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Pakistan Needs to Deploy a Battle Group In Saudi Arabia & Emirates

some Pakistanis are bent to involve Pakistan into a Global sectarian war initiated by the wahabis.

Pakistan has already suffered a lot due to sectarian conflict in our country and lessons are enough.

It will be bad day for Pakistan if it involes itself in sectarian conflict in middle east.

The Sole beneficiary is India from the disasters that pak faces.

Pak should play role of big brother instead of taking sides.


You are making this issue sound very cheap and it is not----you make it sound very callous---it is not---it is serious as a heart attack----.

This not a matter of Ummah defense---but rather of strategic defense---it is not a matter of recruiting poor Pakistanis---it is a matter of making a future of the Pakistanis---.

We need their finances and resources---we are able and we are capable---if all the I T is out sourced to india----why not the military to Pakistan----each to what they do best---.

why eyeing Finances and resources of others. joining one to rout other. This all is non sense and this faqiri should end.

Just Stop Corruption in Pak and Pak is not less than Japan in capabilities.
Lets make something clear here....

Nawaz Sharif wanted to send the troops but it was the military leadership who figured it isn't in Pakistan's interest to do so.

Recent escapades of U.A.E with its backing of India in the U.N on terror financing plus investing in joint manufacturing of weapons just proves we should be careful in dealing with those countries.

These kind of people wanted Pakistan to send the troops.

These people decided it wasn't a good idea.

And we all know who between the two has got our back !
I suggest these people be armed and sent to fight where ever they want.....All of them.......

it is not the matter of sending them, the problem is something else. it will be good idea to send them all but there should be guarantee they will not come back like taliban.

Once they come back they will not be in control of Pak and sheikhs will create a bigger problem and they will start sucking blood of the nation again.

see the past demo of these creatures in karachi and guess if they get armed.

ye Jarnal karnal beghairat
ye warde wale beghairat
it is not the matter of sending them, the problem is something else. it will be good idea to send them all but there should be guarantee they will not come back like taliban.

Once they come back they will not be in control of Pak and sheikhs will create a bigger problem and they will start sucking blood of the nation again.

see the past demo of these creatures in karachi and guess if they get armed.

ye Jarnal karnal beghairat
ye warde wale beghairat
The relationship with Saudi Arabia is interpreted differently by people,and generally these are based upon perceptions formed or acquired over time.Let us for a moment shut out our pent promptings and consider this in broad terms.When Saudi Arabia assisted Pakistan at critical junctures of its history, it had no consideration that it was helping a country which has a mixed population of all sects.Similarly, when ever Pakistan provided troops to Saudi Arabia,it was a mix of both the major sects,so let us not cause schism within Islam.While Holy Quran is exhorting Muslims and the people of the Book to thus avoid differences;Say:"O people of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you.." Lo and behold , we Pakistanis are not getting out of sectarian biases.India the arch enemy of the Muslims has made hay out of the situation by exploiting fissures in Pak-Arab relations by forging different alliances.Hope we do not have to some day repent our foreign policy decision to abandon our time tested ally. Shahriyar
The relationship with Saudi Arabia is interpreted differently by people,and generally these are based upon perceptions formed or acquired over time.Let us for a moment shut out our pent promptings and consider this in broad terms.When Saudi Arabia assisted Pakistan at critical junctures of its history, it had no consideration that it was helping a country which has a mixed population of all sects.Similarly, when ever Pakistan provided troops to Saudi Arabia,it was a mix of both the major sects,so let us not cause schism within Islam.While Holy Quran is exhorting Muslims and the people of the Book to thus avoid differences;Say:"O people of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you.." Lo and behold , we Pakistanis are not getting out of sectarian biases.India the arch enemy of the Muslims has made hay out of the situation by exploiting fissures in Pak-Arab relations by forging different alliances.Hope we do not have to some day repent our foreign policy decision to abandon our time tested ally. Shahriyar

you thinks monarchy is eternal like GOD. this is your mistake. plz get into your head that saudi and israel are history. keeping relations with them is mistake.

saudi help is just a hippo balloon. Infact Saudi and their tattoos must be punished for all sufferings of the people of Pakistan.

cowboys! hey.... come lets go and attack another country...... saudi bombing and destroying yemen.... it is crime.
Why would those countries trust Pakistan? With 100,000 troops, weapons and aircraft, what guarantee can exist that the next nutjob general of Pakistan will not decide to take over Saudi Arabia in a coup in a coup of sorts? they have done it repeatedly so the rapsheet exists.

Nah, the sheiks are never ever gonna trust Pakistan. kapput.
That is why they always look towards us for help? We already have troops stationed there. Do some research before giving retarded statements
Lets make something clear here....

Nawaz Sharif wanted to send the troops but it was the military leadership who figured it isn't in Pakistan's interest to do so.

Recent escapades of U.A.E with its backing of India in the U.N on terror financing plus investing in joint manufacturing of weapons just proves we should be careful in dealing with those countries.

These kind of people wanted Pakistan to send the troops.

These gangs are minority wahabis and deobandis and are powered by the saudi petro dollars.

Majority of the Pakistanis do not like them.
Ap ganju kay sar pay tabla baja lain,apki uskay leeay andhee mohabbbat aur bharh jaey gee

Stop trying to portray him as victim

aur tumhain me Imran se kia kerney ko kahoon
chalo kutch na kehna bhi bohot kehna hota hay.

Ganju is not a victim, he is a hero ever since he came to power Pakistan's fate is changing, wait 2.5 years and you will know
No. We just need to concentrate on our inernal issues while maintaining good relations with both sides and not getting involved in the mess.
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