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Not sure what’s paf plan on t-37 replacement

39 k-8 were ordered with 27 k-8p and rest k-8 which are now being upgraded to k-8p std

Not sure how much life left on t-37s

Last slep added another 8000 hours or so for 20-30 t-37 that went through it back in early 2000s

I think shortage of $$ plus focus on jf program takes priority ??
Not sure what’s paf plan on t-37 replacement

39 k-8 were ordered with 27 k-8p and rest k-8 which are now being upgraded to k-8p std

Not sure how much life left on t-37s

Last slep added another 8000 hours or so for 20-30 t-37 that went through it back in early 2000s

I think shortage of $$ plus focus on jf program takes priority ??

I think PAF likes the tandem training arrangement and there aren't any platforms offering the same. Checked wikipedia and PAF is now the largest and one of three remaining operators of the T-37. K-8 production line at PAC has been converted for JF-17 manufacturing and it is highly likely that PAF will induct JF-17Bs for advanced pilot training.
T-37 mishaps seem very rare so apparently PAF must have very good maintenance facilities and spares capability. A T-37 replacement is not a priority right now since its a platform that is working well. If they do plan on retiring them TAI Hürkuş is a strong candidate since it is claimed to have jet like handling, some works on selling it to Pakistan is in the pipline as per Turkish news outlets.
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