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‘Pakistan missile project ahead of India’s’

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- Having more nuke stations/ energy does not improve the quality or increase the quantity of your warhead! That is a separate science altogether!

Let me put it this way for el- nino. True it is a seperate science all together and tell me what kind of simulation facilities does Pakistan have. How much as it progressed in high performance computing?

Yes, India under the garb of a SPACE PROGRAM is developing IRBM and ICBM just as the Americans did under the NASA in early 40's and 50's. But your eventual aim is China and you need the ICBM and IRBM's, we fortunately do not need them as our Nuke and Missile program just needs to cover the entire width and length of India. So WE DO NOT NEED A SPACE PROGRAM as such!

In case you are into diffusion of innovation you shall know that all thses investments and their returns are transferred on to one indutry or the other. A lot of innovation starting from thinsg as small as materials, casting , nut and bolt making contribute to the geenral knowledge base of Indian programmes.

- Your India has access to the same byte power as the rest of the world and indeed Pakistan. Its called COTS baby! Commercial Of the Shelf!

BNyte power? you can buy Hp servers and workstations and conect them and cry over the top that you have a high oerformance computing infrastructurre. But the reality is you have no ideas how high performance computing works nor what goes into it.

Yes you have a bigger military budget because you have more mouths to feed in your Army...simple! But quality-wise....your forces are far behind!

What kind of illogical BS was that

- Open access to restricted technology from the US, Europe, Israel????? I think that is a fib too much!

Head to weizmann institute , you shall know.

So before you doubt our claims, get your own record straightened out first!

Agree sometimes truth sucks
indiapakistanfriendship;260370]Let me put it this way for el- nino. True it is a seperate science all together and tell me what kind of simulation facilities does Pakistan have. How much as it progressed in high performance computing?

Pakistan has ample and powerful simulation systems in shape of computers to actually simulate the critical parameters of any nuclear yield. Our nuclear infrastructure starting from a nut all the way upto actual simulation prior to field firing is simulated and or designed on high power computers whose capacity runs into terrabyes! Whats your point here Einstein? :crazy:

In case you are into diffusion of innovation you shall know that all thses investments and their returns are transferred on to one indutry or the other. A lot of innovation starting from thinsg as small as materials, casting , nut and bolt making contribute to the geenral knowledge base of Indian programmes.

Sorry can you please translate the above in simple English? Our commercial industrial base indeed supports our nuclear programs to some extent however being a third world nation our Government believes (like your does) in making everything itself! Hence our nuclear and missile is not only self sufficient but has redundancy at many levels unlike your nuke and missile programs!

BNyte power? you can buy Hp servers and workstations and conect them and cry over the top that you have a high oerformance computing infrastructurre. But the reality is you have no ideas how high performance computing works nor what goes into it.

Did anywhere in my post I mentioned HP servers? Obviously your limited imagination is running ahead of your brain power!!

What kind of illogical BS was that

Yeah Right! We have seen the sheer professionalism and top class training of your country's military might in the Mumbai Mow Down!! I have seen Sudanese Special Forces do better! So it may be illogical to you due to lack of knowledge but in the military world its quite evident on how 'professionally' trained are your forces!!

Head to weizmann institute , you shall know.

Whats that? an Institute for engineers created by you and the Israeli's for the common good? Your nuclear program is mainly Plutonium based, what remarkable recent achievements have you made in this field recently albeit with the Russians or the Israeli's for that matter? Also, there is not a single Indian engineer or scientist on the Board of this Israeli institute http://www.weizmann.ac.il/homepage/pages/bogmem.shtml, so save your ''Oh we are secretly getting the recipe to a space ship'' crap for other poor saps!

Agree sometimes truth sucks

More than the sucking of the truth, its the sheer smell of Indian Bull$hit that is unbearable!
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Though india has failed in this missile programe but they deffinately have aquired something out of it .
After all a faliure itself is not a compleet failure.

We should also engage in developing our own sophisticated anti aircraft missile systems along with our ballistic and cruise missiles .
Thread closed for now - since previous arguments are being regurgitated and it is going nowhere at this point.

PM me if you have any new information you consider of relevance, and I'll consider reopening it.

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