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pakistan peoples party..group of corrupt leaders

I heard from a reliable source that Salman Taseer was once scolding his staff '' tum loog kahaan se aii ho sharaab tak sahee tarhaan serve karni nahee ati "

Translation : Where have you people come from , you cant even serve alcohol properly

He said those lines in the lounge of the governor house.

So you can guess what are we dealing with , its self explanatory.

If he wants to drink privately he can do so its his own choice , but he,s drinking in the governor house that is a CRIME and its absolutely unacceptable.

I read some where that i am going to be the king of england:rofl:
As much as I dislike PPP, I do not see any issues with the pictures.

- Information minister smoking. Islamically one can debate that smoking is haraam because its bad for your health, however why single her out when almost half the population of the Islamic republic of Pakistan smokes?

- Taseer drinking - How do we know that what he is drinking is not Apple Juice? What is the point of pointing out an ice box? I have seen these at many a dinners.

- Fondling of the chest of the fairer sex - As clueless as our PM Gilani is, maybe that was intentional and maybe it was not...I really can't tell.

In all honesty, Allah knows best what these people are up to. However for someone to look at these photos and pass judgment upon these people is wrong as well.

wow how innocent you are.how postive you are just zoom in the sulman tasear picture you can see the beer cans. how many pakistani girls smoke openly.and i think you havent seen the vedio clip of gillani and sherry rehman there is no doubt in that.dont misguide other people from truth which even you can see.
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They all should be stoned to death, now, where’s our Taliban brothers when you want them. :devil:

DO you have any hope from these corrupt and hypocrate leaders?

what is the big deal here, rest of the pics i understand as liquor is haram but taking a smoke ............... ?
very very cheap comments! Every leader is respected not for his personal life....his contributions. Talk where they fail to deliver as a leader...let them drink, smoke or do any thing they want. Who are you to question them. They have their family to takecare of such.
Well, I am an unenlightened American so I do not know what vices are permitted in strict Islamic practice. Please enlighten me as to what vices are OK and which are forbidden (say, by the Taliban types):

drugs (opiates, marajuana)
prostitute sex
extramarital sex
smoking tobacco
chewing tobacco
snuffing tobacco
TV entertainment
video games
animal cruelty (rooster fighting, dog fighting ,etc.
others (that I can't think of with my Christian brain)

Are any of these things OK??
Well, I am an unenlightened American so I do not know what vices are permitted in strict Islamic practice. Please enlighten me as to what vices are OK and which are forbidden (say, by the Taliban types):
(that I can't think of with my Christian brain)

Are any of these things OK??

Could you pls list the items which are OK for your Christian brain.
roopesh, sir! I am a Protestant Christian. In my catechism the following would be OK, in moderation:

smoking tobacco
chewing tobacco
snuffing tobacco
TV entertainment
video games
Well, I am an unenlightened American so I do not know what vices are permitted in strict Islamic practice. Please enlighten me as to what vices are OK and which are forbidden (say, by the Taliban types):

drugs (opiates, marajuana)
prostitute sex
extramarital sex
smoking tobacco
chewing tobacco
snuffing tobacco
TV entertainment
video games
animal cruelty (rooster fighting, dog fighting ,etc.
others (that I can't think of with my Christian brain)

Are any of these things OK??

Dear ruth Seeker ,

First of all please do not relate everything with Taliban...it is nothing to do with these basturds. Let me tell you what is haram and what is halal to the best of my knowledge.

Alcohol: Muahmmed (PBHU) was given an option to either choose wine or milk and he opted for milk. Even at the same time wine was pretty common in his few companions. But from that very moment it was declared forbidden. Why???( Google it and you will find loads of research on alcohol as how it gives you slow poison).

drugs (opiates, marajuana)

I belive same for drugs, why, cause once you are on drugs you have no idea what you are doin and your mind is totally out of control.

prostitute sex
extramarital sex

Its a totally forbidden thing in Islam so as in other religions. Islam instructed us to give special respect to woman as they are your mother, your sister and your daughter. Whatever is happening in the nme of liberalization is nothing but signs of destruction of the society. I dunno about US but in england majority of the children born in this country are basturds.

I can quote you one small example here, due to the nature of my work here I work on door to door basis, I met a lady who had 8 childrens with 8 different fathers and she was very propud of that. its a never ending story.

Rest I am not sure about as for music if it had been haram then Hazrat Ameer Khusro (The Sufi Poet) wouldnt have to invented so many musical instruments but again extreme of any thing is no good.

I hope this might help you to understand why general people in Pakistan are so concious about their leaders as they reflect the socitey which in realit is totally other way around. These corrupt leaders always remain in powers and exploit everything so that they could hang around.:pakistan:
Well, I am an unenlightened American so I do not know what vices are permitted in strict Islamic practice. Please enlighten me as to what vices are OK and which are forbidden (say, by the Taliban types):

drugs (opiates, marajuana)
prostitute sex
extramarital sex
smoking tobacco
chewing tobacco
snuffing tobacco
TV entertainment
video games
animal cruelty (rooster fighting, dog fighting ,etc.
others (that I can't think of with my Christian brain)

Which one of the above would you promote to your own children?
I could care less what they do in their private life if they can deliver at their jobs in a professional level.

Seriously, these aren't the things we should be criticizing but what they have done with this country.
With no offense to any the member of the forum, If you are drinker than it’s not a big deal. if its normal that ladies smoke in your home than again its not a big deal for you. But if you belong to moderate Pakistani family, than these acts might disturb you. Leader should present self example and should not portrayed bad habits. They are not even ashamed of smoking and drinking in front of everybody this is much bigger issue that they don’t consider it as bad thing.
Even USA people do every thing but they never forgave Clinton because he was a leader. A leader should create a self example. When you present yourself as a leader than your personnel life should be exemplary.
those who are outsiders and non Muslim this is the part of there society so it may not bad thing for them but for Pakistan society yes I proudly can say drinking and women smoke in front of everybody is bad and forbidden by our religion there is no doubt in this aspect.
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