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Pakistan: Man accused of blasphemy shot dead at court trial

No matter if Jew Christian Hindu or Rastafarian anyone swear at or disrespect prophet in my presence I pray Allah give me strength to be able to give person a beating .
If there was debate and discussion on amending the constitution to include such an un-Islamic provision in 1974, then there can absolutely be debate and discussion on amending the constitution to remove such an un-Islamic provision now and in the future, until such laws and amendments repugnant to Islam are removed from the constitution.

Please remember that at one point there was a lot of opposition to reforming the laws that called for '4 male witnesses' to prove sexual assault, and there was (and is) opposition to a minimum age of marriage, but reforms occurred and will continue to occur.

Islam allows amendments of laws as long as they do not go against any Islamic rule. It has happened in past. For eg the case of triple talaq, in time of Prophet SAW, any number of times of saying talaq in one sitting was considered one. Later at time of Umar RA this was changed. Too many ppl kept giving triple talaqs for no reason, so as a punishment he amended the law, triple talaq meant talaq is done and 10 lashes for the person as well.
Now Pakistan law says that a "non muslim" cannot be the PM or president of the country, now this would require a basic definition of "muslim". If as u guys suggest that religion is personal and anyone can call himself watever is ok then any person, believing in any Prophets or none, or idols or fire can claim to be "muslim" having his own explanation can be eligible for PM or President??? Pakistan is an Islamic republic and as such have the right and duty to define the basic of Islam for being a "muslim". This categorization is important for communal purposes too. Defining a sect that has crossed basic boundries of Islam as non muslim is the right and duty of the state. This only protects that group's rights as a minority. Actually its this amendment that saved qadyanis as now they are non muslims and as such they can follow their beliefs.
At the time of Prophet SAW kuffar wanted to mix and merge Islam with their old belief and wanted a religion where they can include their Gods and stuff. Allah revealed surah kafiroon, askig Prophet SAW to tell them their religion to them and our to us. This shows that Islam is defined and as such should be defined by the state.
Man shot dead for 'blasphemy' in Pakistan courtroom
Tahir Ahmad Naseem, accused of blasphemy by claiming to be a prophet, shot six times during a hearing.

by Asad Hashim
5 hours ago
A man accused of blasphemy for claiming that he was a prophet has been shot dead in a courtroom in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, police officials say, the latest violence associated with Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws.

Tahir Ahmad Naseem was shot six times during a hearing in his case at a district court on Wednesday, police official Ijaz Ahmed told Al Jazeera.

"The culprit accepts responsibility for killing him, and says that he killed him for having committed blasphemy," said police official Ahmed. "[The suspect] has been arrested from the scene."

Naseem had been in police custody since 2018 when he was accused of having committed blasphemy by claiming to be a prophet - a violation of Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws that can carry the death penalty for certain offences.

Naseem was accused of having violated sections 295-A, 295-B and 295-C of the Pakistani penal code, which deal with blasphemy against Islam, criminalising, among other things, "defiling the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad".

Pakistan clears Christian woman in landmark blasphemy case

The last offence carries a mandatory death penalty.

Blasphemy killings
While no one has yet been executed under Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws, extrajudicial murders and mob violence have become increasingly common in recent years. Since 1990, at least 77 people have been killed in connection with the accusation, according to an Al Jazeera tally.

Those killed include people accused of blasphemy, their family members, and lawyers and judges who have acquitted people accused of the crime.

Others killed in recent years include singers, teachers deemed to be advocating "un-Islamic" practices, and members of the persecuted Ahmadi sect.

In 2018, Pakistan's Supreme Court passed a landmark verdict in the country's most high-profile blasphemy case, acquitting Christian woman Aasia Bibi after she had spent nine years on death row.

The move angered the country's far-right religious parties, leading to widespread protests led by firebrand cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi's Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) party, which has frequently advocated for violence against those accused of blasphemy.

Last week, the provincial assembly in Punjab, Pakistan's most populous province, passed a controversial law on religious issues, giving wide-ranging powers to the government to censor any published material based on vague guidelines of violating religious beliefs.

The law, widely criticised by rights groups, was placed under review on Monday.

Right now, Pakistani people, atleast a majority, on social media are singing praises of the killer.

Does this remind you of anyone?

Sometimes I think Pakistan is beyond saving. These violent, good for nothing thugs carrying out their mob “justice” on poor people because that will be their greatest "achievement". I sincerely hope these thugs suffer the same merciless menace in their pathetic lives.
Poor guy. He probably had mental issues and was innocent. It's sad that he died like this.
a new lottery ticket for many aspiring soon-to-be-refugees.
sometimes i feel they all work in collusion..
some reports say victim was mentally unstable also:rolleyes:

May be suffering from this:
Toheene risalat is no question a punishable act & the one who do this toheen will be punishable by God in his/her aakhrat. There was a kafir lady who used to throw trash on Muhammad S.A.W PBUH from her home(nauzubillah). Did Muhammad SAW or their companion killed her for this act? In fact she used to throw trash on Prophet regularly to incite angry reaction but he kept calm. One day she didn't throw trash so Prophet SAW was surprised & asked her neighbors about her. She was sick in her home. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH visited her for teemaar daari. She got so emotional by his grateful behavior that she apologized for all her Toheene risalat & recited Kalma to become Muslim.

If Pakistan doesn't scrap this law of Toheene risalat then Pakistan will stay like a jungle. No matter how much our gdp grows or high employable our people get. World won't respect your this behavior towards minorities. We question India over minorities persecution. We first need to look in to our own collars.

Rip insaniyat.
Prophet PBUH the man was appointed by God how on earth a small time human being can insult him .. i dont understand how believers can believe such a thing
Unpopular opinion.

Mostly people call you extremist but when an individual understand that committing blasphemy is like hurting the sentiment of the horde of people. And when they are aware of the consequences so why even be disrespectful to someone’s religion at first place?

Edit: no one has a right to take law in his hands.

Then why do anything at all in life? You are arguably going to be upsetting some horde or mob of people to some degree no matter what you do...once you let mobs be judge, jury and executioner.

How can we measure that (faith, sentiments, emotions etc) with some absolute reference?..given they are known and experienced by the individual only by their very definition...and are inevitably communalized by force for very disturbing purpose in the larger human psyche?

We can only measure action by an absolute reference i.e evidence (since an action happens)....not the thoughts and feelings behind it.

This is why rule of law (governed by evidence relating to action) has to be there...giving same benefit of doubt to every citizen, everyone is innocent till proven guilty...and there is process of law and courts to be applied ultimately using evidence of action.

Without that.... every action you do can simply be interpreted by a large enough mob/horde (by virtue of enough size to dictate upon you) in some way if they emotionally want a result on you that they will then justify using that interpretation.

The whole concept of what does the mob/horde think means you just stray to a full society of mobs and hordes. Ultimately it rips society and country apart altogether....into said mobs and hordes with their own relative laws and forces within them....changing on a whim, all allied only to the concept of mob action and its force it can bring to bear. That is why this has to be called out and nipped in the bud always....rather than justified or encouraged even if you bear a similar sentiment (at some scale) to some action it does one day...because it definitely will not be so another day.

An absolute reference and reverence for law to the foundation and operation of a country is of paramount importance. Supporting or justifying mob "vigilantism" is the antithesis for that...you do not want those gaps (to such basic law and order) to sustain and self-feed...it will lead to opposite of law and order.

@Joe Shearer @PanzerKiel @SQ8 @jaibi @krash @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Signalian @saiyan0321 @VCheng @LeGenD
Then why do anything at all in life? You are arguably going to be upsetting some horde or mob of people to some degree no matter what you do...once you let mobs be judge, jury and executioner.

How can we measure that (faith, sentiments, emotions etc) with some absolute reference?..given they are known and experienced by the individual only by their very definition...and are inevitably communalized by force for very disturbing purpose in the larger human psyche?

We can only measure action by an absolute reference i.e evidence (since an action happens)....not the thoughts and feelings behind it.

This is why rule of law (governed by evidence relating to action) has to be there...giving same benefit of doubt to every citizen, everyone is innocent till proven guilty...and there is process of law and courts to be applied ultimately using evidence of action.

Without that.... every action you do can simply be interpreted by a large enough mob/horde (by virtue of enough size to dictate upon you) in some way if they emotionally want a result on you that they will then justify using that interpretation.

The whole concept of what does the mob/horde think means you just stray to a full society of mobs and hordes. Ultimately it rips society and country apart altogether....into said mobs and hordes with their own relative laws and forces within them....changing on a whim, all allied only to the concept of mob action and its force it can bring to bear. That is why this has to be called out and nipped in the bud always....rather than justified or encouraged even if you bear a similar sentiment (at some scale) to some action it does one day...because it definitely will not be so another day.

An absolute reference and reverence for law to the foundation and operation of a country is of paramount importance. Supporting or justifying mob "vigilantism" is the antithesis for that...you do not want those gaps (to such basic law and order) to sustain and self-feed...it will lead to opposite of law and order.

@Joe Shearer @PanzerKiel @SQ8 @jaibi @krash @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Signalian @saiyan0321 @VCheng @LeGenD

I'm not here.
I didn't read the post.
Heck, I didn't even see the post.
I don't want to be killed.
Anyway I hope killer get hanged. You cannot stop every extremist out there.
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