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Pakistan Navy Questions Thread

will PN get the antiaircraft missiles with the u214 subs which germans have tested on u212 successfully?:rolleyes:
This will improve naval defence capability and replacement of mirage-5s . also comment on integration of exocet am-39 and harpoon on JF-17
in 1985 daphnie class subs were modified to use harpoon block-1 missile and PN was the first asian navy to use submarine launched missile . now daphine class are de commisioned in 2006 . so we lose the capabilty of launching harpoon from subs. as agosta 90 b have only exocet sm-39 which range is less than harpoon.

so how we can now use submarine launched harpoons which we got .
in 1985 daphnie class subs were modified to use harpoon block-1 missile and PN was the first asian navy to use submarine launched missile . now daphine class are de commisioned in 2006 . so we lose the capabilty of launching harpoon from subs. as agosta 90 b have only exocet sm-39 which range is less than harpoon.

so how we can now use submarine launched harpoons which we got .

Nothing is impossible! ;)
in 1985 daphnie class subs were modified to use harpoon block-1 missile and PN was the first asian navy to use submarine launched missile . now daphine class are de commisioned in 2006 . so we lose the capabilty of launching harpoon from subs. as agosta 90 b have only exocet sm-39 which range is less than harpoon.

so how we can now use submarine launched harpoons which we got .

Exocet missile guidance: "fire and forget", consisiting of inertial navigation during cruise phase and active radar homing during terminal phase

So, target range and bearing data is downloaded into the Exocet's computer. The missile is then launched and approaches the target area in sea-skimming mode using inertial navigation and then switches to active radar homing for the end run.

I'm fairly sure the procedure would be similar for Harpoon and C802. But you'ld need the Encapsulated Harpoon command launch module for Harpoon in order to be able to provide initial target data to the missile and program its flight pattern. Surely something similar is required for C802.

PN got 5 such command launch modules for the 3 Daphne's and 2 initial Agosta's IIRC. So, 3 modules could be taken from the Daphnes for use in the Agosta 90b, though I don't know whether this would affect the Exocet capability.

For submarine launches, UGM-84 Harpoon is enclosed in a capsule. When launched from the torpedo tube, stabilising fins unfold to establish the proper glide angle for broaching the water's surface. A sensor then initiates release of the capsule nose and tail sections, followed by ignition of the missile boost motor. At the same time the missile exits the capsule, wings and fins unfold, and Harpoon is propelled into a flight trajectory similar to that of the surface launches. Submarines fitted with Mk 113 fire-control systems use a separate Encapsulated Harpoon Command and Launch Systems (EHCLS), whilst those with the Mk 117 fire-control system have the Harpoon weapon integrated.
Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info

May 31/06: The Defense Security Cooperation Agency officially announces [PDF] Pakistan’s request to buy 50 UGM-84L (submarine-launched), 50 RGM-84L (surface-launched), and 30 AGM-84L (air-launched) Block II Harpoon missiles; 5 Encapsulated Harpoon Command Launch Systems; 115 containers; missile modifications; training devices; spare and repair parts; technical support; support equipment; personnel training and training equipment; technical data and publications; U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistics support. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $370 million.

All of the Pakistani SSKs have been equipped with AshMs which can be fired while submerged. The three Khalid class boats are capable of firing Exocet AshM, while the older Agostas and Daphnes have been equipped with US Harpoon AshMs. PNS/M Hamza (third Agosta-90B) is equipped with the MESMA Air Independent Propulsion system, PNS/M Khalid and PNS/M Saad will be upgraded with the same MESMA AIP system in the near future. The Pakistan Navy also plans to integrate the Boeing Harpoon Block II on to its Agosta-90Bs; and currently the Agosta-90Bs are capable of firing Blackshark torpedoes.
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Hi. I wanted to know if its possible to join the Pakistan Navy after doing Fsc Pre-Med?
does the pakistan navy do sea refuelling??...
This is the info that Pak Navy itself provides about its Naval Aviation:



The Squadron was raised in the aftermath of the analysis of 1971 War. It was established that lack of early warning from the seaward i.e., absence of PN air surveillance capability allowed the Indian Navy Ships to close Karachi harbour for attacks. The basic aim, therefore, was to acquire an efficient air surveillance asset and achieve additional benefits like ASW, SAR and photographic capabilities. After studying various available options, the French Atlantics were selected and acquisition formalities were completed in 1974. Finally the Squadron was raised in 1976, with three Atlantics. As the raising year of 1976 coincided with 29th year of independence of Pakistan, this also became the reason to name "29 ASW Squadron". The prefix ‘ASW’ highlights the Anti Submarine Warfare credentials of the aircraft i.e., to accomplish all the phases of ASW, right from initial detection to the eventual destruction of enemy submarine, all by itself.

In 1989, PN Atlantics were modified to fire Exocet Missile. With this modification, PN Atlantics became the first LRMPs to acquire ASV capability. Even the French Atlantics, at that time, did not have this advantage. To maintain a qualitative edge in the field of LRMP operations, PN Atlantics were modified with state of the art French sensors like ESM, Acoustic Processor, Radar, Navigation System etc, in the mid nineties. The latest sensors have made PN Atlantic Fleet second to none in the region and at par with the latest French Atlantic-II and other modernised LRMPs of the world.

Atlantic is being utilized in almost every facet of Naval Operations. This aircraft because of its inherent advantages of multi role capability, high operational endurance, counter detection advantage, weapon superiority and being uniquely suited for immediate response across the wide spectrum of conflict has become an ideal choice of every force commander. PN Atlantics is by far, the fastest player in the Maritime Warfare scenarios affecting Pakistan. The PN Atlantics are integral to almost all the naval operations perceived to be undertaken by PN Fleet.

27 Maritime ASW Squadron

PN inducted its first Fokker aircraft in 1982. In order to meet various PN requirements, three aircraft have been modified. The modified Fokkers are now at par with the other LRMPs in PN inventory. Thus PN Fokker not only trains Navigators//Pilots but also shares a major burden of Tactical/operational missions in the entire Indian Ocean.

The Fokker F-27 is all metal, high wing monoplanes for short/medium range transport, designed to carry 40 passengers or freight or combination of both passengers and freight. The marinized version of the aircraft is capable of prolonged sea operations. These include Surv, ASW, OTHT and VECTAC. With requisite equipment fitted, the as compared to aircraft of same capabilities. One of the aircraft is equipped with large cargo door and para drop equipment which provides operational/tactical airlift capability to PN and a spring board to SSG (N) personnel for their operations.


P3C is the latest addition to the Naval Air Arm. These aircraft are extremely potent and easy to maintain. The roles that can be undertaken by P-3Cs are much the same that can be performed by any other LRMP in the world. The sensors fitted onboard are integrated through an onboard central computer to produce a synergetic effect. Weapon carrying capacity of P-3C aircraft is un-paralleled by any other LRMP. It can carry a variety of anti-ship and anti-submarine weapons. The P-3C also has a very high operational performance.

P3C aircraft has variety of roles. It is basically an anti submarine and anti surface aircraft possessing variety of weapons such as missiles, torpedoes, Depth Charges, bombs etc. In its secondary role this aircraft is utilized for surveillance and SAR.



Alouette are entrusted with the primary task of training pilots for their eventual induction in the Sea King squadron. Besides training, the Alouettes perform such tasks as SAR, command and liaison and visual reconnaissance. These helicopters are regularly embarked on ships proceeding to sea, from where they are deployed to perform various tasks. Alouettes have adequate Navigation and communications equipment fitted onboard, to conduct maritime missions timely and effectively.

Squadron was established in 1977 with the induction of four SA 319B Alouette helicopters.Presently, Alouette strength consists of 7 aircraft



Seaking helicopters constitute the 111 ASW/ASV squadron of the naval air arm. The squadron was established in 1975 with the induction of Seaking MK 42 helicopters from UK. These helicopters are based at Naval Air Station, PNS Mehran at Karachi, but they are capable to operate from various secondary bases located along the coast. Additionally these helicopters regularly operate from surface units of the fleet.

The squadron motto of ‘Search and Strike’ exactly depicts the nature of operations of this squadron. These helicopters have requisite sensors and weapons suite onboard with which it can Search, Locate, Track and kill the surface or sub-surface targets. In ASV role the helicopter carries Air to Surface Missiles to destroy hostile surface combatants, whereas in ASW the Seaking is capable to carry Torpedoes to neutralize enemy subsurface units. The torpedoes can also be replaced by a depth charge to destroy enemy subsurface units in shallow waters or at snorkel.

The squadron also forms backbone of Search and Rescue organization. The squadron has operated in all type of terrain extending from valleys and mountains of Azad Kashmir during the recent earth quake relief operations to the shores of Tsunami hit countries of South East Asia. These helicopters are ever ready to save precious human life as integral part of SAR organization for both military and civil purposes.
does the PN have underground naval bases like the chinese or norwegians?
what happened to pns 254 (sword Class)
wasnt it supposed to be delivered by june 2011 ?
only 1 week left but no news yet?

14. (C) We do deny Pakistan requests for arms sales that could upset the regional balance of power. Post on February 20 recommended that Washington disapprove Pakistan's request to buy the Coastal targeting Suppression System, which gives AGM-84 Harpoon ship missiles the capability of hitting land targets; this acquisition would have given Pakistan an overt offensive capability to threaten India and served no COIN purpose.

What is this Coastal targeting suppression system? Can we use Babur or Ra'ad as Coastal targeting suppression system?:P
Underway Replenishment Ships is the right term for these "Oil Tankers." BTW both the ships are classed as Fleet Replenishment Ships -- they are not just oil tankers but can also transfer dry goods etc.
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