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Pakistan negotiating with China to purchase HQ-16 and HQ-9 SAM systems

Yes , the point is no matter , how poor economy we have , we can't just sit on the corner & let others invade or surrender us , just because we are in bad shape ?
This whole poor &, rich concept failed in the world many times , for few elites & their so called special national intersts ?
What we are having in form of different kinds of wars & terrorism , it all started by these so called western powers to rule the world ?
For me , Pakistan defence comes first , if as a nation we can , survive all & any kind of conspirated aggression between 10 to 15 years time frame , we will rise in few ,surviours left in the end to share this world with peace .
Being said that , in defence you can't depend just on your economy ?
Many countries in this world has 100% better economies then us ?
But still they , are unable to defend themselves by their own ?
Lack of education ,lack of research in technology , living in a lala land that if they can pay , some one will defend them ?
No , they cant , just look at middle east they all are in a mess ?
Our strategic intersts , are pointing us to have a constant medium & high level of surface to air defence , & we should have done that after last of wars we have with our enemy ?
That's my point is , that poor poster was just a kid trying his best to defend his country , we need to push them into good direction , instead making joke of him .
Thanks for you time .
Thank you for your post. I agree with the gist of your post . I understand the need to have a credible defence. You say you are Ex Army so you have faced war like /War situations.
You have two considerations that you need to balance without which you cannot achieve the end that you require. Firstly a consensus on who we are and where we are going. This is the most important element in the national psyche as without a credible and achievable goal we will not get any where. We as a nation are divided and unruly. We have no sense of national identity and are divided into castes and sub nations and tribes. We neeed a unifying factor and a strict adherence to that aim to get any where. Whether Pakistan is enough to do that or we need a religious identity is something that needs to be debated. The people need to come out and say what they will accept ads a standard under which they will gather irrespective of their origins and affiliations. With the Exception of the Quaid and Liaquat Ali Khan we have had no one who could unite us under the banner of pakistan. So before we go any further we need to do this.
The debate of arms vs development will go on. I have a differing view point to yours. I believe that unless we have the education and a consolidated national development where the ordinary pakistani feels proud of himself and his country we will continue to suffer this faith. If we develop a concrete and sustainable industrial base and education base we will eventually have the resources for a credible defence which we seriously lack today. Our loan situation is so bad that we have to take loans to keep complying with the repayment schedule of these loans. SO if you have a pot of money should it go into defence primarily or should it go into development with a view to getting the infrastructure right for sustainable developement and therefore progress both in civil and military matters.
The defence of Pakistan is not based on its conventional strength alone. We need to have the strength of the conviction of our people to be bale to defend the country effectively. We are a nuclear power and the possibility of war is a bit more remote than what it used to be. So should we not concentrate on consolidated national economic development rathewr than buying arms which will only bankrupt us and yes we may have a name but we wont have a country left to defend.
This has remained my point of contention all along with detractors who have advocated a buying spree which is perhaps ill advised and un warranted and will cause more harm than do good.
. .


Capable system to kill low flying planes and helicopters

For high altitude we have fighter gets armed with AMRAM


The system gives us protection till 6 km Which is quite good

Protecting 6km zone above ground is quite decent medium level protection

Another image

As seen , the 6km coverage is not bad at all

HQ-16 , when it arrives , will give us additional abilities however the decision to purchase Meidium range coverage with HQ-7B was good purchase
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. . . .
First we should build low to medium range SAM coverage in all cantonments/ important cities near border instead of have few Manpads and anti aircraft guns.

In second phase we should go for Hq 9 to protect our ports, key installations and Capital. Even limited number of units shall suffice the defense requirements however short to medium range Sam units should be inducted in large numbers.


Capable system to kill low flying planes and helicopters

For high altitude we have fighter gets armed with AMRAM


The system gives us protection till 6 km Which is quite good

Protecting 6km zone above ground is quite decent medium level protection

Another image

As seen , the 6km coverage is not bad at all

HQ-16 , when it arrives , will give us additional abilities however the decision to purchase Meidium range coverage with HQ-7B was good purchase


6 Km is only 19000 ft---. We need at least 20-21 km vertical and 250-300 km target range.
It's good possibility hq9 may not be an options and hq16b will meet long range 70 km and above 50k ft requirements only Thing left would be anti ballastic Missile Defense if any
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I read on a thread here PDF that PA bought radars which are used in Hq-9 batteries .. if they are already guarding some of the key installations i wont be surprised at all .. but HQ-16 was a good addition lets hope PA order 5-6 more batteries in 2017-2018 budget
Pak officially already has HQ2b variant(High Altitude SAM) modernized to protect sensitive sites and one may believe that they are supported by modern Radars but in limited numbers.

The good option is to create SAM defense circles around whole country. i.e first to deploy mobile short to medium range missiles near all border areas. In second phase we should go for HQ 9 to be installed in Karachi and Gawadar to protect our ports along with our capital city.

I believe that few batteries of HQ9 duly supported by LY80 batteries can do a trick for Pakistan.
Hq2b were retired / withdrawn per paf history Lon time ago ;) ly80 gives 15-18k m height depending on source more than enough for any threats out there, higher than that will be covered by paf planes and plane launch weapons like aim120 aim9 which can go I think above it as it's launched height plus
S 350 Vityaz Suits Pakistanis airdefence needs it can hit anything 120 km which is enough and price is not a issue either
S 350 Vityaz Suits Pakistanis airdefence needs it can hit anything 120 km which is enough and price is not a issue either

very interesting system.i think you are absolutely right.we need more sams and we need it urgently.
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