealth, tax evasion and you name it. This is no more about their policies.
Plus if it comes to respect than people in iceland, UK and the rest of the world would have never come out on the streets after all they are much more civilized but than again being civilized does not mean to allow our leaders doing whatever they please with impunity.

Then please remember all this outrage and vote accordingly in the next elections. Let us see how many people share your outrage. There are no shortcuts here.
Then please remember all this outrage and vote accordingly in the next elections. Let us see how many people share your outrage. There are no shortcuts here.
Did the people in Iceland waited for the next elections? No similarly neither are people waiting in the UK where Cameron is In the thick spot light after his father was implicated, why should Pakistanis wait till next elections? Would the Americans have waited if Obama would have been implicated?
Don't preach what you can't practice. While you lot continue to enjoy freedom of the free world, yet for some reason deny others and call it some sort of a conspiracy against a man that the world is taking about when it comes to his corruption. Quit the hypocrisy.
Did the people in Iceland waited for the next elections? No similarly neither are people waiting in the UK where Cameron is In the thick spot light after his father was implicated, why should Pakistanis wait till next elections? Would the Americans have waited if Obama would have been implicated?
Don't preach what you can't practice. While you lot continue to enjoy freedom of the free world, yet for some reason deny others and call it some sort of a conspiracy against a man that the world is taking about when it comes to his corruption. Quit the hypocrisy.

Sir, Pakistan is clearly no Iceland, UK or USA - yet. First, the country has to get to a point where all of that can happen. This is not hypocrisy, but merely sincere advice. There are no shortcuts here.
Sir, Pakistan is clearly no Iceland, UK or USA - yet. First, the country has to get to a point where all of that can happen. This is not hypocrisy, but merely sincere advice. There are no shortcuts here.
We are not looking for shortcuts here but that does not mean we should accept what is not and will never be acceptable in the developed and civilized world. Are we the children of any lesser God and our leaders some sort of holy cow that they are above accountability and while the rest of the world stands up and demand answers, we should simply let it go till the next elections?
Agreed we are not USA or UK but thats precisely because we as a nation forgot to take a stand even at things which should have mattered in the first place. Countries like UK, USA are there because their people know their values, their rights and they hold their leaders accountable, yet when we are merely trying to do so, we are lectured to let it go, dont derail the system, this is a conspiracy against democracy etc? If this is not hypocrisy than what is?
We are not looking for shortcuts here but that does not mean we should accept what is not and will never be acceptable in the developed and civilized world. Are we the children of any lesser God and our leaders some sort of holy cow that they are above accountability and while the rest of the world stands up and demand answers, we should simply let it go till the next elections?
Agreed we are not USA or UK but thats precisely because we as a nation forgot to take a stand even at things which should have mattered in the first place. Countries like UK, USA are there because their people know their values, their rights and they hold their leaders accountable, yet when we are merely trying to do so, we are lectured to let it go, dont derail the system, this is a conspiracy against democracy etc? If this is not hypocrisy than what is?

Well then, if you can tell us how due process will be followed in getting NS out of office before the next elections are held, I am all ears.
Well then, if you can tell us how due process will be followed in getting NS out of office before the next elections are held, I am all ears.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Wait and see as the events unfold.
Amature and wrong. Remember, good or bad, he is PM of Pakistan.
refusal to accept insulting remakes by aliens about our elected Prime Minister or President is becoming their slaves??

Not at all. We may criticise, disagree with PM/Prez, be angry with their deeds and policies, may even use harsh words for them BUT the fact is the office he holds rightly demands respect.
the office he holds is a joke...When he took oath he took to work for PAKISTAN AND ITS PEOPLE ....when he fails to do that and makes Pakistan looks like its dying of corruption with nothing but corrupts on the top...as he would say "its bad for business" ....and if that office was as respectful as it is deemed, people would respect it enough to put a respectable person there! Right now it is nothing but a joke just like SC!
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