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Pakistan Navy forces out an armed Indian Submarine from Pakistani waters.

Had the Sub returned undetected, then we would heard he Indian media, members and public making all the noises in a Jungle.
A Sub surfing is like an aircraft lowering it's undercarriage as a sign of surrender.
The Sub was detected thus it's mission was over, humiliated and low in moral the crew will now report back .
You are forgetting the Atlantique incident which occurred in similar circumstances and against the Pakistani Navy. Clearly exemplified by the Indians.

See my quote, I deliberately did not touch it but there is still a reason that why we don't do it. We are not disparate to settle the score that too against a surrendered soldier. RoE, that we follow and speaks volume of our professionalism however, there wouldn't be any exception in-case found inside like Kulbhashan.
That was under different conditions, kargil war was going on during that incident.
Kargil for us is no different to what you guys tried last month and whatever is happening on working boundary and LOC

That was under different conditions, kargil war was going on during that incident.

And it was several months after Kargil
You are forgetting the Atlantique incident which occurred in similar circumstances and against the Pakistani Navy. Clearly exemplified by the Indians.
See my quote, I deliberately did not touch it but there is still a reason that why we don't do it. We are not disparate to settle the score that too against a surrendered soldier. RoE, that we follow and speaks volume of our professionalism however, there wouldn't be any exception in-case found inside like Kulbhashan.

At the very least, it exposes a weakness in Pakistan's defensive posture. Being the smaller and outgunned country, Pakistan can ill-afford its defenses to be tested or penetrated like this. Especially against a zealous and loud enemy like India's modi. It only invites more similar attempts and encourages aggression.

Anyways, let's hope this is a one-off thing.
Had the Sub returned undetected, then we would heard he Indian media, members and public making all the noises in a Jungle.
A Sub surfing is like an aircraft lowering it's undercarriage as a sign of surrender.
The Sub was detected thus it's mission was over, humiliated and low in moral the crew will now report back .

Sub was already surfaced.

There is no way, to make submarine surface without attacking it.
Now that you all have beaten up the drum, lets talk about serious analysis.

The snorkel mast, ESM/Comms mast, and search periscope are up. From the shape, it is likely to be a kilo class. The method of detection is likely to be a iSAR radar on P3, queued by Star Safire II FLIR, video of which you see in WHOT / contrast mode.

This method is what we call "war patrol." Since submarines are the only true offensive arm, the deployment of submarines during peacetime is always in the enemy waters in predetermined locations. This is either an intelligence failure, where the location has been compromised and PN assets have picked it up, or this is a submarine in technical repair, hence it has raised the snorkel mast to charge its batteries or get propulsion assist. No submariner is stupid, and I don't think the Indians are either. Traversing the water with the masts up creates a wake (you can see it in the video) and you can see it 60 NM in the air on FLIR.

Regardless, this is the Sub CO saying, don't shoot, i am in trouble and leaving. The propaganda people can say whatever for or against it.

It was charging itself and therefore snorkeling. They know our Aircraft sensors can pitch them accurately.
At the very least, it exposes a weakness in Pakistan's defensive posture. Being the smaller and outgunned country, Pakistan can ill-afford its defenses to be tested or penetrated like this. Especially against a zealous and loud enemy like India's modi. It only invites more similar attempts and encourages aggression.

Anyways, let's hope this is a one-off thing.

Well, we would have been agreeing on this if there was any penetration but not in this case as the agressor was detected way before than entering into border. Furthermore, such act of PN as detecting the enemy (enemy that thought to be stealthy/undetected) and pushing away, is going to haunt them and is more impact-full upon adversary in the history/many years to come instead of a kill during peace time that they would be drumming the sailor's bravery for moral.
Earlier Indian French Scorpenes were compromised thanks to Germany. Now it seems like even Indian Russian subs have also been compromised due to emerging Russian-Pakistan nexus...

Indo-Russian relations are being sacrificed at the alter of emerging Russo-Pakistan relations....
no. terrirtory is only till 12 nm. rest is eez, means any nation cqn transit, but cant do any economic activity like fishing or drilling. subs are required to surface while transiting eez

hmm thanks man..
Why shoot man when you can capture the crew and sub .............. alive and running things are more valuable than dead and destroyed. Just imagine how many bargaining chips (Yadevs and Chohan) we can throw at them to humiliate them whenever we want and hands on enemy's tech.
But you miss the bus sorry boat.
Earlier Indian French Scorpenes were compromised thanks to Germany. Now it seems like even Russia subs have also been compromised due to emerging Russian-Pakistan nexus...

Indo-Russian relations are being sacrificed at the alter of emerging Russo-Pakistan relations....

Compromised...how ?

Firstly it is a Type 209, which makes it German Sub.

Secondly the Submarine is surfaced, which mean it was done intentionally.
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