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Pakistan mob burns man to death for 'blasphemy'

Then what will be the difference between you and them. A mob behavior is completely different than individuals, that's why psychology of an average person's reaction to an event can't be applied to the psychology of a mob for that event.

They should be persecuted according to law, in a humane way, to keep the difference.

Fcuk man, they are not human. May be animal rights apply to them.
No, your view is that as long as there are problems elsewhere Pakistan doesn't have to deal with its own. "Let 'em burn" is your attitude.

im not sure what is ailing you....but i dont need some needle nose to tell me what my own views are :laugh:
im not sure what is ailing you....but i dont need some needle nose to tell me what my own views are :laugh:
Bro, isn't it ironic, whenever an incident of this nature takes place in Pakistan.....the likes of Palestinian and Daliit dilemma become a
kinder garden issue for the banter brigade.
Bro, isn't it ironic, whenever an incident of this nature takes place in Pakistan.....the likes of Palestinian and Daliit dilemma become a
kinder garden issue for the banter brigade.

they should do the right thing.....eat more fish and chips
Yea, and leave the....Beans alone.!! :lol:


Yea, and leave the....Beans alone.!! :lol:

Blabla. I can you even show this happening in Holland:

********.com - Crazy man stabs ex-wife on street (Warning: Graphic!)

This incidents you have everywhere. But at least we aren't chasing other minorities, kill members of other religions or blow ourself up. And I'm talking about the society right now, not about the government. Trying to compare Iran with Pakistan is laughable. We have women in our street view, dressed moderate, liberal views, etc. You don't know were your talking about.

I would agree with you 100%. Political Iran and Iranian culture and life on the street are not the same. I think western media have distorted the image of Iran. Iran is a ancient civilization which has contributed much to the finer things in the Muslim world. I know Pakistan and Iran went on diverging paths after the Shah was disposed. We ended up the uniformed Mullah, Gen. Zia and you guy's ended up with .... well all of a sudden beards became popular.

That however does not change the reality which is Iranian society is probably three generations ahead of Pakistan in terms of social evolution. Iranian women have high literacy rate and I believe more of them are in employment than in any Muslim society. In that sense I would bracket Iran with Turkey on the socio-economic scale.

Pakistan is by contrast a primitive, repressive society full of ignorent people who look up to the even more primitive Saudi's as inspiration. I don't frankly care what people think here, truth is truth. America and West are crazy, they support pro Western governments in Saudia and Pakistan yet both are full of western hating, western bashing Neanderthal's. In Iran we have a government which is opposed to the West but the people are liberal in comparison.

If you are Iranian, Salaam to you. Sadly because Tehran these day's is pro India, so I don't think we are going to agree on geopolitics of the region but what you said about Iranian liberalism is very true. A street in Tehran is more similar to Ankara, Damascus then to Riyadh, Islamabad or San'a.
The Pakistani government should find them out and execute them one by one that they understand the country has its own judiciary system and it's not Jungle neither 1400 years ago that they do whatever they want. Just find them and kill them, that will be a good lesson for them.
I am sure non of the Pakistani ministers and officials will want to have the fate of Salman Taseer.
It's NOT the religion that teaches them to do such,,, Blame the driver NOT the car, if driver is driving car WRONG.

I bet these mobsters would go & do all sorts of "sinful" things that religion stops them from,,, So are they "religious"!!! NO.

Just like by changing their name to "Taliban",,, R.A.W patsies do NOT actually become Taliban. Similarly just coz someone claims to do sth in the name of religion does NOT mean that religion asked them to do so. It just means that they are misusing the religion, knowingly or unknowingly.

My Prophet was the one on whom a lady used to throw garbage regularly, & he smiled,,, & one day when she didn't, he got worried & went to see her. Found her ill, gave her water & took care of her. The Prophet who was stoned to point that his shoes filed with his blood & he prayed to God to guide them instead of asking retribution for them... The Prophet who asked NOT to cut even a fruit bearing tree even during a war...

There are ppl who call themselves "muslim", & claim to be staunch followers, but go to graves & pray to dead,,, Islam does NOT teach them that. We cannot blame islam just coz such ppl claim to be muslims... Islam is NOT defined by what I do, rather by Quran & Sunnah of Prophet.

These are same kind of ppl who once build a mosque, but when Prophet came to know what they were actually doing, he demolished that mosque to stop activities of those who were claiming to be acting in the name of Islam.

The thing is, there is blasphemy law in the country based on a reason, either the Quran, Hadith or something else. One group come up with the reasons that Islam doesn't allow punishment of the person who insults Islam, another group comes with some other reasons claiming there is a death penalty if somebody crosses the red line. Now, people like me who have limited knowledge of the religion will totally get confused, which one is it? I cant bloody understand it!!

On the other hand, why there must be a special treatment of the Muslims and their religion. It is ALL OK if Muslims disrespect the holy places, books etc of the others and even destroy it, but the followers of the other religions are not allowed to do the same to the Muslims, this is double standards.
Pakistan must be the most zealotic country in the world. What a shame. No contribution to the world at all.

That's actually incorrect, Pakistan has contributed to the world of physics and universal laws, Dr. Abdus Salam for example. There is a whole list of achievements by Pakistanis, including the first silicone chip that connects and interacts with the human brain. The internationally used HDI was developed by a Pakistani economist. One of the greatest victories as far as geopolitics is Pakistan defeating the Soviet Union in Afghanistan thus liberating the Central Asian countries and Eastern Europe, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is one of the greatest victories of the past centuries. That's something you and your nation could never achieve.

I think it's you personally who have contributed nothing to the world.

Also don't go to Pakistan, some people will kill you there when they see your face.

Regards, A1

This is what happens when you implement Jihad as a state policy.

This has nothing to do with Jihad, this is about unruly mobs and lack of education for the peasantry. It is also a failure of law enforcement and public security. Jihad in itself is not responsible.
This is what happens when you implement Jihad as a state policy.

One wonders, what kind of Jihad those nut cases conduct when they walk into a Western uni and kill half a dozen students before testing the gun on them self.
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