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Pakistan makes failed attempt to block Balochistan documentary by Indian news network on Twitter

When it comes to Baluchistan an average pajeet and it’s establishment is on same page merely due to fact that there is no Afghanistan to provide an insight and Iran only provides support which can cause only nuisance.
This is ignorance, if you look closely they are doing their job quite well given how long the insurgency is being sustained and now given it's being raised to a diplomatic level and social level.

Sometimes it's good to fire shots but not when you push yourself into self-delusion.

You'd rather overestimate your enemy rather than underestimate. Be objective.

Call me paranoid but I'd rather be on my toes constantly rather than caught with my pants down...
Here's the Series:

Haven't watched it but looks cool and high production value from the first minute I looked at.

The problem for Pakistan is that it has lost the narrative war a long time ago. The Indians dictate in Washington and other Western capitals. Pakistan is deemed the evil that needs to be put down. Even the average Joe in most nations has a terrible view of Pakistan. On the narrative front the Indians win hands down. On other fronts, India is also dictating. For instance security. Terror attacks that are sponsored by India and carried out all across Pakistan put Pakistani state and army on the back foot. Pakistan is often blamed for attacks happening on it's own soil. When an attack happens in India it is always Pakistan's fault. Obviously the security aspect is also largely attached with narrative war which India is winning.
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I had backing of a superpower in all spheres
It's a myth that India had the backing of USA and this myth is lapped up by Pakistanis. Look what USA actually does:

host of problems
What problems? Did Pakistan have naxalites? Did Pakistan have a pool of traitorous Muslim population? Did Pakistan have insurgencies like khalistan or NorthEast? Did Pakistan have British agents like Nehru till 2000? The only time Pakistan had problem was during East Pakistan crises and you know what happened.
Bakhtoras should first practice what they preach.

The problem for Pakistan is that it has lost the narrative war a long time ago.
Forget narrative war, tell me what does Pakistan have going for it? Even one thing?

The country is being run by a circus show of clowns who wouldn't even compare to some 15 year old high-schoolers from the US.

They are just in it for the money and the vibes, then plan to run off to America/Europe.

It has no proper functioning institutions, ministries, nothing. Poorly managed circus at best, you don't call this a country.

It's being held together by boomer uncles who don't know wtf they are doing, they probably have no clue what a narrative war even is unfortunately, nor do they care!
Forget narrative war, tell me what does Pakistan have going for it? Even one thing?

The country is being run by a circus show of clowns who wouldn't even compare to some 15 year old high-schoolers from the US.

They are just in it for the money and the vibes, then plan to run off to America/Europe.

It has no proper functioning institutions, ministries, nothing. Poorly managed circus at best, you don't call this a country.

It's being held together by boomer uncles who don't know wtf they are doing, they probably have no clue what a narrative war even is unfortunately, nor do they care!

Pakistan is surely the loser on all fronts. The boomer uncles in tight sweaters and big bellies have no clue what is coming at them.
You can’t do jackshit, every nation has to go through turmoils, we are right now in one.
We are only held back by our non-harming policy towards civilian population.
We have just started to warm-up.
Pakistan is surely the loser on all fronts. The boomer uncles in tight sweaters and big bellies have no clue what is coming at them.
If there is time to save it, it is now.

Take back your government and national institutions and get skilled and competent people in charge.

Steer away the ship before it crashes, and go back to a positive trajectory.

Sharif-like nepotism and Bajwa-like corruption are cancers that will cause you to self-destruct
If there is time to save it, it is now.

Take back your government and national institutions and get skilled and competent people in charge.

Steer away the ship before it crashes, and go back to a positive trajectory.

Sharif-like nepotism and Bajwa-like corruption are cancers that will cause you to self-destruct

Very difficult.
The problem for Pakistan is that it has lost the narrative war a long time ago. The Indians dictate in Washington and other Western capitals. Pakistan is deemed the evil that needs to be put down. Even the average Joe in most nations has a terrible view of Pakistan. On the narrative front the Indians win hands down. On other fronts, India is also dictating. For instance security. Terror attacks that are sponsored by India and carried out all across Pakistan put Pakistani state and army on the back foot. Pakistan is often blamed for attacks happening on it's own soil. When an attack happens in India it is always Pakistan's fault. Obviously the security aspect is also largely attached with narrative war which India is winning.
When Pakistanis make fun of "Pajeet" - what they don't realise is geopolitically this isn't a contest to see who pulls more bitches.

Remember it's the Rajesh looking guys stereotyped to be nerdy and intelligent. Geopolitically the Pajeets are seen as the nerdy developing ally. The go-to destination for investments and allies, etc.

In a classroom it's the Rajesh who is more helpful to partner with, not Michael or Tyrone...
When Pakistanis make fun of "Pajeet" - what they don't realise is geopolitically this isn't a contest to see who pulls more bitches.

Remember it's the Rajesh looking guys stereotyped to be nerdy and intelligent. Geopolitically the Pajeets are seen the nerdy developing ally. Go-to destination for investments and allies, etc.

No doubt. This is why I said that Rajesh won the narrative war. Bajwa lost it.

Rajesh has been investing decades to convince Joe to be on his side. Joe is squarely stands behind Rajesh.
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Balochistan is a typical example of another Bangladesh. All due to own fault or policies, i mean fault of the one evil that is the root cause of all our problems.
Listen Sanghi this is not your local chai ki tapri so stop using slurs.
And btw Tableghi is actually a honor for most Muslims so stfu.
I don't know the meaning of tableeghi and I don't care. It became a nickname of @jamahir because he uses the word frequently.
The Pakistani government and GHQ are beghairat, honourless, cowardice, and shameless people.

They don't see the world around them excelling at fast paces, making reforms, forming powerful and competent institutions with a strict policy of meritocracy. Giving a chance to the best of the best their nation has to offer so it can thrive.

Instead they are stuck in their third world poor backwards mentality of nepotism and extreme corruption - where people who are unqualified, unskilled, and plain retarded become government officials due to family and political connections.

What a shame, the world continues to progress, while Pakistan chooses to regress due to this curse on our nation known as GHQ, who refuses to act and instead engages in this same nepotism/corruption and brings back the same cursed families like Sharifs.

Of course India, Afghanistan, Iran will feel empowered to breathe down your neck seeing the absolute clown show known as Pakistan.

Balochistan is a typical example of another Bangladesh. All due to own fault or policies, i mean fault of the one evil that is the root cause of all our problems.
Unlikely since Bangladesh was geographically a unique circumstance. GHQ could probably pull off a Bangladesh in home turf if it plans it properly with enough funding to support it.

Their game plan with Balochistan primarily is to keep an insurgency sustained for as long as possible with the primary goal of destablising any prospect of economic and infrastructural development, and peace. No investment, no infrastructure development, no FDI, no peace, bad reputation, not even cricket.

Anything more than the above is simply a bonus, to genuinely break it would require efforts in other domains.

One method is to incite a nation-wide civil war, then India initates a war against the army, whole of Pakistan would cease to exist at the end of it. The only real thing which prevents this is the existence of nuclear weapons, I think India will 100% try to denuclearise Pakistan if it seeks to do this.

@Signalian @blain2 @PanzerKiel @Sifar zero @Bleek
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