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Pakistan moves ahead in brand value index

$tupid reference to inaccurate statistics that are totally out of context

The 15% minorities you talk about were mostly concentrated in pre-1947 Punjab.

in post 1947 period,

East Punjab Muslim population went from 50+% to 0%
West Punjab Hindu/Sikh population went from 40% to 0%

Hope this helps.
how about sindh Sir? karachi was almost 50 % hindu.
You don't kill Chinese eating beef inside India!! You kill Christians and Muslims. No matter how much trade India does with China, it is irrelevant as you just have some border disputes. You also don't refuse China's existence as a "broken part of India".

With Pakistan, you have deep rooted hate of 7 decades, religious. cultural and other differences that are shown to Indian minorities everyday, and as of today. To a point, where a lot of people from minorities have left, and are leaving India, so they don't have to suffer or get killed if they didn't convert (ask the Sikhs, Christians or the Muslims). The Indian ISIS is on the rise, and includes the RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP's, trying to create One Hindu India (like ISIS wants One caliphate).

Its pretty sad to see the killing of Indian citizens by ruling Hindu fanatics!! I am a big fan of trade, but in this regards, due to the history, trade with Pakistan would include spread of anti-Pakistan elements, RAW's agents and weapons (smuggled) into Pakistan.

This open trade / transportation was one of the main reasons that were identified before, by Pakistan's law enforcement agencies, as a root cause of the rise of RAW based terrorist elements to begin with inside Pakistan.

So trade is good, it'll bring the people together and will create some peace if done right (filtering out RAW's purposes). But from what I am reading and assessing, Pakistanis don't need India to grow, and they do want trade, but limited one. Not allowing thousands of trucks in every month that might have smuggled weapons and people they can drop off on the Pakistani side and make them disappear, causing pain on Pakistan's end!!.

As much as you like to color it otherwise, as of today November 04, 2015, all of the above are Pakistani territories, and will remain so. No signs of any of thee becoming like Indian Kashmir, with 7 soldiers to 1 civilian!!!! And you call that your state.

Should I now move to the recent situation in Bihar, Gujrat, Asaam, Nagaland, Maharashtra, etc, etc???? The list goes ON and ON!!
Go to bed now
how about sindh Sir? karachi was almost 50 % hindu.
good question.

Karachi too sadly suffered very similar fate as Lahore. Top businessmen of Hindu origin left. however impact of Karachi on overall decline of Hindu population in Pakistan is very low. The biggest change was concentrated only on two Punjabs as I mentioned earlier.

However interior Sindh has been relatively safe and OK for Hindus.

I have met many Hindu engineers and doctors who moved out of Sindhi villages and now settled in Karachi and Lahore.

hope you do realize that traditionally interior Sindhi Hindus were not prosperous and belonged to "Hinduism's lower/poorer castes". And thus sadly they suffer ill treatment from their own upper caste Hindus and similarly from more prosperous Muslims.
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'Brand value index' WTF? what does it do for a common man? such fancy bollocks sounds cool for developed countries. For Pakistan where half of the people can't write their name and living below poverty line, it sounds more like a joke. A cruel one.
This Meat iSSUE has been blown out of proportion by Media ! Bt it requires common sense here !
Lets say Pakistan is Moderate country....n i start cooking Pork in Lahore Bazaar ! I would surely be ripped apart no matter how much moderate ur, Rt ! Agar khana he hai to apne ghar mein khao !

Now once u know that holy Hindu Navratri Month is goin on n ur throwing a beef party in Jammu ! Yeh to ungli dikhaane waali baat ho gayi ! N this s all political drama goin on, common man has no problem with this. This is to malign image of PM Modi.......If this chai wallah can become a PM......He can surely do wonders for India......Cheers !
Show me some posts where situation in Pakistan is SO bad, that a minority eating BEEF is killed!!!! Artists doing shows are beaten up and killed!!

President Obama warned Indian PM of this abuse and murders of minorities. Just today, the British PM's office showed concern to Indian PM and to Indian diplomats. But instead of seeing Women being raped and Minorities being brutally killed every day, you are busy highlighting Pakistan rare examples as of 2015!!!

Remember, today, in 2015, Pakistan is doing MUCH better than India in terms of religious freedom, tolerance and human rights. However, in India, if you are a minority, Hindus walking around you, are really Gods as they can take your life, supported by the Indian government's fanatic rulers in power!! Go figure. India has become the old Pakistan from a tolerance's standpoint. While Pakistan today, is much more liberal and becoming modern by the day. If RAW quits sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan, Pakistan otherwise has no religious terrorism issue anymore.

If you can't speak the truth, at the least don't respond with a lie. We ALL on here know how bad the minorities are getting treated in India due to Hindu fanatics in power!!

But in India...the rape just happen. And if you are a Woman from the West, and you don't give in, you are beat-up and threatened to be killed. Something similar happened to an Australian couple a week or so ago, not to mention many other women who've been raped, were Westerners. The studies say, majority of Indian women are forcefully raped. But the Hindu fanatics threaten to kill them so it never comes to life!!
I have already shown you how that in Pakistan the situation is not just bad, its amongst the worst in the world.

As bad as India may be, it is paradise compared to the situation in Pakistan.

This is the latest report (2015) for Pakistan.
Pakistan worst country in religious freedom: US body - The Economic Times
"The just-released IRF (International Religious Freedom) Report leaves no doubt that the egregious nature of the violations in Pakistan warrant a CPC designation," Robert George, Chairman of the US Commission for International Religious Freedom ( USCIRF), said.

CPC designation is given to countries or those governments that "engage in or tolerate" systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom.
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