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Pakistan moves TEL from storages

I don't know about their but kerala and West Bengal should be taken out in first wave

LoC is really tense right now alot of civilian casualties media isn't reporting it
Indians are using 155 mm guns

i heard Indians are using short range missiles.

I hope our response is of equal caliber.
well it makes sense that Pakistan takes out long range missiles. NASRs are already in place across the entire border and loc. india knows its ground (and air) forces are demoralized and don't have it in them to mount any kind of an invasion. modi wants to create his own swift "shock n awe" kinda circus. entirely possible that india may try to launch missiles at Pakistan. since there is no way of knowing if an incoming missile is nuclear tipped or not, we are readying our own nuclear assault.

Having said that, I am PRETTY sure that since modi wants to get re-elected, he won't launch a nuclear assault cuz he knows that will result in Pakistan just taking out all off india. his missiles will be conventional warheads. but he is just far too dumb, stupid and retarded to realize that even a single launch of a missile WILL (yes, WILL) result in an all out NUCLEAR ASSAULT by Pakistan because of the fact that there is just NO way of knowing the indian missile is nuclear tipped or not...
well it makes sense that Pakistan takes out long range missiles. NASRs are already in place across the entire border and loc. india knows its ground (and air) forces are demoralized and don't have it in them to mount any kind of an invasion. modi wants to create his own swift "shock n awe" kinda circus. entirely possible that india may try to launch missiles at Pakistan. since there is no way of knowing if an incoming missile is nuclear tipped or not, we are readying our own nuclear assault.

Having said that, I am PRETTY sure that since modi wants to get re-elected, he won't launch a nuclear assault cuz he knows that will result in Pakistan just taking out all off india. his missiles will be conventional warheads. but he is just far too dumb, stupid and retarded to realize that even a single launch of a missile WILL (yes, WILL) result in an all out NUCLEAR ASSAULT by Pakistan because of the fact that there is just NO way of knowing the indian missile is nuclear tipped or not...
i wonder if the world is dumb or pak is just too isolated its quite clear who is escalating the situation and who is just exercising the right of self defence
i wonder if the world is dumb or pak is just too isolated its quite clear who is escalating the situation and who is just exercising the right of self defence
the world isn't dumb. but the world also knows that Pakistan is more than capable of not just defending itself, it can take the fight TO india...the world also knows that the monkey modi is trying to gain election points so he'll never push it the point where Pakistan just ends up turning india into a burning hole on the map. kinda difficult to win an election when you have no voters left alive.
Usually pakistani response is not of equal caliber at all. Always higher caliber

It better be brutal. We are not only humiliating Modi. We also need to make sure that civilized Indians are forced to vote in large numbers to oust Modi. This war is about Modi’s political survival. Modi is the aggressor, but we are in control. We will prolong this until the elections and fatigue them.

For Pakistan it’s all about killing two birds with one stone. Such an opportunity won’t present itself. We need to make most of it NOW.
Iam not a military expert but if India is using long range artillery cant we target these batteries with cruise missiles or atmgs can anyone shed a light on this
Bullshit news, there hasn't been a general deployment order either
I don't think we have any tel in storage are strategic assets are usually deployed and ready and there are sats watching us 24/7 so taking them for such petty political stunts of India is out of question. So news is not authentic.
Pakistan should pepper Maharastra state with nukes first.
According to @Retired Troll most of the extremists that travelled to the Middle East were from Kerala region. That should be the first area we should draw a red circle around
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