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Pakistan opted for F-16 than JAS Gripen

neo-just one point JAS gripen has also been sold to Hungary besides RSA. we would really like to know about these highly classified news about PAF plans?
neo-just one point JAS gripen has also been sold to Hungary besides RSA. we would really like to know about these highly classified news about PAF plans?

Hungry has Jas-39 on lease...IIRC they're going for F-16's.
An old news publish in Pakistani news paper

Pakistan To Purchase Gripen Jets From Sweden
ISLAMABAD (June 15, 2004): Pakistan is acquiring State-of-the-art high-tech front role JAS-Gripen Planes for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) from Sweden. The planes on their induction in the PAF would help restore the balance in air defence over the South Asian skies especially between Pakistan and India. The Gripens are far superior especially between Pakistan and India. The Gripens are far superior than Mig-27, Mig-29, Mig-31 and Mairage-2000, the front role Indian fighters planes.
Well-placed defense sources told The News here on Monday that President General Pervez Musharraf is visiting three important Scandinavian countries next month including Sweden and it is expected that the deal for purchase of the Gripens would come up for discussion. The president will also visit Denmark and Norway in the same trip.
The sources said that Pakistan is going for JAS-39 version of the Gripen planes, considered to be far more effective than US F-16s, the only front role state-of-the-art planes the PAF is relying and the mainstay of the Pakistan Air Force for any eventuality. The overhauling and maintenance technology of these planes will also be transferred to Pakistan by Sweden once the deal is struck, the sources said.
Pakistan has decided to acquire the Gripens after finding difficulties in getting US made F-16s. Islamabad has also studied French-made Rafael and upcoming European planes, Euro fighters. However, it was decided to go into a deal for the Gripens.
Pakistan is expecting to induct JF-17 Thunder in the PAF in early 2007 but the Gripens would be available much before that, the sources said. The PAF is in dire need of high-tech planes. The Gripens will adequately fulfil this need, the sources said. Pakistan could not have any high-tech plane after acquiring F-16s some 20 years ago.
The JF-17 Thunder will be framed close to the F-16s while the Gripens will be Delta wing planes resembling with French made Mairage-2000 and will be all weather capability planes with multi-role of fighting, bombing and reconnaissance. The supersonic Gripens will be flying with mach-2plus speed, beating in speed all its contemporaries, the sources said.
The single seat fighter-attacker-reconnaissance Gripen is heads up and down display (hudd) that replaces normal flight instruments. Its excellence has already proven and with Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) and navigation system, the Gripen is considered to be the current century's plane in true sense, the sources added.
The sources said that Sweden is prepared to supply the planes according to the requirement of Pakistan. Foreign Secretary Riaz Khokhar visited Sweden last month and discussed with the authorities in Stockholm schedule of the visit of the presidnet. Both the capitals are engaged in finalising the dates for the visit. It is expected that Lt Gen (Retd) Hamid Nawaz, secretary defense would also be part of the entourage of the president, the sources added
F-16s are a potent weapon but not the ones we are getting and i have mentioned the reasons for it. Regarding cost and logistics, support, infrastructure, do you seriously believe these things come into play when you are up against an enemy who not only has numerical superority but techinally wise too. How do one expect to counter it when you are lacking in all the fields.

How can they be useful for pakistani airspace, incase you have forgotten the palnes are not allowed to leave pakistan airspace without american approval. Do you think it is feasable that in case of an indian attack, we'll be asking permissions to strike back. Some one said that F-16s can carry more payload, whats the use of this payload when you cant exactly leave pakistan airspace without permission. And if it is suppose to be a defensive fighter, then its an utter waste of resources and time. We already have JFs for it which is almost 70% capable to an F-16s, i believe 100% or even better against the ones we are getting.

The chances are equal, since the new strategic patnership between the US and india, it is more likely for the indians to go for the US fighters and specially when the most advance version of the F-16s along with tot being offered.

I see quite a few inaccuracies in your post. Please expand how so our PAF F-16s to be delievered are not potent aircraft and also how will Pakistan be not allowed to use them in case of war?

In my opinion, PAF F-16s will be the most potent versions of the aircraft barring one component which is DRFM on the integrated ECM pod...which allows you to capture and relay back digital frequencies in real time (effective for conducting electronic warfare)...however pre-recorded libraries of signals emitted by the other sides radars etc. can still be used by the aircraft to conduct Electronic warfare...this means that PAF would have a very decent capability to wage EW over the Indian airspace if the need arises. Secondly, I know so for a fact that PAF opted not to go for the DRFM module on the F-16s due to political sensitivities around it, however PAF has a few 3rd party alternates to it.

Secondly, your point about not being able to use the aircraft at best can be taken as a formality. Every single weapon system that the US sells comes with some sort of an understanding that it will not be used in an offensive manner against another country with which US has ties (Turkey & Greece are both subject to similar formalities)....however in times of war, you bet your whatever that PAF would use the F-16s as and when it likes to. There is no barring that.

We already have JFs for it which is almost 70% capable to an F-16s, i believe 100% or even better against the ones we are getting.

The JF-17s were projected to be 70% as good as the F-16 blk 15s that we currently have. They could even improve in terms of avionics to become even better than the blk 15, however the new blk52s are in an altogether different league. The payload, range, avionics and even weapons integration make them much better platforms overall.

As far as sanctions etc....once bitten, twice shy is the case with the PAF...they at least say that they have enough back doors available that this time around the situation will not be the same as in the 90s.
Hungry has Jas-39 on lease...IIRC they're going for F-16's.

As you know my friend I went to Hungary and talked to pilots there. The fact is that both F16 and Gripen were tested and the F16 was more suited for Hungary but the politicians selected Gripen...

Opposite in Poland. As far as I know the Gripen would have suited better but the politicians selected F16 block52. Essentially they got the block52 for free (joining coalition against Irac). Now they are having troubles in getting spares... Even that is not suprising... Cause they are used to handle tough Russian planes... I have to add this cause often arrogant western posters say that Russian hardware is crap. Opposite s realistic. The Russian planes do not need climate shelters nor kind handling. You can walk on them and clean them up with a shuffle... Just insert fuel and fly... Try that with high tech western planes. The only resaon why they got bad name is that arab pilots are rubbish and destroyed the image... I have seen quite a few movies how the arabs flew against Israel planes and I was terribly shocked. On eEgyptian moron even landed on a destroyed strip... With a Israeli Mirage 3 just a few hundred meter behind... Man, I wished that arabs had more brains.
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