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"Pakistan must formally apologize to India" Indian FO


Mar 28, 2009
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United States
United States
30th September 2009

The Indian ambassador has issued a statement asking the Pakistani Government to formally apologize for the loss of the Pakistani Team to Australia in centurion.
In a statement issued after the loss the Indian FM has accused Pakistan of continuously undermining the Interest of India with the loss the latest effort. In his statement the Foreign minister accused the ISI of being directly responsible in promoting extremist elements against India and her interests; "The performance of Mohammad Yousuf was influenced by extremist bookies having links with LeT....Pakistan must be held responsible for the irreparable damage caused in the Mumbai attacks".
according to reports as the Pakistani team staged a comeback TV ratings in India skyrocketed till the last ball after which the Indian national power grid registered a sudden drop in usage equaling 3500 MW.
With the Australian win the Indians have lost all hope for a berth in the semifinals of the ICC Champions trophy.


I simply could not resist.
My apologies again.
SLAP! (from X-Ray machine manufactures)

How dare you used our supreme technology to find NOTHING???!!!
Earth. I apologize again.. please give me your mailing address ill FedEx you an apology letter along with a complimentary box of tissues care of Rose Petal Pvt ltd.
Earth. I apologize again.. please give me your mailing address ill FedEx you an apology letter along with a complimentary box of tissues care of Rose Petal Pvt ltd.

have they dispatched the Dossier???
I hope its not in Marthai or Hindi.....
In other news, India says Younis Khan has links with LET.

API (Assocaited Press of India): It has now been very recently discovered, as very credible sources have revealed to us on the basis of anonymity of course, that, the captain of the Pakistan Cricket Team, Younus Khan, has taken several sessions in the training camps, doing out drills and exercises for a proposed action against India.

The sources further said: "We think that, there seems to be, supposedly, some kind of a training camp where he has supposedly been seen by very reliable sources, supposedly"

We got hold of some top secret pictures of the said Anti Indian activity perpetrator, these are Top secret, so dont tell anyone:


You can clearly see that he is pumping his muscles and gear for anti India activities. How bad and evil of him.

Here are some more pictures of the said banned outfit / group involved in anti India activity.

The source, further revealed to us: "This is definitely the work of ISI, and is being conducted by this man who works with the ISI"


We are currently planning on launching a formal campaign against Mr Intikhab Alam and his band of anti Indian outfit.

Guys I never thought you people had good sense of humor, appreciate it. Remember what goes around comes around. :)

At least don't rape your own country name,its just a match,not an achievement.
When Pakistan achieve something then too enjoy with you................

every time you are writing about India lost to Pakistan in cricket what about Pakistan lost to world as a respectable country.......this is said by you minister time to time.....

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Guys I never thought you people had good sense of humor, appreciate it. Remember what goes around comes around. :)

Thats what we've been saying all along; its just a game; but the indian side portrays it as if a front has been opened on the punjab border...
API (Assocaited Press of India): It has now been very recently discovered, as very credible sources have revealed to us on the basis of anonymity of course, that, the captain of the Pakistan Cricket Team, Younus Khan, has taken several sessions in the training camps, doing out drills and exercises for a proposed action against India.

The sources further said: "We think that, there seems to be, supposedly, some kind of a training camp where he has supposedly been seen by very reliable sources, supposedly"

We got hold of some top secret pictures of the said Anti Indian activity perpetrator, these are Top secret, so dont tell anyone:


You can clearly see that he is pumping his muscles and gear for anti India activities. How bad and evil of him.

Here are some more pictures of the said banned outfit / group involved in anti India activity.

The source, further revealed to us: "This is definitely the work of ISI, and is being conducted by this man who works with the ISI"


We are currently planning on launching a formal campaign against Mr Intikhab Alam and his band of anti Indian outfit.


Hey listen any TV news from Indians about surgical strikes

U forgot one thing that Bats & other equipment used by Pak team were to be used against other teams but they were misused i.e. used against India...

Un named officials also revealed that Bats used by Mailk & Yousaf were modified for ......- NYT
Hi Bezerk doing great job man by removing Indian post what about Anti Indian post.....Its a unique Forum with unique admin and mod....A Real Pakistan... great job buddy......

Hi earth, yes its a Unique Forum Thank u sir...

Real India sir, Thank u sir, I appreciate teh way u r defending India, How are u feeling sir, do tell me sir, Thank u in advance sir...
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