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Pakistan Near to war???????

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Move on, Taliban and other such outfits need your kind services.

People like you on both sides are responsible for most of the problems. and dont defame Muslims by calling them what u wrote in ur post. :tdown:

See the Bads. All the non muslim and media and some jhoty muslims sketch jehad as you think. But baby real jehad is far away from ur thinking and beyond ur senses.
yes we are ready for jehad all muslim's are belive on jehad why you are worried about it when we feel to start we do dont advise us

If you dont know already, We have enough muslims on this side of border too :). Considering as per your view only Muslims are trained by Allah the almighty for Jihad. Muslims this side also equally brave and patriot to this Nation.

Stop talking about jihad and wars, we have bigger problems at hand. When everyonein your side are well fed lets talk, till then we have to take care of huge population under poverty line.
There is no immediate possibility of an all out war, but Pakistan should stay "ruthlessly active".
If you dont know already, We have enough muslims on this side of border too :). Considering as per your view only Muslims are trained by Allah the almighty for Jihad. Muslims this side also equally brave and patriot to this Nation.

Stop talking about jihad and wars, we have bigger problems at hand. When everyonein your side are well fed lets talk, till then we have to take care of huge population under poverty line.

my dear i sad that when need to strat jehad then we do why you dshapeing the post . jehad is not the ordenery thing it need the specific condition's
So where are you guys planning to do Jehad?

a) Yahoo.com
b) Google.com
c) barackobama.com
d) ?
What are your plans for Jehad?

a) Conquer Delhi and raise Pakistani flag on Red Fort
b) Split India into 40 pieces
c) Destroy Amreeka and Israel
d) Kill Hindus and Jews
e) All of the above
ya to apny daar sa puchoo.........:bunny:

jehad my foot....

i think jehadies are very scared people in this world..
they kill himself because they cant face his mother's eye
after kill innocents..... got it????
What are your plans for Jehad?

a) Conquer Delhi and raise Pakistani flag on Red Fort
b) Split India into 40 pieces
c) Destroy Amreeka and Israel
d) Kill Hindus and Jews
e) All of the above

no this is not islam please dont demolish the face of islam
islam teach us peace and in islam all nonmuslim's have right to do every thing but not to hurt muslim's we are brother's think positive
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