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Pakistan Military Multimedia



great display of skill , stamina and endurance
music choice is unfortunate and overbearing. raw video with original sounds would have been fine but thats a personal opinion

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @Oscar @Hodor @Jammer

Definite proof of ongoing negotiations for SU family aircraft. Alhamdulillah. Start watching from 19:26

whether that discussion goes to an actual serous phase of procurement is another matter. Russia still remains Indian biggest weapons supplier and close ally. Mi35 is the best what we can expect or maybe some transport planes in Su family its one and only one and that is Su30 on wards anything before that is relic and pointless and Su30 maybe out of bound for us.
chinese rip off called J11 maybe possible but tis twin engine which PAF doesnt see fitting its doctrine of single engine jets

i opoose this why civilians along with army this mercenaries and militia style destroy country
relax.. its easy to meld in and do recon and gather intelligence. the enemy is hidden its 5th gen warfare in urban setting.
everything goes. barbers, shop keepers, imams, mechanics etc all do their bit to sniff out and capture the rats . sometimes the soldiers don the civilian clothes to act as scouts and advance party
done that myself once when I was sent few days in advance to get the mood of the the town before a big convoy movement back in late 90s
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