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Pakistan outflanked by India

Only China centric means still catering to an economy many times the size of all the economies in Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran combined

All of you Bharatis need lessons in geography



Iran blocking land access to Pakistan

China ditching Pakistan to join Bharat in Iran
Some of these bhaRATi dreams are just :rofl:

China don't have to snub gwadar but think about it.

China to invest in chabhahar port economic zone worth billions.

Chabhahar is a multi national project with lots of investment from different nations around the world. Like India Afghanistan Iran Japan China. India plans to invite many nation's officials in new Delhi to persuade them to be invest in chabhahar port projects to worth some 10 to 12 billions. Loans are been organised from world banks and other financial institutions.

Gwadar on other hand is a sole project by China. Only major customer for gwadar will be China which tends to export goods through the port to Africa and far West.

Due to presence of Indian sphere of influence right next door to gwadar main strategic factor is now compromised. China won't have safe passage either through Malaka starit or through gwadar. If China stations it's naval assert in the port India will do the same putting Pakistan national security at risk. As now Indian vessels will float right next to ur docks than ever before. Reason could be ensuring safety of our interest in the region .

China proposed lots of things in the past which yet to be materialised like billions of whooping dollars pipe line project with Serbia to China. Now given the opportunity in chabhahar, given the compromise of strategic plan, huge sum involved, Un secured situation and rampant corruption will may now delay the project.
Published June 9, 2016


The latest joke making the rounds in Pakistan has it that the May 23 Trilateral Transit Agreement — signed in Tehran during PM Modi’s visit there — between India, Iran and Afghanistan so fazed and unnerved Nawaz Sharif that he got a heart attack. He underwent bypass surgery in London on May 31.

A Pakistani layman has it to his abiding consternation why can’t his leaders have faith in their own medical facilities and why must they run off to London or New York for even minor ailments? And then they exhort their countrymen to have faith in Pakistan. But faith seems to be in short supply in Islamabad, especially its ‘establishment,’ in the wake of three of Pakistan’s neighbours ‘ganging up,’ in the eyes of many a cynic, to outmanoeuvre and outflank Islamabad in one clean swoop.

The trilateral agreement Modi coaxed out of Pakistan’s Muslim neighbours — in the critique of the India-centric detractors — is a smart move on the regional chessboard of one-upmanship. The agreement is anchored on the Iranian Port of Chabahar, which will be developed into a modern outlet with 500 million dollars of Indian money. To the Pakistanis, the Indian gambit is calculated to checkmate the Port of Gwadar, just 70 kilometers from Chabahar. Gwadar is intended to be the crown-jewel of the 46 billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on which Nawaz Sharif has, apparently, staked his future in Pakistani politics. Gwadar will be China’s pivot of outlet to the Arabian Sea.

Chabahar will be doing the same thing, in reverse, for India, allowing it to gain access to Iran, Afghanistan and — the main-prize — the vast region of Central Asian Republics (CAR) of the defunct Soviet Union. The religion-conscious Pakistani pundits can’t put aside their sensitivity that all CARs are Muslim and should, in their faith-phobia, be automatically inclined to Muslim Pakistan than (Hindu) India.

So Modi, in checkmating Pakistan on the coast of Arabian Sea as well as in Central Asia and Afghanistan is triggering off a new Great Game, in reverse, in the 21st century against both Pakistan and China. The protagonists and contenders of the 19th century Great Game — Imperial Britain and Imperial Russia — sought to thwart each other in their lunge to the warm waters of Arabian Sea. Here, Pakistan and India are going to fight it out in their thrust into Central Asia. What incenses the Pakistani establishment — army and intelligence agencies — most is Modi’s checkmate devaluing Pakistan’s trump card of access to land-locked Afghanistan, and beyond, through its territory. India has long been frustrated in its quest to have access for its goods to Afghanistan via Pakistan. Chabahar is going to steal all the thunder from Pakistan’s pivotal position as the only inlet to, and outlet from, Afghanistan.

Of greater chagrin to Pakistan is how Iran — a neighbour with whom it shares much, much, more than just land border — has allowed itself to be roped into an ‘axis’ aimed at undercutting Pakistan and its core interests in the region. What these Pakistani Cassandras forget, however, is the old dictum of no permanency of friends or enemies but of national interest only. But un-blinkered Pakistani pundits with open minds argue that as far as delivering Iran into India’s arms is concerned, Pakistan has scored an own-goal. They fault the Pakistani leadership for subverting Pakistan’s ineluctable geo-political compulsion to cultivate Iran and sacrificing this core national interest at the altar of its civil and military leadership’s subservience to Iran’s arch-rival, Saudi Arabia — and Saudi Arabia’s principal mentor, US. Pakistan wilfully squandered a golden opportunity to benefit both itself and Iran during the period when Iran was under West-enforced sanctions. Sanctions against Iraq in 1990s — history’s most suffocating according to their American authors — had been flouted with impunity by those who had nothing in common with Iraq.

But Pakistan deliberately chose not to help Iran and itself and instead took cover under the sanctions’ umbrella. It was starved of natural gas and next door Iran, awash with gas, was ready to fill all its needs; it laid a gas pipeline years ago up to the Pakistani border but, to date, Pakistan hasn’t moved a finger to do the same on its side. Pakistan stopped buying the Iranian crude — to a drop — because of Saudi and American diktat. So why bemoan now that Iran has drifted to Pakistan’s arch-rival, India? A friend in need is a friend indeed, the Iranian Ambassador in Islamabad reminded his Pakistani interlocutors. India was the only country that continued to buy Iranian crude despite the sanctions. Why shouldn’t Iran oblige a ‘real friend’ with favours opposite a reluctant neighbour?

Nawaz was one of the earliest visitors to Tehran, following the lifting of sanctions against Iran, early this year but did nothing to warm Pakistan to Iran. And during Hasan Rouhani’s visit to Islamabad, in March, the Pakistani establishment embarrassed him by insinuating that Iran was providing sanctuaries to Indian spies against Pakistan. It’s petulant of Pakistan to cry over spilt milk now that India has stepped in to fill the vacuum for both Iran and Afghanistan.

And, as per the Iranian Ambassador in Islamabad, “the deal (on Chabahar) is not finished.” It isn’t a done deal yet and the Iranians are still game to both China and Pakistan. But the invitation only adds to Pakistan’s concerns: what if China takes the bait and starts nibbling on Chabahar, too? What future will there be, then, for Gwadar? Keep your fingers crossed for the health of both Gwadar and Nawaz. Modi in the US is bound to raise temperature in Islamabad.

karamatullah k ghori is a former Pakistan diplomat

Modi has to be given credit for his foreign policy.

But, this outflanking Pakistan. Chahbahar better than Gwadar headlines or vice versa are all a little too sensationalist for my liking.
Both will exist. Both will vie for business as should happen. There will be competition which will be healthy.
Chabahar presents no serious credible threat to Gwadar economically as has been discussed here.
Economically speaking, pray, do tell us what is that you guys are going to export that you are not already exporting through Gwadar?? Do you have indigenous industries that are magically going to transform your trade to unheard of levels using the CPEC for exporting high value goods? Textiles being low value aren't going to fetch you much. The cost of transportation will be more than the value of such goods which would not be viable.

Even this is becoming non profitable. The All Pakistan Textile Mills Association – the representative body of the exporters – has already announced to shut their factories, as they argue that doing business was no more profitable due to unprecedented level of taxation, transportation costs and high energy prices.

Because of this, Pakistan’s exports have plunged to a four-year low of $23.9 billion in the recently ended financial year – missing the target by $3.1 billion and tattering the much-trumpeted ‘Vision 2025’ that promises six times increase in exports in the next 10 years.

Pakistan needs to use the CPEC for exporting high value goods like iron and steel, vehicles, machinery, electronics, specialized auto parts, and so on or this would just be a Silk Route primarily for the Chinese using Gwadar for their exports from mainland China.
@OrionHunter They expect CPEC to employ people by droves. Instead, the manufacturing hubs of China will wipe out their manufacturing industries ... leaving Pakistan option of either entering into services sector in a big way or facing significant problems in terms of layoffs.

I guess what the poster wants to say is that they have one production line which is very efficiently exporting the product to all over the world - and they will export that product as they have been doing. Understandable!
Only China centric means still catering to an economy many times the size of all the economies in Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran combined

Good Luck :tup:

Now start exploring products that your Export economy can cater specifically to China :devil:

All of you Bharatis need lessons in geography



Iran blocking land access to Pakistan

China ditching Pakistan to join Bharat in Iran
Some of these bhaRATi dreams are just :rofl:

Before :rofl: please have the decency of reading the post of your fellow countryman who was wishfully inviting China to nibble in Chahbahar.

My post is only reflecting the only possible outcome of his foolish wishes :sarcastic:


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Economically speaking, pray, do tell us what is that you guys are going to export that you are not already exporting through Gwadar?? Do you have indigenous industries that are magically going to transform your trade to unheard of levels using the CPEC for exporting high value goods? Textiles being low value aren't going to fetch you much. The cost of transportation will be more than the value of such goods which would not be viable.

Even this is becoming non profitable. The All Pakistan Textile Mills Association – the representative body of the exporters – has already announced to shut their factories, as they argue that doing business was no more profitable due to unprecedented level of taxation, transportation costs and high energy prices.

Because of this, Pakistan’s exports have plunged to a four-year low of $23.9 billion in the recently ended financial year – missing the target by $3.1 billion and tattering the much-trumpeted ‘Vision 2025’ that promises six times increase in exports in the next 10 years.

Pakistan needs to use the CPEC for exporting high value goods like iron and steel, vehicles, machinery, electronics, specialized auto parts, and so on or this would just be a Silk Route primarily for the Chinese using Gwadar for their exports from mainland China.

Exports worldwide have seen a declining trend

Best to look at your own country

"Exports from India fell 6.74 percent year-on-year to USD 20570 million in April of 2016, the lowest since November of 2015. It was the 17th straight month of decline as non-petroleum exports decreased 3.49 percent."


Pakistani exports have dwindled because of the same reasons plus the power crisis.
CPEC is already rectifying that....The Chinese are investing massively in the power sector.
This investment will start paying dividend in 2018.....solving the energy crisis will alone add by some estimates another 2% to our GDP growth annually.

Along with routes which will see a motorway network from Karachi to Peshawar.....new roads being built connecting Balochistan and Southern KPK for the western corridor....around 17 economic zones are planned.

Plus China this week committed to dualisation of the railway track along the length of the country in a $8 bn project.

All these things are happening in Pakistan....right now !

Things are on the move and the Bharati butthurt is the icing on the cake

China don't have to snub gwadar but think about it.

China to invest in chabhahar port economic zone worth billions.

Chabhahar is a multi national project with lots of investment from different nations around the world. Like India Afghanistan Iran Japan China. India plans to invite many nation's officials in new Delhi to persuade them to be invest in chabhahar port projects to worth some 10 to 12 billions. Loans are been organised from world banks and other financial institutions.

Gwadar on other hand is a sole project by China. Only major customer for gwadar will be China which tends to export goods through the port to Africa and far West.

Due to presence of Indian sphere of influence right next door to gwadar main strategic factor is now compromised. China won't have safe passage either through Malaka starit or through gwadar. If China stations it's naval assert in the port India will do the same putting Pakistan national security at risk. As now Indian vessels will float right next to ur docks than ever before. Reason could be ensuring safety of our interest in the region .

China proposed lots of things in the past which yet to be materialised like billions of whooping dollars pipe line project with Serbia to China. Now given the opportunity in chabhahar, given the compromise of strategic plan, huge sum involved, Un secured situation and rampant corruption will may now delay the project.

Yes, the Chinese will be scared off by the Bharati naval presence in Chabahar.....righttttttt !
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