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Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

sir what was situation of our economy til 2012 if you remember ?. this is not just politics international declared terrorists by security counsel enjoying luxury lives in pakistan . people were saying this day since long time . sanctions are on the way the days of jihad jihad are over since ages .

Who exactly and what evidence has been presented that is admissible in a court of law?
The only reason all four agree is because Pakistan has singed the agreement with China to do business in Yuan, Dollar dominance is the only threat to West and that is where they sit together and punish the culprit. It worked with Saddam, it worked with Lybia...it wont work with Pakistan, nothing works against Pakistan for some strange reasons only God knows, this country has been collapsing for last 30 years

We've been collapsing for 70 years

We as a nation were not supposed to go beyond our 6 month life prediction in 1947 yet here we are

This wont be easy but we need to work for our interests alone
This is nothing but intimidation tactics. Do you fellows really think that US/UK will put Pakistan on this so called 'terror financing' list there won't be repercussions? Nato/US supply lines to A-stan, their intelligence apparatus, and lots of other stuff will be targeted. There is no doubt about it.
Hopeless’ position for Pakistan at FATF moot

ISLAMABAD - No country, except China, has committed to vote for Pakistan as it struggles to avert terror-tag at the six-day meeting of the Financial Action Task Force - a global body combating terror financing and money-laundering.

The FATF meeting started on Sunday in Paris and will also consider the United States’ resolution to place Pakistan on the terror watch list.

Senior officials at the foreign ministry told The Nation that Pakistan had contacted almost all the members of the FATF through diplomatic channels but “they showed inclination” to the US resolution against Pakistan .

One official said: “Some countries like Russia, Germany and Belgium gave a little hope but there was no commitment. Majority of the (FATF member) countries looked firm to raise their hands for the US. We are sure of one vote from China as they (China) have always supported Pakistan . “The development is, of course, shocking for Pakistan . We have been working to control the damage,” he said.

The 37 permanent members of FATF include Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Gulf Co-operation Council, Hong Kong, China, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the US. Israel and Saudi Arabia have observer status.

Before the FATF meeting, Prime Minister’s Adviser on Finance Miftah Ismail visited Germany, Netherlands and Belgium to seek support. Federal minister Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari also visited Malaysia. Both of them did not return with the desired results.

The imminent FATF verdict will be a huge setback as major global financial institutions – including International Monetary Fund and World Bank – are under the FATF influence. The European Commission and the United Nations also give importance to the FATF. Last week, US State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert had announced that a resolution to place Pakistan on the global terror-financing watch list had been submitted to the FATF. She said the US had been concerned about Pakistan’s actions for a long time. “We have therefore decided that we want to place Pakistan on an international watch list,” she added.

This month, the US had imposed sanctions on three individuals linked to ‘Pakistan-based militant networks’ in a bid to push Islamabad to crack down on the alleged perpetrators of attacks on Afghanistan.

The US Treasury Department designated the men as “global terrorists” for their alleged connections to Lashkar-e-Taiba and other groups. It came after the US blacklisted six people accused of supporting the Taliban and Haqqani network in Afghanistan, and stressed their links to Pakistan .

The decision targeted Rahman Zeb Faqir Mohammed, who collected funds for Lashkar in the Gulf. The other two blacklisted men - Hizb Ullah Astam Khan and Dilawar Khan Nadir Khan - were accused of acting on behalf of Sheikh Aminullah, who was sanctioned in 2009 for providing material support to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The US has already suspended security assistance to Pakistan targeting the Coalition Support Fund. Heather Nauert said Pakistan will be able to receive the suspended funding if it took ‘decisive actions’ against the Haqqani Network and the Afghan Taliban.

Pakistan claims the money it had received from the US was mainly reimbursements for supporting US-led coalition forces after they invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Islamabad also made it clear that US aid did not run Pakistan’s the anti-terror or play a significant economic role.

Islamabad also threatened to end the partnership if pressed to the limits. Foreign Minister Khawaja Mohammed Asif even publically snubbed Washington saying the alliance with the US was “over”.

Earlier, US Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan said his country could “consider ending a suspension” of security assistance to Pakistan if “decisive and sustained” action was taken against all the militant groups, referring to the Haqqani Network.

He told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “We may consider lifting the suspension when we see decisive and sustained actions to address our concerns, including targeting all terrorist groups operating within its territory, without distinction.”

Another official at the foreign ministry said Pakistan was in contact with the Muslim-majority countries to counter the US move. But, he added: “The influential Muslim-majority countries are allies of the US. The others are mere numbers. They do not have international status,” he remarked.

Foreign office spokesperson Dr Mohammed Faisal said Pakistan was committed to combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. “Such motions (like the resolution being considered by the FATF) are aimed to hamper the economic growth of Pakistan ,” he added.

Defence analyst Brig (retd) Harris Nawaz said the US should not target Pakistan as “Pakistan has given huge sacrifices in the war on terrorism.” He said the US should also monitor India’s intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing, which was involved in terrorist activities across Pakistan .

“They (the US) are discriminating. They are ignoring India’s terrorism and criticizing our war on terrorism. This is hard to understand. We have lost lives and money and we are being blamed of sponsoring terrorism,” he argued.

By some low standard Indian website
If those sites r to be believed they way they have reported since 911 Pakistan should have ended by now
BTW this article gives no number just one official said very bad other said would make borrowing transact note difficult by how no mention
Pakistan was on grey list before and its still.a big if if we r again put up on it remember west isn't as united under Trump as was under bush and Obama individual r cutting individual deals and China wasn't involved in region then like is now
So its more of rundi Rona of some Indian trolls.and less of an analysis :)
There could be a silver lining in all this for the Iran-Pak pipeline. After all it just may get started.......lol

Buy our gas now for a change. I bet Lavrov will tell the same to your foreign minister.
Iran is undergoing a population change event for last 25 odd years now. Iran's population is declining fast. Young couples are not having kids like before. The one's leaving are not leaving for mainly economic reasons, they want to experience a western lifestyle. The Iranian govt hands out money to people if they need it. Iran is more than double in area compared to Pak, per capita significantly higher. However the ones leaving are after a different life style.

I have met a lot of Iranians who want to live here and never go back except for visiting their homeland. Most of them are very critical of the Iranian regime and try their utmost to mingle with Europeans so much so that the women dye their hair blonde and wear western clothes so they can't be identified until they speak. But most of them can easily be recognised for their Persian looks and facial features. I think Irani govt should relax a few laws so people can breathe a bit but your country your rules.
Most of Pakistanis, on the other hand, are economic immigrants and many are waiting for improvement in governance and economic conditions so they return back to their country and spend rest of their lives in Pakistan.

There could be a silver lining in all this for the Iran-Pak pipeline. After all it just may get started.......lol

Buy our gas now for a change. I bet Lavrov will tell the same to your foreign minister.
I'm in favour of Iran-Pakistan gas and oil pipelines and I wonder why this project has not been developed yet. We need to act in our national interests and stop accepting dictations from USA.
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Pakistan is in the dock at the ongoing FATF meeting in Paris, with the sword of being put back on the grey list of terror financing countries hanging on its head. Interestingly, this is the FIRST TIME in the body's history that four nations have singled out another nation at the same time for censure.

There seem to be many misconceptions about how being put on the list would hurt Pakistan's economy, with many members believing that it will have negligible impact. However, that may be far from the truth. The most significant impact could be that this time around, it could push Pakistan into a balance of payments crisis (Last time, according to reports, Pak was on the list when it neared a BoP but it was bailed out by the IMF. This time, with the US leading the motion at FATF and holding IMF's purse strings, this might not be so feasible).

Before discussing, please read the article and then debate on the salient points.

Click here to read the full article
One word...CPEC

They have to stop this. We must fight this and win....if we get put on this list we won't suffer as much this time due to China's investment....but we must make Afghanistan a nightmarevfor America. They dead must go home daily
There could be a silver lining in all this for the Iran-Pak pipeline. After all it just may get started.......lol

Buy our gas now for a change. I bet Lavrov will tell the same to your foreign minister.

Pakistan's salvation lies in buying Iranian gas and oil.
Everyone tells me that. And i tell everyone that.
Buy Iranian. Save the World. God will give you an Android App for the 70 virgins too.
lol......there are some teenies here who claim that only Pak can destroy Israel.......lol
Loool. Iran with its so called Islamic power did buy arms from Israel in contra affair to attack a fellow country. I think that would destroy Israel by arms from them to attack fellow Muslim country
we dont care economy our priority is hafiz saeed usama bin laden mullah omer and mullah tom mullah dick .this country is banana republic truly
You are as always the nasty of negativity

but its seems otherwise we are almost edge of being destroyed . our gov have 210 millions humans to feed and they are doing all the international terrorists supporting and sheltering them . just for few individuals playing with country' economy . wow
So America can support YPG and PKK and will the others that Syria and turkey Iran consider terrorists it's fine but we assist the right of kashmiri and it's wrong....this is pure and simple...

my eyes are open sir i am not emotional last time when we were is list for three years there was no ganga jamna desh nor israel in list we suffer alone . what make you think they are gonna add india and israel in list ? its not in agenda of meeting agenda of meeting is adding pakistan in grey list .

I think you are emotional and ballistic.

The idea of this blackmail is to bring Pakistan under the Indian and US interests. Hafiz Saeed is an excuse. There has been no evidence provided against him regarding involvement in Mumbai drama. Any country can name any other country for terror funding. But its leant credence by making statements and taking action in defence of a lie promoted by Indians with of course the backing of USA. Thats the only thug our contemporary world has.

Putting Pakistan on this list is a move that will likely backfire. USA wants India to be a chief police man in the region to give it muscle to stand up to China. For this, they have to bring Pakistan down. Americans are good at giving the impression of importance by delegating their dirty work to Third World country. A fact India will wake up in a decade or two.

Read the fine print and you will realize Hafiz Saeed and other organizations are just allegations and reason for making a case to achieve a strategic goal.

The objective of Pakistan must be to get Saeed de-listed. This is not a favor to Saeed but a favor to Pakistan. Mumbai was a false flag operation and people who still believe Indian narrative are idiots.
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