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Pakistan mob burns man to death for 'blasphemy'

One wonders, what kind of Jihad those nut cases conduct when they walk into a Western uni and kill half a dozen students before testing the gun on them self.

Windjammer before we sort out a problem we have to acknowledge it. Your in UK can you tel me when was the last time "nutcase in the uni" happen.

Killing our fellow man in Pakistan has become a national sport. The pretext could be ethnic, blasphemy, jihad, gang war, agencies out of control, honour etc. It does not matter. The bottome line is unnatural death.

As a simple test of my proposition why don't you check the number of killings in just one city, Karachi over the last year and I bet the number will exceed British Army combat deaths in the Afghan war. Does that not tell you something?

Sure horrible things happen everywhere but in Pakistan we have taken things to a industrial scale. Just think about Quetta city. The poor Hazara are being wiped out, virtually a genocide is happening but do you see any concern or anything being done about it? Can you imagine if Pakistani's in Scotland started to get shot, blown away, killed week on week, year after year?

Hope fades away for Hazaras of Pakistan | DAWN.COM

We need to do some serious introspection . it is no good displacing blame on 'foreign hands'. don't forget this is happening inside our country so it is our responsibility. Even if it is 'foreign hand' we have failed to tackle it, where is the much vaunted ISI?
These are so shameful occurrences caused by some narrow minded people which have rendered Pakistan lagged in my opinion. I saw my friend to blaspheme here in BD publicly, no one went to affright him either. Later I saw him to be religious when his mind itself inclined to religious matters. Actually, you can not change someone’s mind by beating him, burning him, but by make him understand gently.
This has nothing to do with Jihad, this is about unruly mobs and lack of education for the peasantry. It is also a failure of law enforcement and public security. Jihad in itself is not responsible.

Actually it does.

Zia set up these Madrassah Factories all over Pakistan, teaching nothing but extremist Islamic ideology and implementing this Blashpemy Laws into Pakistan.

What that did is give this sense of empowerment to Pakistanis that they were at a vanguard of Pan-Jihadism around the world.

So when an incident like Quran desecration occurs they take the law into their own hands because they are conducting Jihad, and that is a state policy of Pakistan.

This is the tragedy of Pakistan.

One wonders, what kind of Jihad those nut cases conduct when they walk into a Western uni and kill half a dozen students before testing the gun on them self.

Those are individual nut cases and not a general society as a whole.

Something like this did occur in USA back 1800's when Whites used to lynch blacks because they were accused of harassing white women.
Interesting to know it's only Muslim majority countries that show high levels of intolerance. I think these Muslim fundamentalists today are a lot like those intolerant Catholic priests during the Protestant Reformation.

There's been a lot written about lynching and religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism).

There was a comment that I want to share from another website, it's from a much longer passage, but well-written thoughts.

"Considering the often vast crowds that attended these spectacles, one must ponder which aspect is worse – the handful of individuals that perpetrated these heinous criminal acts or the masses that witnessed and encouraged them to take place. What is perhaps most disturbing is that the perpetrators were ordinary men from all walks of life, few of whom had little, if any, moral qualms about their actions. These were people steeped in traditions, who were religious and idealistic. That in itself makes it difficult to understand how a society can resort to such brutal measures in order to assert control over another people."

Source: Blog - History of the US South: History of the U.S. South: Lynching and Spectacle
Kill me, my faithful friends,
For in my being killed is my life.

Love is that you remain standing
In front of your Beloved
When you are stripped of all your attributes;
Then His attributes become your qualities.

Between me and You, there is only me.
Take away the me, so only You remain.

-------------------------------------------------------------Mansur Al-Hallaj
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