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Pakistan navy post 2020 - Future Plans

Pakistan should have whole package including Typ 54 P and corvettes with medium range SAMs along with on or two heavy destroyers in medium to long term. So far China do not have VLS system for small ships which can accommodate HQ9 missile.
May be Pak with help of Turkey or China should start it's own SAM program both for land and Sea at least in short to medium category.
VLS system coming on type 54 P aka type 54 a HHQ16 with VLS system on type 54 P
Why do you only consider the HHQ-9 missile, and forget the radar system and others that it needs?
Sir every aspect is interconnected. Please comment on Radar why the radar of Type54 cannot handle HQ9 missile.
HQ-16 and HQ-16C are ship-based variants, while HQ-16A and HQ-16B are land-based variants.

Would you choose JF-17 BLK I/II to launch PL-15?

There are rumors that Blk-II are armed with PL-15. Can't comment on that, however if not installed it has to be related to the weight issues of missile and limited radar capabilities of block-II.
however I believe that up coming radar on Type 54 P should be able to track Arial targets up to 200 KM. Then why it can't handle HQ9 export version I believe has max range up to 200KM or less with Active Radar Homing.
Please elaborate for ordinary people like me.
India has 11 destroyers and just 14 frigates

To be honest India, much like Pakistan labels its ships with semantics rather than capabilities. India actually (capabilities wise) has 9 destroyers (Kolkata (3) Dehli (3 and Shivalik (3 but they label them as frigates)) and 14 Frigates (Rajput (4 which they label destroyers) Talwar (6-actually a heavy frigate), Brahmaputra (3), and Godavari (1)). Most of these also focus on Antiship and land attack with really only Kolkatas offering reasonable long range (100km Barak 8) air defense while the others carry either short range defense (12km Barak 1 or 15km S-125M) or medium range defese (Shtils which are essentially the same as HQ-16-40KM). Many of their more modern ships (Kolkatas, Dehlis, Shivaliks and Talwars) carry hosts of both Antiship and Air defense missiles and as such should be able to reliably operate independently and in conjunction as part of a CBG providing multi tier defense. To that end PN needs weapons that can both outrange (Harba) their AShMs and overwhelm their defenses (such as a hypersonic missile like CM-400AKG or its YJ-12 Equivalent). They also hace to have enough defensive chops to to overcome Saturation attacks from these vessels which all carry a combo of at least 16 Barhamos/Styx AShM. That means catch brahmos with enough time to take it out (the longer the range and more weapons at each ships disposale the better).

So when we talk about 052D which has 64 cells (probably 16 cells used by YJ-18, 8 cells for CY-5, AND 40 cells for Hq-9) and 24 cells FL-3000N, they would by a good margin be the most powerful ships in South Asia (Kolkata has 48cells for 32 Barak-8 and 16 Brahmos). But even with 40 missiles at 200km, the 2-4 052D wont be enough to significantly move the needle. Now add those 4 Type 054A and you start to create a multilevel defense. If the MILGEM can get 16 cells equipped with quad packed CAMM-ER (45-80KM range) for 64 missiles and you MLU the F-22Ps with new radar amd GENSIS Advent CMS and an 8-16 cells vls also armed with CAMM-ER (32-64 missiles) now you have a very potent defense. So yes, destroyers are a key part of a fleet defense but even the 052D wont be enough without effective picket ships.
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If the MILGEM can get 16 cells equipped with quad packed CAMM-ER (45-80KM range) for 64 missiles and you MLU the F-22Ps with new radar amd GENSIS Advent CMS and an 8-16 cells vls also armed with CAMM-ER (32-64 missiles)
Is it an assessment or news update? Because I have never heard about CAMM-ER becoming part of J-class or F22P-MLU.
Is it an assessment or news update? Because I have never heard about CAMM-ER becoming part of J-class or F22P-MLU.
Assessment only. There are reports of Pakistan being interested in CAMM-ER once Italy announced they will pursue its development, but that is it. My suspicion is that they would choose it for MILGEM (J-class) if available because currently China is causing a little difficulty regarding equipping HQ-16 on MILGEMs.


Plans to induct UCAVs in Pakistan Navy
Induction of UAV and MPA[e].jpg
Assessment only. There are reports of Pakistan being interested in CAMM-ER once Italy announced they will pursue its development, but that is it. My suspicion is that they would choose it for MILGEM (J-class) if available because currently China is causing a little difficulty regarding equipping HQ-16 on MILGEMs.


Why do we need to install the HQ-16 to MILGEM? and now MILGEM has VLS?

as I know. nntil now. Turkish warships still do not have any VLS. so this is not our problem.
Swiftclass vessels.
New Midget subs.

Timings are correct. It's not wise to call PN MILGEMs as corvettes. Their firepower will surpass several frigates currently operational in South Asia.

Swift class not coming but working on a new project with the manufacturer of Swift Class
Swiftclass vessels.
New Midget subs.

Timings are correct. It's not wise to call PN MILGEMs as corvettes. Their firepower will surpass several frigates currently operational in South Asia.

Swift class not coming but working on a new project with the manufacturer of Swift Class
In 2016 the PN floated a tender for a OPV built to commercial standards, but configurable with AShM and other weapons. Damen Shipyards Group (DSG) and Swiftships were shortlisted, and DSG won the contract.

The PN's "corvette" requirement stipulated 2 ships plus an option for 2 more. So, I expect we'll see a follow-on order for 2 additional Damen OPV 1900-based "corvettes" soon, and to be built in Pakistan. We might try to pull DSG into investing in Gwadar Shipyards as a part of this process (offset basically).

That said, seeing how each of these ships probably costs $75 m per vessel, and how they can keep the 'frigates' away from 'maritime security' operations (e.g., policing, anti-piracy, HADR, CT, etc), there's a possibility of the PN getting more of these OPVs.
The OPV platform appears decent 4 additional ships would be welcomed 3 made overseas and 1 in local yards

The multi-purpose nature of ships (Anti Narcotics ops , Rescue , Ship vs Ship battle) all make it a viable platform

The only negative aspect perhaps is the cannon which is very light

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