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Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

India will befriend anyone. The Indians only look at their interests. This is the same country which didn't side with its close ally Israel during the UN vote. That should tell you something.

Yea that we only care about ourselves. Any self respecting nation would do the same. We aren’t a chamcha like some other country

Thats Pure desperation dude!
Is that how helpless USA feels ?? They Usually do not hesitate in Making Iraq (an example) of a First World Muslim country when they want something done and Pakistan is practically a 3rd world country and yet they put 10M Bounty on a person and on top of every thing No on in Pakistan seems to be interested enough to earn the US 10M or Every one thinks that Even if some one does the job for US the america will not pay the money and start whining about millions and millions like they Usually do .. or Every one Believes that Hafiz Saeed is not a bigger Terrorist then Modi, and if Modi can go from Black listed for Entry in US to hugging Donald trump surly Hafiz Saeed can do too then... US has a habbit of turning their Allies in to Terrorists and Turning terrorists in to their Allies in past. They are more then welcome to handle their problems themselves like adults it will save them another 10 Vital Million for their drowning economy

Yea that we only care about ourselves. Any self respecting nation would do the same. We aren’t a chamcha like some other country

Doing the right thing, Taking a stand on principals and showing unselfish behavior is also called "chivalry" it surly cant be expected from a crowd of people with racism, social injustice, prostitution and immorality as thing of pride :)
It's in Pakistan's interest to not mess with US, Pakistan already has a fragile economy and is facing a balance of payment issue with dwindling forex reserves. US can fight and destroy you in 10 years economically without you even knowing that they are fighting you. No China or Russia will help you in fact in real world nobody does, they would just want Pakistan to stay weak and dependent on them.
It's in Pakistan's interest to not mess with US, Pakistan already has a fragile economy and is facing a balance of payment issue with dwindling forex reserves. US can fight and destroy you in 10 years economically without you even knowing that they are fighting you. No China or Russia will help you in fact in real world nobody does, they would just want Pakistan to stay weak and dependent on them.

Who's messing with whom? You got the picture upside down.
Who's messing with whom? You got the picture upside down.

It's Pakistan messing with US with it's unwillingness to rein in Taliban in Afghanistan. US for decades has funded and aided Pakistan and all it got was backstabbing. True that Pakistan also has suffered a lot in the WOT but still the policy of Taliban being the good terrorist exists in Pakistan's foreign policy which is counterproductive for US.
It's Pakistan messing with US with it's unwillingness to rein in Taliban in Afghanistan. US for decades has funded and aided Pakistan and all it got was backstabbing. True that Pakistan also has suffered a lot in the WOT but still the policy of Taliban being the good terrorist exists in Pakistan's foreign policy which is counterproductive for US.

If that is what the US wants it should get out of Afghanistan and hand over the job to Pakistan by inviting Pakistani troops into Afghanistan. But then again if that happens what will happen to those shelters for your Yadevs in Afghanistan? So please spare us the pain of hearing from you trump's narratives.
If that is what the US wants it should get out of Afghanistan and hand over the job to Pakistan by inviting Pakistani troops into Afghanistan. But then again if that happens what will happen to those shelters for your Yadevs in Afghanistan? So please spare us the pain of hearing from you trump's narratives.

:lol::lol: No that is not what US wants? US wants Pakistan to end support and shelter to Taliban. Why the hell will US get out of Afghanistan and whom will Pakistan fight, Taliban? Well they can very well start from their own territory by taking care of the Haqqani network. US turning the heat on Pakistan actually suits India thus we would want the US and Pakistan be at loggerheads, sanctions and all are welcome too ;)
:lol::lol: No that is not what US wants? US wants Pakistan to end support and shelter to Taliban. Why the hell will US get out of Afghanistan and whom will Pakistan fight, Taliban? Well they can very well start from their own territory by taking care of the Haqqani network. US turning the heat on Pakistan actually suits India thus we would want the US and Pakistan be at loggerheads, sanctions and all are welcome too ;)

You are about to see what the US will get from Pakistan for sheltering anti-Pakistan terrorists in Afghanistan! The time is ripe.
It's Pakistan messing with US with it's unwillingness to rein in Taliban in Afghanistan. US for decades has funded and aided Pakistan and all it got was backstabbing. True that Pakistan also has suffered a lot in the WOT but still the policy of Taliban being the good terrorist exists in Pakistan's foreign policy which is counterproductive for US.

Here comes the Indian brainwashed cheerleader.

Dude, go through the news of last year. Pakistan has repeatedly ask US and Afghanistan to point out the locations of the so called safe havens, they have failed to share anything except their whining of safe havens. If they have so much threat from Pakistan, why don't they construct the outposts or a wall along Pak Afghan border? Pakistan being a third world country and very poor is still managing to build a fence to stop Afghani terrorists. What is stopping them on the other side?

Neither trumpy clown administration nor Afghan govt is sincere, all they want is to dump all the failures on Pakistan, otherwise the public will demand answer about longest war and also the costliest as the figure will soon hit 2 Trillion USD. Furthermore another belief is that the main aim is to stop CPEC progress and sabotage the nuclear program of Pakistan.

Obama was a wise president and he realize the solution.
:lol::lol: No that is not what US wants? US wants Pakistan to end support and shelter to Taliban. Why the hell will US get out of Afghanistan and whom will Pakistan fight, Taliban? Well they can very well start from their own territory by taking care of the Haqqani network. US turning the heat on Pakistan actually suits India thus we would want the US and Pakistan be at loggerheads, sanctions and all are welcome too ;)
Yup That is exactly the problem, Pakistan clearly has nothing to do with Afghan Terrorism and 70% control of Taliban & IS etc in Afghanistan. its the failure of US Forces in Afghanistan for not being able to control Afghanistan after success in 2003, Also if Pakistan is able to eliminate TTP from Pakistan even when it has many many shelters still operating in Afghanistan then US with all its Trillions spent and state of the art technology and forces should be able to Handle Afghanistan even if there was any thing happening from individuals in Pakistan or any where else in the world including Russia Iran India. US clearly has failed to handle Afghanistan.
The reason for US failure is pretty obvious as War is not a solution to Afghanistan, Until unless US gives equal opportunity to all stake holders in Afghanistan to have a proper representation this will continue to happen as one believes freedom is a right which is neither denied by US or India and freedom also give you a right to your own opinion which i am sure the terrorist have too but their opinion does not seem to concur with US.
:lol::lol: No that is not what US wants? US wants Pakistan to end support and shelter to Taliban. Why the hell will US get out of Afghanistan and whom will Pakistan fight, Taliban? Well they can very well start from their own territory by taking care of the Haqqani network. US turning the heat on Pakistan actually suits India thus we would want the US and Pakistan be at loggerheads, sanctions and all are welcome too ;)

do you really think US wants peace in Afghanistan??? do you even know what is havppening in Afghanistan?? you dont even know what Afghan a word Afghan means??? and if you dont know then i dont think americans know the ground reality and i m 101% sure and the world also that US wants to keep its presence in Afghanistan for a long long time and this is why it keeps Afghanistan as an unstable creating by creating bogeyman and blame everything on Pakistan and now they have teamed up with india to keep pressuring Pakistan on its eastern borders and they also know we have developed weapons not to play with them but to teach lesson to those who think they can sort out our country
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