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Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

More like the drone strikes, and having Pak army do nothing about shooting them down.

The drone strikes are probably the worst as they are indiscriminate and many civilians have died as a result.

Drones are mostly accurate. My region borders waziristan and i have come across many wazirs who have told me that drones always target the talibans and foriegners. Local spies place chip in the buildings of talibans, then drone target it. On the other hand bombardments by jets of pak air force causes heavy civilian casaulties.
I would like to add that the reason different people of Pakistan come together is because it is Islam that has binded us.

I don't believe Afghanistan has anything to bind all the people together.

You are right! Backward and savage tribalism destroyed Afghanistan and itz´s great civilisation. The question is when will savage tribalism start to operate toward Islamabad and to destroy Pakistan, too? You know, in Afg tribal identity or ethnicity is the most important thing. First Qaum (ethnicity), than Khanadan (house) and at last Islam but the islamic identity differs. The Tajiks are moderate and mostly Sufis (but became in the last 20, 30years a bit stricter), as well as Uzbeks and Ismaelis, the Nuristanis are mostly orthodox Sunnits, the Hazaras Shiahs, the Pashtuns accept half of Qoran and Islam and favour more their tribal culture and identity over Islam but also because many of their tribal customs are close to the Shariah but do not the Shariah self. The Pashaiys are more close to Sufis, the Paryas are more non-Muslims than Muslims...
Drones are mostly accurate. My region borders waziristan and i have come across many wazirs who have told me that drones always target the talibans and foriegners. Local spies place chip in the buildings of talibans, then drone target it. On the other hand bombardments by jets of pak air force causes heavy civilian casaulties.


So PAF strikes are not accurate and are causing more damage than good?

You are right! Backward and savage tribalism destroyed Afghanistan and itz´s great civilisation. The question is when will savage tribalism start to operate toward Islamabad and to destroy Pakistan, too? You know, in Afg tribal identity or ethnicity is the most important thing. First Qaum (ethnicity), than Khanadan (house) and at least Islam but the islamic identity differs. The Tajiks are moderate and mostly Sufis, as well as Uzbeks and Ismaelis, the Nuristanis are mostly orthodox Sunnits, the Hazaras Shiahs, the Pashtuns accept half of Qoran and Islam and favour more their tribal culture and identity over Islam but also because many of their tribal customs are close to the Shariah but do not the Shariah self. The Pashaiys are more close to Sufis, the Paryas are more non-Muslims than Muslims...

I can't put all the blame on Pashtuns. Even If I search a video on Afghan Culture on youtube, you guys are always fighting with each other. And then both of you guys take it out on the poor Hazaras, the worst. Honestly, it's a mess.

And when I read some of the things, I am completely shocked by the ethno-facism as if the people from the same country as you are not even human.
I would like to add that the reason different people of Pakistan come together is because it is Islam that has binded us.

I don't believe Afghanistan has anything to bind all the people together.
I agree to this point. Basically afghan means pashtuns and country is named after them. Pashtuns were always rulers of afghanistan, but they are not now. So they have to give up their stance that they are majority and rest are minorities. In pakistan punjabis dont claim that they are majority and country is their first. Punjabis, pashtuns, balochs and sindhis are considered equal and basic entities of pakistan, bonded by islam. Afghanistan should follow pakistan in this, islam is unifying factor.


So PAF strikes are not accurate and are causing more damage than good?

I can't put all the blame on Pashtuns. Even If I search a video on Afghan Culture on youtube, you guys are always fighting with each other. And then both of you guys take it out on the poor Hazaras, the worst. Honestly, it's a mess.

And when I read some of the things, I am completely shocked by the ethno-facism as if the people from the same country as you are not even human.
jet bombardments can not be as precise as drones are . The bombardments have caused more civilian deaths , ask it from local people of FATA.

So PAF strikes are not accurate and are causing more damage than good?

I can't put all the blame on Pashtuns. Even If I search a video on Afghan Culture on youtube, you guys are always fighting with each other. And then both of you guys take it out on the poor Hazaras, the worst. Honestly, it's a mess.

And when I read some of the things, I am completely shocked by the ethno-facism as if the people from the same country as you are not even human.

I talk here generally about tribalism and ethnocentrism...not only about Pashtuns. Also Uzbeks, Hazaras and somehow some Tajiks are sub-tribed

So are they still happening? And how often these days?
Drones are mostly accurate. My region borders waziristan and i have come across many wazirs who have told me that drones always target the talibans and foriegners. Local spies place chip in the buildings of talibans, then drone target it. On the other hand bombardments by jets of pak air force causes heavy civilian casaulties.

They did the same when USA entered Afghanistan they gave NA stickers to stick it on their heads and roofs so they differentiate between NA and Taliban.
I agree to this point. Basically afghan means pashtuns and country is named after them. Pashtuns were always rulers of afghanistan, but they are not now. So they have to give up their stance that they are majority and rest are minorities. In pakistan punjabis dont claim that they are majority and country is their first. Punjabis, pashtuns, balochs and sindhis are considered equal and basic entities of pakistan, bonded by islam. Afghanistan should follow pakistan in this, islam is unifying factor.

jet bombardments can not be as precise as drones are . The bombardments have caused more civilian deaths , ask it from local people of FATA.

Pashtuns are a 35% minority. their fake myth of a majority was claimed by the MUSAHIBAN family without any demographical census. The political and cultural picture of Afghanistan proves it. More than 65% speak Persian as mother-tongue, ca. 22% as second language and 35% speak Pashto. In general, the more allied and united non-Pashtuns outnumber you by far more than you can imagine. Pashtuns did never ruled that country. Even during AHmad Khan Abdali the empire was ruled and administrated by Persian Qizilbashs and Persian Tajiks, by Armenians, Georgians and even Turkmen tribes-men. The Persian administrators and governeuers, the real ruler of his empire up to the time of Abdurrahman Khan when British replaced the Persians, were Qezelbash and Turkish Afshar/Bayat people. The men behind the ''kings''. They made the entire tribe of Ahmad Khan to Tajiki-speaking Sadozais, later the same happened to Mohmmadzais and Barakzaiys through their daughters and women they learned to speak Persian. After Abdurrahman Kahn the British ruled from first hand till Amanullah Khan changed the sides from Anglo-Saxons to the Russians... when did Pashtuns ruled a country? What kind of a rule was it when ''half'' (with the signing and forcing by 200000 Kohistanis on Abdurrrahman) of the Pashtun land became Pakistan or when British and later the Russians, Arabs, Pakistanis .. etc gave orders? :lol: Typical Pashtun thinking and understanding of the world. Today, US is de facto ruler. Even during the Taliban Pakistan, the Arabs and Chechens backed Taliban and kept them alive.
I talk here generally about tribalism and ethnocentrism...not only about Pashtuns. Also Uzbeks, Hazaras and somehow some Tajiks are sub-tribed
why so much hate against pashtuns?. If you were hating talibans ,it would have been understandable, but your hate extends to all pashtuns. As for as i know tajiks are genetically and to some extent culturally close to pashtuns. They share most with each other compared to rest. Extensive intermarraiges occur between tajiks and pashtuns. . As Hazaras are looked down upon (mongoloid, shias). Uzbeks have least to do with afghan identity and are distant from both groups....tajiks dont want division of afghanistan, e-tajiks of tajikam.com like u are few dozens who have grown up on westren countries and spend too much time infront of PC.
Pashtuns are a 35% minority. their fake myth of a majority was claimed by the MUSAHIBAN family without any demographical census. The political and cultural picture of Afghanistan proves it. More than 65% speak Persian as mother-tongue, ca. 22% as second language and 35% speak Pashto. In general, the more allied and united non-Pashtuns outnumber you by far more than you can imagine. Pashtuns did never ruled that country. Even during AHmad Khan Abdali the empire was ruled and administrated by Persian Qizilbashs and Persian Tajiks, by Armenians, Georgians and even Turkmen tribes-men. The Persian administrators and governeuers, the real ruler of his empire up to the time of Abdurrahman Khan when British replaced the Persians, were Qezelbash and Turkish Afshar/Bayat people. The men behind the ''kings''. They made the entire tribe of Ahmad Khan to Tajiki-speaking Sadozais, later the same happened to Mohmmadzais and Barakzaiys through their daughters and women they learned to speak Persian. After Abdurrahman Kahn the British ruled from first hand till Amanullah Khan changed the sides from Anglo-Saxons to the Russians... when did Pashtuns ruled a country? What kind of a rule was it when ''half'' (with the signing and forcing by 200000 Kohistanis on Abdurrrahman) of the Pashtun land became Pakistan or when British and later the Russians, Arabs, Pakistanis .. etc gave orders? :lol: Typical Pashtun thinking and understanding of the world. Today, US is de facto ruler. Even during the Taliban Pakistan, the Arabs and Chechens backed Taliban and kept them alive.

I wont go into discussion of demograpics of afghanistan. As for as who were real rulers of afghanistan?. Pashtuns were rulers and tajiks served their pashtun rulers and gave them their women. Same can be seen in mughal india, mughals were turks but their courts were full of iranian servants.
why so much hate against pashtuns?. If you were hating talibans ,it would have been understandable, but your hate extends to all pashtuns. As for as i know tajiks are genetically and to some extent culturally close to pashtuns. Extensive intermarraiges occur between tajiks and pashtuns. Hazaras are looked down upon. Uzbeks have least to do with afghan identity and are distant from both groups....tajiks of a dont want division of afghanistan, e-tajiks of tajikam.com like u are few dozens who have grown up on westren countries and spend too much time infront of PC.

What has facts and historical accounts to do with hatred? I tell you how history looks like and not how you like it to pleasure for you. In what extent are Pashtuns and Tajiks close? Can you please explain that to me? Now I am interested. Neither Uzbeks nor Hazaras or Tajiks want to have your fake identity that is a shameles stigmatization. The afghan identity has no culture and does not belong to any civilisation and is not related to the history of the region. What´s your problem? You really believe Tajiks do not want to live in an own state? Have you ever seen the news or have you heard about the Pashtun statue today in Afghanistan? You live in a fantasy world. Uzbeks and Tajiks are more closer culturally and historically than Tajiks and Pashtuns. That´s a fact. Pashtuns are culturally completely an allien species in the region. As I wrote some pages before Tajiks have even more to do with Indians and Panjabis (culture and history) than with Pashtuns. Just turn on the TVs of Afghanistan or visit all those Persian news-page and see how ''dozen'' are. In a future Afghaniszan Pashtuns wouldn´t live comfortable because people would call for Jihad to convert you to Islam... as you know you are either salafists or you accept half of Islam and Qoran. You are a Pakistani. You can not talk on the behalf of Tajiks. There are hundreds of lobbies and groups. Even when the western fears Afghanistan is going to desintegrate..what makes you believing Tajiks do not want a devision of backward kept and destoyed Afghanistan? Tajiks wants unification of all Tajiks... Inshallah, you will see Greatr Khorasan, from Ghazni up to Namangan. Keep dreaming your Loy Afghanistan which will become the 5th province of Pakistan and abuffer zone between India and the West and Iran and Pakistan.

Ps: visit a university in Kabul and than come here and tell me we are a ''few dozen'' or visit the fb groups :D
I wont go into discussion of demograpics of afghanistan. As for as who were real rulers of afghanistan?. Pashtuns were rulers and tajiks served their pashtun rulers and gave them their women. Same can be seen in mughal india, mughals were turks but their courts were full of iranian servants.

Wow dude, that was probably the worst thing you could have said.
LOL than why their women became Tajikispeaking? Turks invaded and conquered Turkey and turkified 98% of the population, Mughals invaded India and Persianized the population, Turks came to central asia and became Persianized, Greecs invaded Macedonia and half of the world and hellenized it ... Pashtuns came and became Persianized :D My little unlogical friend, the men behind the throne always ruled. Who gave the order to cleanse many Ghailzai tribes? Whose daughters and childfen became Tajiki-like? Your entire Mohammadzai, Popalzaiy, Yusufzaiy, Barakzai, Ahmadzia, STanikzai and their daughters and their childen.. are not by chance Persian-speakers. Pashtun Kuchis came always to Sart and Deqan families and offered their daughters and women. The Mughals like Babur had more than 72 Pashtana wifes of which 32 were Yusufzais... out of 380 wifes in general, of which most of them were Indian slaves or Rajput princesses. You wanna tell me how history worked? If you really want to know who your ancestors were read the in Afghanistan cesured Tarikhe Ahmadshahi :D the real history of Ahmad Khan Abdali. The book was written under his own nose by his own court historian. The Mohammadzai women were always gaven to Qezelbash vezirs to build ties with the elitists of the country. The real backer of ''Pashtun'' empire. The court language became Persian and so the sissies lol

Ps: it is maybe interesting to know that the pedophile nader afhshar, the Iranian king was a child molester and master of the 14years old Ahmad Khan Abdali...he was his ''boy'' which later influenced Abdali´s life...these are all written in Tarikhe Ahmadshahi!!
Guys, let's keep the "your women and daughters" out of this please.

I have a feeling it won't turn out well.
Guys, let's keep the "your women and daughters" out of this please.

I have a feeling it won't turn out well.

well, I can post references :D let´s see what works ;) the Tajik/Persianspeaking Mohammadzai kid wants to tell us how history worked.

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