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Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif For Sale On eBay

There have no been laws broken, as his sons don't reside fully in Pakistan who run companies.
like many expat Pakistanis.
When the companies were made he was in Pakistan, if no law was broken then why these assets were hidden until two days before Panama Papers. If the companies were funded from Pakistan, there is no trail of money. If no trail then he is guilty of money laundering as per law.

Mr Nawaz only returned to Pakistan around 2008 , his family owned large Industrial companies via his Father's industrial background from decades and decades of business practice, which was only effected in 70's by virtue of Nationalization efforts post 1971 war
He himself said that everything was taken away and he started from scratch in KSA. Now the question is in mear 7 years he established a foundary, took it in profit and sold it at premium. He has been in power three times, how come he could not turn around Pakistan Steel.

Full cycle

post 70's Rich family - Industry Privatized Father loses control ( ITTEFAQ Group )

80's still rich - Gets back company again , makes money grows fortune
Trusted advisor to General Zia

86-1999 - Grows business for 13 years (Files taxes - as resident of Pakistan)

1999 - Political Exile : family moves out , gets out of Pakistan forceful exile
They move to Saudia , and try to restart lives in Saudia
(Take loans etc or their own family asset they left Pakistan with )

1999-2008 - 9 years the business runs makes money / grows expands
outside Pakistan (0% tax due in Pakistan) they don't live in Pakistan

2008-2013 - After NRO (National Reconciliation ordinance) forgiveness program
comes back to Pakistan , to stand in politics again, Son's continue their
business overseas no immediate plan to return due to lack of energy
Politician's wrongdoing cases 86-99 are forgiven
NRO declared void ab initio.

- Wins election , Mandate (Energy , Trade , Economy)
- Brings (1,000,000,000) Billion dollar gift to Pakistan from outside
- Kick starts energy projects
- Helps bring 43,000,000,000 USD billion investment from China
- Economic focus is heavy , SCO is joined
- Successful balance between Iran - Saudia - Pakistan relations
- Launches Zarb - e Azab on Terrorist with Military
- Successfully delivers Metro projects (Lahore - Rawalpindi cities)
- Reaches to IMF to get funds to improve Economy
- Moderate increase in Sales tax to help improve Tax collection
- MOU free trade with Turkey
- Progress on TAPI line
- Fast tracks GAWADAR port , defines route with his team
- His team brings in GAS from Qatar
- Qater agrees to give 200,000 visas to Pakistanis
- Railways is revived and starts running after 5 year neglect
- Continues to engage US and other nations to work in energy sector
- Makes plan to sell 5 Billion USD loss making PIA to bring new
management and investment in Pakistan
In today's world there is nothing like free lunch, what to talk of 1.5 billion... thats the correct figure. But where it has gone?
CPEC, Zarb-e-Azab, Iran-KSA-Pakistan ......effort and stand of COAS
yes IMF --- took so much loan that it surpassed all the numbers including the loans taken during AZ. In few months how Pakistan is going to avoid default.
Qatar agrees to give visas to Pakistanis at an exorbitant cost of LNG.
Energy Sector is hoax. Nandi pur still not functional. QA solar park a failure

He is not worth my 99 pounds... May be the seller should have started auction at 99p
Alleged .... until proven guilty , and the charges are not directly against him. The issue is effecting his work indirectly by virtue of association to his relatives.

Every one deserves a chance to discuss their side of story

There have no been laws broken, as his sons don't reside fully in Pakistan who run companies.
like many expat Pakistanis.

His sons have confidently came on TV prior to leaks and admitted yes they own companies and they are overseas but it is due to the exile they faced as a family and they have not yet came back to Pakistan due to shortage of energy etc and other reasons

1986-1999 issues tied to politicians were all forgiven under a political agreement between all parties of Pakistan & then head of state with inclusion of judiciary called NRO , with soul intention of reviving Democratic institutes in PAKISTAN as all leaders were living outside since 70's , 80's and and then post 1999

He himself was exiled in 1999 , before him Benazir Bhutto so his family started to function outside of Pakistan out of no choice but as a means to earn living again

Mr Nawaz only returned to Pakistan around 2008 , his family owned large Industrial companies via his Father's industrial background from decades and decades of business practice, which was only effected in 70's by virtue of Nationalization efforts post 1971 war

I personally support Mr Imran's in most issues & Musharaf's positive thinking but in this rare case , and looking at evidence trail, I have to give him benefit of doubt

Him and his economic team reforms have been moving at correct pace and urgency that needs to continue

Considering he brought 1 Billion investment as gift to Pakistan by his diplomacy alone , prior to CPEC discussion

I am positive the man is honest

some forces dont want stability in Pakistan and their pawn are working hard these days, lets hope they fail, next elections are only 2 years away then people can oust him for these reasons.
Alleged .... until proven guilty , and the charges are not directly against him. The issue is effecting his work indirectly by virtue of association to his relatives.

Every one deserves a chance to discuss their side of story

There have no been laws broken, as his sons don't reside fully in Pakistan who run companies.
like many expat Pakistanis.

His sons have confidently came on TV prior to leaks and admitted yes they own companies and they are overseas but it is due to the exile they faced as a family and they have not yet came back to Pakistan due to shortage of energy etc and other reasons

1986-1999 issues tied to politicians were all forgiven under a political agreement between all parties of Pakistan & then head of state with inclusion of judiciary called NRO , with soul intention of reviving Democratic institutes in PAKISTAN as all leaders were living outside since 70's , 80's and and then post 1999

He himself was exiled in 1999 , before him Benazir Bhutto so his family started to function outside of Pakistan out of no choice but as a means to earn living again

Mr Nawaz only returned to Pakistan around 2008 , his family owned large Industrial companies via his Father's industrial background from decades and decades of business practice, which was only effected in 70's by virtue of Nationalization efforts post 1971 war

I personally support Mr Imran's in most issues & Musharaf's positive thinking but in this rare case , and looking at evidence trail, I have to give him benefit of doubt

Him and his economic team reforms have been moving at correct pace and urgency that needs to continue

Considering he brought 1 Billion investment as gift to Pakistan by his diplomacy alone , prior to CPEC discussion

I am positive the man is honest
do u think they earned the money? they inherited the money from him. Moreover Nawaz Take millions of rupees as gift from them . u can see that in tax returns. that make nawaz direct beneficiary of corruption money .

some forces dont want stability in Pakistan and their pawn are working hard these days, lets hope they fail, next elections are only 2 years away then people can oust him for these reasons.
that forces force nawaz to do money laundering and corruption
some forces dont want stability in Pakistan and their pawn are working hard these days, lets hope they fail, next elections are only 2 years away then people can oust him for these reasons.
Every time Nawaz Sharif corruption comes out, it becomes some sort of conspiracy. What is it with you people?Would it be acceptable in Canada?
Written by Brendan Byrne
. The same man who put him there offered him a job lecturing for the University of Wales in various sister universities throughout the Middle Kingdom. While primarily lecturing in descriptive and comparative statistics, Brendan simultaneously earned an Msc in Banking and International Finance from the University of Wales-Bangor. He's presently doing something he hates, respecting French people. Well, two, his wife and her mother in the lovely town of Antigua, Guatemala. To contact Brendan or give him an exclusive, please contact him at theflask@gmail.com

Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif For Sale On eBay

Even if he was for a penny I wouldnt bid on that thing (NS)....Well since it doesnt ship to Pakistan I might have bid on it to send it to the deepest part of the oceans of the world!

Mr. Brendant Byrne we would not be selling him to an unstable man like you who hates respecting French People, even if you were ready to pay us trillions of dollars.
Mr. Brendant Byrne we would not be selling him to an unstable man like you who hates respecting French People, even if you were ready to pay us trillions of dollars.
Actually I wouldnt mind :ashamed:
Respecting or hating the french is his business....Not that NS respected Pakistan's laws enough to pay tax on what his real worth is...
Actually I wouldnt mind :ashamed:
Respecting or hating the french is his business....Not that NS respected Pakistan's laws enough to pay tax on what his real worth is...

Whatever Nawaz did or doing is going to be brought to justice by Pakistan and Pakistani people but the fact remains he is an elected Prime Minister of Pakistan and likes of Brendan Byrne has no right to insult him.
Whatever Nawaz did or doing is going to be brought to justice by Pakistan and Pakistani people but the fact remains he is an elected Prime Minister of Pakistan and likes of Brendan Byrne has no right to insult him.
You do wrong...the way I see it only Pakistani people gonne be your slave after you slapping em 3x ...Seriously what is the world turning to?
Good riddance. Sell this crook to the lowest bidder. We would do ourselves a great service by selling this shameless tax evader and money launderer. Now he has run off to London and we know exactly why. Note how these crooks always run off to England or Dubai in times of crisis. Two destinations for corrupt Pakistani elites. They always buy property in these two places where it seems that cronies have the freedom to roam around freely.
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Whatever Nawaz did or doing is going to be brought to justice by Pakistan and Pakistani people but the fact remains he is an elected Prime Minister of Pakistan and likes of Brendan Byrne has no right to insult him.

True. He may be a horrible person, but the office that he holds deserves the dignity granted by the State of Pakistan, at all times.
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