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Pakistan On The Verge Of Inflationary Collapse - Pleads For Larger IMF Bailout

How was Imran's relationship with Biden? Imran's political campaign was bereft with Anti American rhetoric. This was reported in US media.

During Trump's tenure, US needed Pakistan's support for a graceful exit from Afghanistan. It was largely under this self interest that Imran Khan was entertained by Trump. After the botched Afghan exit, well - I will say no more. :pop:
So problem was with Biden Admin not Khan. If US had offered Pakistan something of mutual interest as Trump did, Imran Khan would have excellent relations with Biden Admin too. Biden Admin wanted military bases in Pakistan and to that Khan said absolutely not. Hence the US backed regime change operation against his govt, Patwari
Three main reason for Pakistan's collapse:
  • Engineered democracy
  • Engineered economy
  • Engineered justice

Indian Patwari must know Imran Khan is neither anti India nor anti US

Ex PM Imran selected world renowned macro economist Dr Atif Mian in his economic advisory team back in 2018. It was bigoted people like you that led to his ouster along with two other experts from London school of economics and Harvard University

@Wood @Pak Nationalist
Atif Mian's position in EAC would have been advisory. At the end of the day, the political class is the one that has to take tough economic decisions at the cost of its own political capital. A world-class academic sitting in the US could only offer solutions, but implementing these by a capacity deficient system and political leaders busy feeling the pulse of aabpara and pindi/watching over their shoulders rather than governing is much trickier than one can imagine.
So problem was with Biden Admin not Trump. If US had offered Pakistan something of mutual interest as Trump did, Imran Khan would have excellent relations with Biden Admin too. Biden Admin wanted military bases in Pakistan and to that Khan said absolutely not. Hence the US backed regime change operation against his govt, Patwari
Bilawal was welcomed by Washington. Has PDM offered bases to US?

US's strategic support to India as a hedge against China is bound to cause some damage to US - Pakistan relationship. The Americans would have known that well and would have planned to balance that with a de-hyphenated relationship with Pakistan based on trade and other mutual interests. But Imran found a way to channel that underlying resentment and drone strikes (in KPK) into an election winning mantra. You deceive yourself if you think that Americans do not know that Imran Khan is fanning anti - Americanism in Pakistan.
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What an utter nonsense with absolutely no economic sense how a 13 percent inflation can lead to collapse @Norwegian you are better than that.... quoting some unknown media outlet with not a shred of reasoning is below your posts...
Atif Mian's position in EAC would have been advisory. At the end of the day, the political class is the one that has to take tough economic decisions at the cost of its own political capital. A world-class academic sitting in the US could only offer solutions, but implementing these by a capacity deficient system and political leaders busy feeling the pulse of aabpara and pindi/watching over their shoulders rather than governing is much trickier than one can imagine.
Yeah I agree with this. GHQ and Aabpara must completely get out of govt affairs. Only then it would be the start of real reform in Pakistan
What an utter nonsense with absolutely no economic sense how a 13 percent inflation can lead to collapse @Norwegian you are better than that.... quoting some unknown media outlet with not a shred of reasoning is below your posts...
It's a clickbait but the larger emergent economic picture points at much to despair. IMF would bail Pakistan out eventually (again). However, that would be us getting a pain-numbing IV for a 3rd stage cancer. Fixes despite political will might not be as easy as these might have been once. Geopolitics, global economic condition, and climate change will make the successful execution of prudent economic policies much harder to materialize. Things go out of our control from here on. Food and energy security are unassailable challenges now (at least for us due to our minimal resources and lack of investor confidence in this country that might bridge the requisite financing gap).

Yeah I agree with this. GHQ and Aabpara must completely get out of govt affairs. Only then it would be the start of real reform in Pakistan
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
But Imran found a way to channel that underlying resentment and drone strikes (in KPK) into an election winning mantra.
Nope. Drone strikes stopped in your favorite Nawaz Haramkhor govt.

What an utter nonsense with absolutely no economic sense how a 13 percent inflation can lead to collapse @Norwegian you are better than that.... quoting some unknown media outlet with not a shred of reasoning is below your posts...
Collapse is not because of inflation but because of impending 20 billion dollars debt repayments and its burden on the people of Pakistan
Musharraf tenure was the boom time before 2008 financial crisis. Pakistan's cooperation with US during WoT brought considerable financial assistance to Pakistan from the west. Because of this arrangement, anti - Americanism in Pakistan found a political face in Imran. This led to PTI's rule in 2018. History cannot be seen in isolation :pop:
Actually, the PPP govt received more American assistance (Kery Lugar bill), but we still ended up needing another IMF program by 2012/13 due to the spending spree PPP went on in its final years of the stint.

no one is willing to talk about PTIs mess ups...

thats why we need some sorta civllian dictorship or else these idiots to get election wins will ruin the country
No need for anything as fancy. A whole of nation approach where a broad-based national consensus on economic management is arrived at and implemented by whatever party in power 'might' work as well. It would have surely worked a decade back but given the uncontrollable external stimuli our economic system is dealing with, even the chances of success for such a promising national endeavor look patchy. Too much water has passed under the bridge.
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4.3 trillion DEFICIT budget you mean?
So you are saying that all 11 tajurbakar parties didnt know?

they have mafia sitting on every department. Issue is this 11 parties is incompetent, just look whom they made opposition leader.

This is pmln performance since 2013

They are liars and incompetent dont know how to manage and run country without having bailouts and then burn them to make dollar stable to show the patwaris how great they are later those patwaris and whole nation have to pay back
Actually, the PPP govt received more American assistance (Kery Lugar bill), but we still ended up needing another IMF program by 2012/13 due to the spending spree PPP went on in its final years of the stint.
Exactly. Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Haramkhor fcked up Pakistani economy between 2001 and 2018
Actually, the PPP govt received more American assistance (Kery Lugar bill), but we still ended up needing another IMF program by 2012/13 due to the spending spree PPP went on in its final years of the stint.
Ah, yes. There was a forum called 'Friends of Democratic Pakistan'. But please note that PPP also had to weather the storm after 2008 economic collapse.
Nope. Drone strikes stopped in your favorite Nawaz Haramkhor govt.
Yet, Imran Khan was the biggest critic of the strikes and claimed Pakistan has become subservient to America. In reality, Pakistan was looking after its own interest with respect to Taliban situation. Forget about trying to argue with random and irrelevant people like me and just google 'Imran anti Americanism'. You will find that almost every influential media on the west has multiple editorials and opinion pieces on the topic going back for many years. This is more important than anything that I have to say on the topic. :pop:
Ah, yes. There was a forum called 'Friends of Democratic Pakistan'. But please note that PPP also had to weather the storm after 2008 economic collapse

Not only that but the super flood of 2010 and a cavalier supreme court as well. However, none of that takes the spotlight away from breaking the bank part towards the end of the tenure to spend all their way to an unlikely electoral triumph.
Biden Admin wanted military bases in Pakistan and to that Khan said absolutely not.

Incorrect. USA never asked for any bases in Pakistan, and IK's famous "absolutely not" comment was blurted out in response to a hypothetical question by a journalist during an interview. Much ado about nothing for domestic political mileage, nothing more.
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Pakistan On The Verge Of Inflationary Collapse - Pleads For Larger IMF Bailout

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022 - 03:27 PM
Pakistan, a nuclear power with at least 165 warheads from short range to medium range, is facing potential economic collapse according to the country's Finance Minister, Miftah Ismail.

With an official inflation rate of over 13.37% (double the official CPI to get a more accurate picture of true price inflation), the 2nd fastest rising rate in Asia, Pakistan has sought relief from foreign debt obligations and an IMF bailout deal. Initial arrangements for a three year deal with the IMF began in 2019, but Pakistan says that deal, originally for $6 billion USD, is 'outdated' due to the covid pandemic and new global financial pressures. The nation now says it is in 'dire need' of at least $36 billion in order to stay afloat.

Pakistan is slated to pay back over $21 billion USD in foreign debt within the next fiscal year. It is also struggling with extensive food inflation and supply chain disruptions as the government seeks to import at least 3 million tons of wheat and 4 million tons of cooking oil to alleviate shortages.

This is yet another example of the spread of global inflation/stagflation that is going largely ignored by western media outlets. Nations like Pakistan with already weakened economic conditions are canaries in the coal mine; leading indicators of what is likely to happen throughout more affluent first world nations should current conditions continue.

With globalist institutions like the UN, the IMF, the BIS, World Bank and the WEF all predicting major food shortages this year, the mainstream media has been noticeably quiet when it comes to nations where the crisis is already bubbling to the surface.

The reason the instability in Pakistan is particularly concerning is because it is one of nine countries in the world (officially) with a nuclear arsenal, not to mention an ongoing border conflict with India which sparked two wars in 1947 and 1965, as well as a limited war in 1999. As economic instability rises so does public discontent and rebellion. By extension, political elites commonly offer war as a “release valve” for public anger and a distraction from financial pain. Otherwise, the potential for widespread civil unrest grows daily.

To be sure, Pakistan is not the only country facing these conditions today, it is one of many. However, unlike many African or South American nations where the effects of inflationary collapse remain mitigated to domestic concerns, a collapse in Pakistan could have international implications.

Beyond the threats associated with sinking economies and regional conflicts, the IMF has become the go-to loan shark, circling struggling nations when it smells blood in the water. As more and more countries face declines associated with inflation/stagflation, it is not conspiratorial to suggest that the IMF greatly benefits. As the world breaks down, more nations become beholden to the IMF debt structure until eventually they are owned lock, stock and barrel by a handful of banking elites.

@Wood @maithil @UKBengali @Bilal9 @Bilal. @Patriot forever @farok84 @ziaulislam
12months ago i said PTI should be more agreasive on foreign loans/building reserves ..this was before war/oil prices shoot up

Issue is rolling over old short term debt
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