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Pakistan of 60's. A model for 3rd world countries

come on slumies should we start believing on these editable sources ?
oh no skulcap, this is from Source: Reports of the Advisory Panels for the Fourth Five Year Plan 1970–75, Vol. I, published
oh no skulcap, this is from Source: Reports of the Advisory Panels for the Fourth Five Year Plan 1970–75, Vol. I, published

1950–55 11,290 5,240 46.4
1955–60 16,550 5,240 31.7
1960–65 33,550 14,040 41.8
1965–70 51,950 21,410 41.2
Total 113,340 45,930 40.5

whats wrong in these figures ?? you are yelling here like we gave nothing to bengalis ??
1950–55 11,290 5,240 46.4
1955–60 16,550 5,240 31.7
1960–65 33,550 14,040 41.8
1965–70 51,950 21,410 41.2
Total 113,340 45,930 40.5

whats wrong in these figures ?? you are yelling here like we gave nothing to bengalis ??
whats wrong is , you are giving them less than half of what you take.
Imran Khan, he is my MAN
If he can't do it , No one can
Ask not what the country can do for you, but what YOU can do for the country.

It's no point waiting in the wings for others to start doing tomorrow what you can do today. You have to make the difference - Yes you can!

whats wrong is , you are giving them less than half of what you take.

more then half of money you guys didnt gave to pakistan after the independence which britishers divided still pending .. and the question of giving half to bengalis more money was invested in west pakistan at that time in exploration of natural resources like oil gas and other minerals which results in making of sui gas generation plants and in development of Dams in west pakistan which lead was good in long run for both east n western pakistan but due to indians propaganda we ended up in breakage of east from west pakistan
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