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Pakistan navy post 2020 - Future Plans

Bro, this is exactly what our navy is doing right now, just take a look at Type 056, Type 054A as an example, even some Chinese military fans complained about the lack of fire power on the Type 056 and Type 054A when they compared them with Russian convertte.
I can't say the same for Russian though as they are currently only building converrte and frigate so armed them to the teeth seems to be the only option.
The issue is the weaponry. That is why i have been saying the quad packed medium range missile is so important. They are force multipliers because they enable better defense while freeing up space for more offensive weapons. If you look at the Gremyashchiy class 2500t corvette they are brimming with firepower. They carry 8 Kalibr LACM/AShM in VLS upfront and they have two 8 celk vls in the back for Redut (naval redut is th 9m96e with 60km range and is quad packable which means they could theoretically carry up to 64 Medium range missiles) and they still have 2 AK-630 CIWS. That is all thanks to the quad packablity of the SAM. I think thr Type 054 could be a similar beast with evem more firepower but the right weaponry isnt available. Having a quad packed medium range SAM (maybe based on DK-10) would enable you to free up 16 VLS cells up front (while still having 64 medium ranged SAMs). While already carrying 6-8 AShM/LACM in the current location, you could get an additional weapons such as long range SAMs, ASROCs, or more ASHM/LACM in those vls. Personally i would put 10 long range SAM like Hq-9 and then 6 AROC while maintaining 8 AShM/LACM in the middle of the ship as currently structured.

-6-8 Harba
-10 HQ-9 if PN could get them
- 6 CY-5 Asroc
- 64 quad packed medium ranged SAM
- torpedos
- 2 Type 1130 CIWS (with addition of 6 HQ-10 each (total 12 missiles).

That is a good volume of firepower fkr a 4000t ship.
-10 HQ-9 if PN could get them
I think you had missed the huge Type 346A AESA radars for HHQ-9.

Bro, this is exactly what our navy is doing right now, just take a look at Type 056, Type 054A as an example, even some Chinese military fans complained about the lack of fire power on the Type 056 and Type 054A when they compared them with Russian convertte.
I can't say the same for Russian though as they are currently only building converrte and frigate so armed them to the teeth seems to be the only option.
China would have a huge number of Type 055 DDG and Type 052D DDG, but what does Russia have?
LHDs with VTOL fighters and helos.
Along with an expeditionary marine force.
As far back as I can remember the navy has not had such a procurement bonanza for decades if ever, so heres a list

4 x MILGEM 2,300 ton corvettes steel for first unit cut 29th Sep 2019 with 54 month delivery time for first unit so around Spring 2024

4 x Type 054AP 4,000+ ton frigates steel for second unit cut 20th Dec 2018 and all 4 due to be handed over by 2021

8 x S20 2,800 ton SSK due between 2021-2028

2 x OPV 2,300 ton from Damen first launched in May 2019 both due to be handed over in 2020

3,000 Ton Oceanographic vessel launched in Dec 2018 by China due to be handed over soon

thats 19 units over 55,000 tons of warships and submarines coming between 2019-2028 or 10 years with average of 2 per year

For missiles

Second strike Babur III, Coastal defence Zarb and JF17 with anti-ship missiles 2 squadrons

Good times ahead and plenty to watch

big question is, and before any Indian member asks....Paisa kahan se aye ga
2 x OPV 2,300 ton from Damen first launched in May 2019 both due to be handed over in 2020
Types of weapons on them?

The issue is the weaponry. That is why i have been saying the quad packed medium range missile is so important. They are force multipliers because they enable better defense while freeing up space for more offensive weapons. If you look at the Gremyashchiy class 2500t corvette they are brimming with firepower. They carry 8 Kalibr LACM/AShM in VLS upfront and they have two 8 celk vls in the back for Redut (naval redut is th 9m96e with 60km range and is quad packable which means they could theoretically carry up to 64 Medium range missiles) and they still have 2 AK-630 CIWS. That is all thanks to the quad packablity of the SAM. I think thr Type 054 could be a similar beast with evem more firepower but the right weaponry isnt available. Having a quad packed medium range SAM (maybe based on DK-10) would enable you to free up 16 VLS cells up front (while still having 64 medium ranged SAMs). While already carrying 6-8 AShM/LACM in the current location, you could get an additional weapons such as long range SAMs, ASROCs, or more ASHM/LACM in those vls. Personally i would put 10 long range SAM like Hq-9 and then 6 AROC while maintaining 8 AShM/LACM in the middle of the ship as currently structured.

-6-8 Harba
-10 HQ-9 if PN could get them
- 6 CY-5 Asroc
- 64 quad packed medium ranged SAM
- torpedos
- 2 Type 1130 CIWS (with addition of 6 HQ-10 each (total 12 missiles).

That is a good volume of firepower fkr a 4000t ship.
U need to get Destroyers then. Destroyers are mainly for Air Defence
Types of weapons on them?

U need to get Destroyers then. Destroyers are mainly for Air Defence
That is definitely true but the issue is cost benefits. For a destroyer like 052D to be effective, it needs to have effective picket ships (frigates with adequate medium to long range sams). Otherwise it will be easier to overwhelm the destroyers defenses. The cost of the 052D is ~$550-600M per ship which is fairly reasonable for its capabilities, but previously PN didn't have the requisite ships to help protect it. I think though with the defense budget where it is i would try to make an air defense frigate out if the type 054A. It can be equipped with far surprerior radars and Hq-9s if there was a quad packed medium range missile to back them up (16 HQ-9 and 32-64 quad packed medium SAMs).
He is right we need area defense naval ship at long ranges like type 52D
Pakistan should have whole package including Typ 54 P and corvettes with medium range SAMs along with on or two heavy destroyers in medium to long term. So far China do not have VLS system for small ships which can accommodate HQ9 missile.
May be Pak with help of Turkey or China should start it's own SAM program both for land and Sea at least in short to medium category.
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