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Pakistan needs an Anna Hazare

The man is atleast trying in this old age .

Time will tell what he achieves but he has already united this country against corruption .

Effort is important . its like saying just because of your fear of failing , you should not even prepare to give the exam . :lol:

The bill will be passed however the govt. and anna team will have to find a middle path as both bills are not perfect .It will happen but it will take time .

Once upon a time in this very forum, some Indian said.... MM Singh did to India, what Bill Gates did to Microsoft. ??
I guess tommarrow is another day......... watch this space.
naaaa zaid hamid and sunny deol are competing each other!

as for anna spare me the nonsense alot of indians i know just think it is anna's publicity stunt! which is proven by the fact that only a few thousand supporters have turned up and not millions!

a 70 year old man going on hunger strike to remove corruption sorry it ai't happening a democratically elected government was elected by A MAJORITY it doesn't need to go down on its knees for a few thousand people supported by an old dying man who wants to go on a high!

and we have men way better than anna in the form of EDHI!! who is a world legend. anna old man just wants to die in a big way boring drama.
are u serious don't tell me u have eye sight problem and i respect edhi for his work but doing charity and raising voice against corruption isttotally different
naaaa zaid hamid and sunny deol are competing each other!

as for anna spare me the nonsense alot of indians i know just think it is anna's publicity stunt! which is proven by the fact that only a few thousand supporters have turned up and not millions!

a 70 year old man going on hunger strike to remove corruption sorry it ai't happening a democratically elected government was elected by A MAJORITY it doesn't need to go down on its knees for a few thousand people supported by an old dying man who wants to go on a high!

and we have men way better than anna in the form of EDHI!! who is a world legend. anna old man just wants to die in a big way boring drama.

Spare you the non-sense? How is it Anna's publicity stunt? What does he have to gain? Just because some people think he is doing it for publicity does not make the believers comments non sensical.

Secondly, the government is the parliament is not in majority. Only 60% of the people voted, out of which 25% voted for the opposition. But I am not going to argue over it, because by the constitution they are the ruling party. But our democracy gives anyone the right to question the government over any issue. Anna felt the he and his team have been cheated with the government's version of the Lokpal bill. They were able to strike a cord with the common man and they have come out supporting him and his team.

Thirdly, on the very first day of his arrest more than 5000 people courted arrest in Delhi alone. Their are no figures to suggest that how many people courted arrest around the country but your claim of only a few thousand people are supporting him is ridiculous. More than 200000 gathered here in Mumbai alone. There are protest outside every parliamentarians house. They are demanding answers. They are asking what their stand is on the Lokpal Bill. Isn't that democracy? Questioning your representative. It is the government duty to fight corruption and if the government introduces a bill which would only increase corruption shouldn't the citizens question their representatives? If Anna would not have protested the UPA government would have easily passed its version of the bill. Now it will have to pass a strong Lokpal Bill as committed by all political parties.

Anna has already one. He had already won when the government arrested him.
Pakistan does not need Anna Hazare. We need him as we know what a person like Anna can do. Why advertise his value to those who know little about Gandhian style of democratic movement.
Do you think such peaceful protest is possible in Pakistan?? Pakistan needs military rule..someone like Anna Hazare in pakistan will lead to blood bath...
Once upon a time in this very forum, some Indian said.... MM Singh did to India, what Bill Gates did to Microsoft. ??
I guess tommarrow is another day......... watch this space.

Till date there is not a singe Pakistani who did what the Father of Pakistan did for his Country. Till date there is not a single Indian who is regarded as highly as Mahatma Gandhi and I doubt tomorrow will be any different. But today we have a man who has raised above all the political class in the entire history of India.

Take a bow.
pakistan does not need any hazare.....its in india's interest that pakistan remains in the state it is currently in.....
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