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@war&peace As young man I got a crush on Mussarat Nazeer singing on PTV- this was when the national monopoly only offered Neelam Ghar after I believe the tedious khabernama which showed Gen. Zia's image at every turn including when he took a leak.
I feel our older generations had a better music sense despite the monopolies or duopolies. Her voice is mature and smooth and this song is one of my dad's favourites. He used to play (audio) especially while travelling in his car on long drives. Though video is not very high quality but still I can see she is an elegant woman with nice fashion sense.

BTW I heard most of Pakistan's older music has been illegally copied by India...
lol. Wow brother take it easy on the tea or you will be talking/walking like me.
He was needlessly trolling and all his posts were illogical rants with typical Gangadeshi stench vitiating the atmosphere of the whole thread. While there are serious Indian members and I treat them with respect for the sake of discussion like @ashok321 @Joe Shearer @Bhushan Jamiwar
BTW I heard most of Pakistan's older music has been illegally copied by India...
Yeh. The first time I went to Pakistan in 1980s was awesome. I was blown away by the sun, beauty, men being men, women being women. I stayed in Islamabad for many months with my uncle. I still remember racing down Islamabad Highway in British import Toyota Corolla with incedible simmering view of Faisel Masjid. Wow. Windows down and Junaid Jamshed, Vital signs, Dil dil Pakistan, Nazia Hassan, Mohammed Ali Shekhi, Alamgir on full blast.
We can build but needs decades of R&D and billions of rupees which makes it not feasible until private companies starts R&D and develop locally engines and other stuff.

Corruption will prevent it from buying from local companies even if they can produce it due to massive corruption and kickback from foreign companies. There is a NAB to check on government projects but there is no mechanism to check the corruption in Army and plus they protect themselves
There is nothing in this world that Pakistan cannot do while others can. So definitely Pakistan can if it is prioritised. It all depends on the leadership's will and funding. These machines are not employing some other science, they just use materials found in this world, and follow aerodynamics...the knowledge of which is well established and known to everyone.

Some other guy from the block said the same for nukes as well,

Good day,

Yeh, the technology in the centrifuges in Pakistani reprocessing plants is more advance than tech in these helicopters.
Come on. This is a thread now? one liners?
Why nope.....they did that about aircraft this missiles and nukes. It would be interesting to hear your logic

I already did at the end of page one, mate,
but you can guess at the amount of work
required by comparing with other lands as
I did with India.
1961-62 First license for production of Alouette III.
1969 Production starts in earnest.
1970 License for Lama.
1976 First locally sourced production
Those were made to 330 and 275 units approx.
They are still in service today, selling even and
a local engine was recently adapted to one of
them _Chetak Cheetah Cheetal _ ETC.

1984 MBB helps in Druv design, quite a lot.
1992 First flight.
2002 Entry in service.

From it, LUH & LCH spawn, both light helos.

India still cannot make a heavy helicopter.

Now, spot the delays of 7 and 6 years for the
licences and of 16 years for helped design to
service incl. 10 years of development to prod.

Then ask yourself how much it all cost India.

Now let's suppose Pakistan starts afresh today.
Let's suppose we can do it in half the time and
half the money because Indians are notoriously
slow and inefficient although high spenders.

60 years becomes 30 and gazillions of rupees
become a few tens of billion dollars, maybe at
twenty B$ only as Pakistanis are frugal as well,
which at today's rate is still 2300 billion rupees?

So in 2048, Pakistan will make a decent local
version of an all purpose helicopter platform.
Will we make a Heavy Gunship? That's less
certain even starting with a license for it, at
least not in the full sense of make. Doubtful!

And even then, even if we copied it to a T ...
we'll be getting and worse selling a Mi-35 like
machine 3 decades late?

OH! And BTW, what will the country look like
after splurging 1% of GDP/year for so long?
All for helicopters?

Pakistanis are not less able than anyone but
the nation is not as rich as others countries.

As any modest income household, it means
a more stringent budgetary line that includes
more drastic choices. At PakGovt level, that
means dual projects are the only viable way;
things that benefit the civilian needs as well
as the military's like a SMall transport/trainer
plane or in this case a light helicopter platform
that can be used as ambulances, for emergency
services whereas the sustenance of a fleet of
heavy helicopters would be beyond budget.

And why? As the missiles and nukes guys noted,
it was done once for a duo that effectively puts
the menace away!

The import Mi-35 now acquired will chase a few
mountain illuminatis in Pakistan's rougher hills
and scare the afghans back down their own hills.

Here's an idea : as long as the nukes protect the
nation/state itself and supposing the Indians fools
enough to attack, let's be sport and equip every
Pakistani with a machete, an AK and ... a flame
thrower all locally made and show resilience in
due form? À la Suisse?

T'would still come cheaper than a local CH-47 line.
And much faster!!!

There snow buddy, you had me rant long drawn.
Are you happy?

My original version had less jokes but packed a
bigger punch as Jugger noticed and commented.

Have a great day mate, Tay.
Here's an idea : as long as the nukes protect the
nation/state itself and supposing the Indians fools
enough to attack, let's be sport and equip every
Pakistani with a machete, an AK and ... a flame
thrower all locally made and show resilience in
due form? À la Suisse?

It's not enough that the nukes justify the killing of civilians, you want to justify the deaths of pretty much all the civilians in Pakistan too?

The IA will just blanket every village, town and city with artillery for many days before moving in. Since there are only "combatants" there.
It's not enough that the nukes justify the killing of civilians, you want to justify the deaths of pretty much all the civilians in Pakistan too?

The IA will just blanket every village, town and city with artillery for many days before moving in. Since there are only "combatants" there.

That's all you got from my post?
And apparently the Brits didn't leave
any humour behind when they left, eh?

Good day, relax, Tay.
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