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Pakistan moves ahead of India in nuclear stockpile

What do you want me to write that indian economy is smaller than Bangladesh? Or you want me to write indian economy is 5 times bigger than; so be it my point is it is big enough to afford and produce more Plutonium based Nukes.
can and will are two different things. Our stance is minimum deterrence

i wouldn't heed into these figures, number of nuclear warhead is a matter of secrecy
And not all warhead would be for MAD, majority would be tactical nuclear warheads
What do you want me to write that indian economy is smaller than Bangladesh? Or you want me to write indian economy is 5 times bigger than; so be it my point is it is big enough to afford and produce more Plutonium based Nukes.
ofcouse write whats truth...
indian economy is 7 times that of Pakistan...as simple as that..
India is ahead of all countries in conventional arms import. It spends massive in defense sector irrespective of fragile economy and high poverty ratio. In comparison to India, Pakistan spends minimum in defense sector due to weak economy.
India is famous for it`s sitting duck in the international arms market,Pakistan's spent all her money in practical way.
According to many Indian members here, IN is already way ahead of China in all those.
Please show me some posts where Indian members have claimed so. Of course I know you won't do that, you just want to make fictitious claims about fictitious claims by Indians so as to excuse the fictitious claims by Pakistanis, and thereby betray your nationality.

Yes in many things.. Pakistani people are the richest people IMO in the world

where even maids and their children have mobile phones, TV + dish in their homes... a country where people buy property with FULL PAYMENT not anywhere in the world... Pakistan has different dynamics we dont have credit market ... even the poor has its own stuff bought by him... unlike rest of the word .. where even u don't own a mobile phone and everything is leased.. an example none in the world u buy a property with full payment expect in pakistan ... even or the 3 marlay plot he will pay you cash and u will sell it in cash ...and now search for the lest low rate and convert 3 marla plot as the 20% and check the wroth of his moneyh in the world where he can own the house with this 20% cash money

I didn't really understand most of what you said in the long para, but are you serious about your claim that Pakistanis are the richest people in the world?:pakistan:
why? once you have mutually assured destruction why make than whatever number allows that?
Apart from the Pakistans obsession with bombs as pointed out by other posters, these bomb numbers are misleading when analyzed a bit deeper.

Pakistans weapons are fissile HEU based, much smaller in yield to Indias primarily Plutonium based fusion devices.

Pakistans 100 devices may well be less than half of Indias devices in yield.

typical indian brainfart :lol:

Both india and Pak have similar yields...moreover, Pakistan's nuclear program is based on both routes. Uranium and Plutonium.
By 1999 alone, India had enough weapons grade plutonium to make 65-90 warheads & by 2004 it would have been enough for 110.

The 2005 civil nuclear deal has allowed india to import fuel for its civil nuclear reactors. This frees up a fairly good amount of fissile material for use in warheads. As of 2011, it’s possible that India had roughly 700 kgs of weapons grade plutonium which can make about 150 warheads.
India has large amounts of reactor grade plutonium capable of making 2000 warheads if weaponized.

By 1999, India had over 4100 kgs of fissile material from IAEA safeguarded reactors and over 3500 kgs from unsafeguarded reactors. This is good enough to make over 1000 fission bombs if weaponized. Looking also at Missile production rates and possible number of conventional vs nuke warheads, a easy safe estimate would be by 2015 the real nuke arsenal could be as big as 300 warheads. Considering China is a more challenging rival with much larger scale for targets, it is naive to assume India will have an arsenal smaller than Pak when since day 1 they had much more raw material to make many more weapons.

Time line 2010 2015 2020
Agni I:- 100 225 300
Agni II:- 100 160-235 may be replaced with Agni IV
Agni III:- 40-50 80-100
Agni IV:- 75
Agni V:- 20 with 3-5 MIRV
K4:- 16 with 3-5 MIRV
K15:- 50

So all these farticles by SIPRI are severely misleading. The true arsenal is a secret and only a handful in the country would know the exact size. My estimate is well over 250 already.
typical indian brainfart :lol:

Both india and Pak have similar yields...moreover, Pakistan's nuclear program is based on both routes. Uranium and Plutonium.

Typical ignorant Pakistani who probably mugged quran in a madarssah- Go to the same website of Sipri, it mentions Indian yeilds much greater than Pakistani ones, as well as thermonuclear capability while pakistan has low yield fission devices only.
Cow-piss drinking hindu....yields of warheads aren't known to anybody.

Whats up mulla, maulana didnt give you your share of camel piss and bugs today that you have to fantasize about kafir cow piss? :lol:

BTW yields were verified by independent observers, Pkaistani nukes are hardly any better than what US used on hroshima half a century ago, mere toys. :D
Whats up mulla, maulana didnt give you your share of camel piss and bugs today that you have to fantasize about kafir cow piss? :lol:

BTW yields were verified by independent observers, Pkaistani nukes are hardly any better than what US used on hroshima half a century ago, mere toys. :D
You must be the chief designer of pakistani nukes to make such a claim. 8-)
Apart from the Pakistans obsession with bombs as pointed out by other posters, these bomb numbers are misleading when analyzed a bit deeper.

Pakistans weapons are fissile HEU based, much smaller in yield to Indias primarily Plutonium based fusion devices.

Pakistans 100 devices may well be less than half of Indias devices in yield.

Yes right.....

it appeared that Pakistan would be able to build a new generation of lighter, more powerful weapons that could be more easily launched on missiles, said David Albright, the president of the Institute for Science and International Security.

The more powerful weapons, which use plutonium instead of highly enriched uranium — currently Pakistan’s principal nuclear explosive material — would do greater damage to the large cities of its rival, India, which also possesses nuclear arms, Mr. Albright said.


Pakistan has been pursing Plutonium weapons for quite a while now. In actual fact the Plutonium program has been pursued alongside the Uranium program.

Here is some old news from 2006

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan 'building new reactor'

enough plutonium to make 40 to 50 nuclear weapons a year. :cheers:

The latest:

The exterior of Pakistan's newest plutonium-production reactor appears almost complete, though it is unclear when the reactor will be up and running.

External Work on Pakistan Plutonium Reactor Looks Nearly Done | Global Security Newswire | NTI

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