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Featured Pakistan Navy prevented Indian Submarine from entering into Pakistani waters on 16th October

correct your flags, we will discuss after that .. its safe for your to identify yourself as Pakistani and not pretend to be an Indian, its not the west ..

Why are you taking out your anger on Indian Navy's failure on me. Cool down.
Informed by pakistani ASW crew? how ? Whatsapp or facetime to the Indian Captain?

Subs on mission maintains radio silence, so how would a hostile crew communicate the Sub? More importantly why would India crew even respond to pakistani demand to surface in international waters ..
just use some logic

Ever heard of radio silence and what it means? You are stuck in a time lapse or have no clue how communications work with submarines when they are observing radio silence.
Yes was a perfectly executed operation by PN.

India should decommission and replace Scorpenes immediately. They should also ban French on any new projects.
Well, if nothing else the CO would have to make a lengthy report about the incidence to his FOSM. And an even more exciting face-to-face with his Commodore. Such patrol reports are fun, man!
For warning depth charges should have been used so next time they know that they will be engaged if try to enter Pakistani border.
Depth charges are no longer used to hunt subs, they are a relic of the past now.
We should have atleast forced it to surface and boarded it. We need to slap india hard and make them back off from using terrorists to destabilize Pakistan. Nowadays with china up their throat, its the best time to slap them hard.
India is trying to challenge China in Pakistani waters .... India really need some good spanking ..Make Sub life miserable by dropping depth charge around sub...
Not just that imagine what will happens to billion hearts when Rafale comes in the hud of a PAF viper or PLAAF Flanker?

Rafales have been hyped up so much in India to justify the cost to the point that it will be major PR disaster when it fails.
Good Lord, we need the 054AP's, Milgems, and submarines fast. This is becoming frequent.
accomodated means on the recommendation of officer.
Brother i don't know why ur not getting the point n fazool bahas ker rahay hah.
All shaudas are recommended n special providion is made for their families to be accommodated every where be it OR or officers
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