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Pakistan Navy upgrading type zulfiquar class frigate

I think they will dismount FM 90 and do some restructuring in front of ship to get vls installed remember CAMM Er are not very big in size can easily be fitted in small sized vls in zulfiqar frigates
If we look at the Naresaun Frigates which are 053H derivatives were upgraded to include an 8 cell VLS.



The F-22P is roughly the same dimensions meaning the only options are an 8 cell A50/mk41 or individual cells like the Babur class will have (probably would be able to hold 12-16 cells). But the issue isnt necessarily the space but rather the cost. The entire forward deck will need to be reworked and it would be expensive to do because you not only have to remove the the FM90 and its below deck mechanisms, you have to make the necessary structural changes (both on deck and below) to accommodate and subsequently install the VLS system. All that adds to the cost of the upgrade in addition to the VLS system itself. That is before munitions changes (ideally CAMM-ER and likely CM-302), and new electronics.

New Zealand navy upgraded 2 Anzac frigates with SMART S Mk2, and a new CMS amongst other electronics. It cost them $350M per ship. They already had a mk41 VLS system so they didn't even have to refit that or spend that money.
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