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‘Pakistan missile project ahead of India’s’

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You are a bad bad boy. How could you post such a video---it would embarrass our indian guests. Now, we can't be mean to them today---there is too much sad news for their defence dept today---first the submarine colliding in the open seas with a ship---hahn---then this sad news---come on---if I was one of them---I would ask you to give us some break---just for the old times sake if for nothing else.:yahoo:
Well this report is no good may be some part of it is based on reality that we have some edge over Indian program but I don't believe that they are almost complete failure they have good program running and we can see results too also they are doing work in almost every field now like missile defense and space vehicles. I do understand that they are getting lot of help from Israel and Russia but they still are trying. On other hand we are trying to survive too but I think now we should go into missile defense and space programs too instead of just making more and more ballistic and cruise missiles we should enhance them but we should pump up some more money into this and yeah again we need good economy and stuff so we can just pray right now with the terrible situation in Pakistan but if we lack more we will suffer more in long term.
An usual article from the Pakistani news agency for the local population to make them feel that India admits its failures and Pakistan is ahead of India in defence. The author tried his best to make the readers feel that Indians admitting the failures.

How many times a Pakistan's missile is tested, before it is inducted?

The project is not scrapped, but closed. Agni I and II is inducted. Agni III is in final stage and will be inducted sooner. Akash is cleared for induction. Prithvi is inducted. Nag, Astra and Trishul may be a failure, but made some achievements. I think that 25 years is a reasonable time to develope these missiles for a country which does not have experience or infrastructure. There is no unnecessary cost overruns. Since, the private sectors were not allowed, the DRDO had to set up every infrastructure required for this project. Now the infrastructure is there and private sector is allowed, so the future developments will be shorter and cheaper.

The entire missile program is not closed. Only the IGMDP is closed. The developement of long range missiles will continue with other programes.

Anti-tank Missile Nag is in final stage of the induction, since final summer trials are around the corner.

Astra missiles developement is going on, so far each and every test that is being carried out are 100% successful.

Trisul missiles projects did suffer severe setbecks in terms of Technical glitches, since it's profile is quick low reaction missiles which is in identical catagory of Barak and Spyder SAM. But recently it was being revived once again.
Well! the Indians in our Forum did not believe this from day one. Here it is in Black & White.

Offcourse you are absolutely bang on target! since those news which are being published like above which is filled with mindless errors, How do you expect indians to believe it?
For your information. This have certain parameters, and once the missiles meets those parameters, only then the missile is inducted. So far there hasn't been a case where the missile doesn't meet the requirements of the strategic forces.

offcourse I should agree with you, when Babur Missile was first tested, it was proclaimed that it is ready for induction.

Not may be, but 100% failure. Because a failure = failure.


Offcourse in terms of above article, you are absolutely right.
Where you there when they tested it? How can you say its not a complete failure, because that is a baseless claim as well. And from the article it sounds like that even if there was some advancement, it didn't help much because they have scraped the plans and will be looking for foreign help.

From the article it sounds to you there was some advancement, how did you managed to retrive such advancement from that profound article.
offcourse I should agree with you, when Babur Missile was first tested, it was proclaimed that it is ready for induction.

Your information is false. Provide your source please.

An usual article from the Pakistani news agency for the local population to make them feel that India admits its failures and Pakistan is ahead of India in defence. The author tried his best to make the readers feel that Indians admitting the failures.

How many times a Pakistan's missile is tested, before it is inducted?

The project is not scrapped, but closed. Agni I and II is inducted. Agni III is in final stage and will be inducted sooner. Akash is cleared for induction. Prithvi is inducted. Nag, Astra and Trishul may be a failure, but made some achievements. I think that 25 years is a reasonable time to develope these missiles for a country which does not have experience or infrastructure. There is no unnecessary cost overruns. Since, the private sectors were not allowed, the DRDO had to set up every infrastructure required for this project. Now the infrastructure is there and private sector is allowed, so the future developments will be shorter and cheaper.

The entire missile program is not closed. Only the IGMDP is closed. The developement of long range missiles will continue with other programes.

kindly read more carefully - the pak paper DAWN is quoting an indian source for this news. this certainly does not make me feel better one bit. all i can say is that India knows what they have to do to have credible nuclear assets and similarly so does Pakistan. to me this news is just creating a false sense of security for us. sort of letting our guard down!
Karma and Others:

The article was originally sourced from an Indian publication:


Definetly, in India citizens have the freedom of expression and hence they can come and raise there voice on any kind of annoyance in association with Missile programs. But article which is posted above from DAWN, the creadibility of the same speak for itself very loudly, correspondant who had wrote this article didn't gave his name either with the article. In order to define the supramacy of missile, correspondent must come up with some technical specification on the basis of which he can prove the supremacy of Pakistani missile over Indian one, but in reality it is abscent.

With respect to the Indian space program - isn't that a result of collaboration with the Russians (the original SLV's etc)? If so, it also complements the argument that collaborative development, that has been ridiculed by so many when Pakistan was doing it, has been behind most of India's successful programs as well.

Atleast be sincere in accusing India of coolaboration with regards to space programm.

Offcourse, the foundation of Indian space program was laid in cooperation with Russians and it is widely known fact. Alongwith Russians, India also sourced cooperation from European Space Agency, NASA.

You are a bad bad boy. How could you post such a video---it would embarrass our indian guests. Now, we can't be mean to them today---there is too much sad news for their defence dept today---first the submarine colliding in the open seas with a ship---hahn---then this sad news---come on---if I was one of them---I would ask you to give us some break---just for the old times sake if for nothing else.:yahoo:

Oh my goodness!

What an increadible Sixth Sense!
Definetly, in India citizens have the freedom of expression and hence they can come and raise there voice on any kind of annoyance in association with Missile programs. But article which is posted above from DAWN, the creadibility of the same speak for itself very loudly, correspondant who had wrote this article didn't gave his name either with the article. In order to define the supramacy of missile, correspondent must come up with some technical specification on the basis of which he can prove the supremacy of Pakistani missile over Indian one, but in reality it is abscent.

What on earth are you going about? The article clearly mentions the Indian Newspaper it sources from, and also the Indian individuals who are making the claim:
The Mail Today quoted S. Prahlada, chief of the Control Research and Development, DRDO, as saying that development and production of most of the futuristic weapon systems would henceforth be undertaken with foreign collaboration.

With regard to the nuclear-capable Agni series, comprising I and II, the newspaper quoted army sources as saying while they had been tested five times each “a handful of tests are not enough to prove a missile’s worth”.

There were different problems with other systems too.

“Pakistan has always been one step ahead of India in its missile programme,” the newspaper said, adding that Islamabad has “a much more robust missile force than India, one capable of launching nuclear weapons to any part in this country.”

Grasping at straws aren't you, to try and paint this as a "biased Pakistani perspective". The headline is the statement in the Indian Newspaper, not an invention of the author of the Dawn report. This is all your crap. Take it up with the Indian publication, and the Indian scientists making those statements. I made my views clear on this in my first post

Atleast be sincere in accusing India of coolaboration with regards to space programm.

Offcourse, the foundation of Indian space program was laid in cooperation with Russians and it is widely known fact. Alongwith Russians, India also sourced cooperation from European Space Agency, NASA.

And once again, criticizing just so you can? What accusation? How is what you said any different from my post? How are you judging "sincerity" (and for that matter what do you mean by being sincere in this context) from my post?

Take a chill pill - collaborative efforts are the way forward, and now the Indians have finally "officially" accepted that approach.
The report is Bull $hit any one who claims to the contrary is a fool. Let me clear this right here...

The guided missile programe had the following missiles under development:

Agni BM
already inducted, with Agni III and Agni III+ already developed and being tested.

Prithvi BM

Astra AAM
Who the fuk says that it is a failure? All the previous tests have been VERY successful and it is expected to be integrated with LCA and Su-30MKI

Akash SAM
Already cleared trials, is being inducted, and a class A platform if i might add.

Development is continuing. Trials yet to commence, so cannot judge whether this will succeed or not.

Failed. The one missile that failed, its been scrapped and instead a JV has been started with MBDA for low level quick reaction missiles called Rohini or something i forgot.

This is NOT to mention that other benifits such as AAD have been spinoffs of the IGMDP.

The IGMDP has accomplished what it meant to do, start an industrial and scientific base for missile production in India. IT has done that fabulously albeit delayed.

IGDMP has been closed not scrapped. Now India will continue with JV's for most other things except for the strategic or sensitive items.

I am sorry to put it this way, but India's missile program has been more succesful than Pakistan's.

Ministry of Defence Slams Mainstream Media's Slanderous Lies - Missile Program On Track | India Defence

Ministry of Defence Slams Mainstream Media's Slanderous Lies - Missile Program On Track
Ministry of Defence Slams Mainstream Media's Slanderous Lies - Missile Program On Track

Daily News & Updates
India Defence Premium
Dated 9/1/2008
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It has been reported in a section of the media today that “Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) as a Strategic Programme stands Scrapped”.

It is hereby clarified that except for Agni demonstrator, which was successfully completed in 1989, all other projects under IGMDP are related to Tactical Missiles such as anti-tank Nag, short range Trishul, medium range Akash and Prithvi for artillery role with conventional warheads. All these missiles have since been developed. All are entering Service in one form or other. With this, objectives of IGMDP originally envisaged stand completed.

Strategic Missile Program is entirely indigenous and is being pursued through a number of separate projects. All of them are progressing as per schedule and no Strategic System has been scrapped.

Our strength is perceived as our weakness but they fail to realise our strength is their weakness :crazy: :coffee:
Its like Nano Vs Sitara
The official media in New Delhi said while India would be collaborating with Israel for development of surface-to-air upgraded spider missiles, for Astra, beyond-visual range air-to-air missile, New Delhi has roped in French and Russian collaborators.


Far from being unsuccessful, I think the new approach has worked wonders - especially keeping in mind the recent tests. In that respect I disagree with the articles headline, but considering the jingoism in the media of the two countries, that is to be expected.

India's overall missile program is slightly more successful than Pakistan's, at this point. India's program is definitely more diverse, and with all the collaboration being mentioned, it is only going solidify that advantage, unless Pakistan has something in the works or can initiate collaborative efforts of its own. Given resource constraints though, I doubt the Pakistan is going to invest in local development of the sort of variety of missiles India has - in the short term at least.

As far as establishing am industrial and scientific base, I agree that the IGMPD has allowed India to do that, and it would be unreasonable to suggest that Pakistan has not accomplished the same, though , like I said, not to as diverse a level as India's.
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